Saturday, October 18, 2008

In My Wild-Assed Dreams...

In My Wildest Dreams by Kate, 10/18/08, MSN Paint
Have you ever awakened at the usual time on a Saturday morning, realized, "Hey, I really don't have to get up," but gone down to the kitchen anyway, had a couple of shots, half of a six-pack and a glass of merlot, and then snuggled back in for a little more snooze time?

Well, of course I haven't either! But if I ever had, I don't think I could possibly have conjured up a wilder dream than the one I had this morning...

There was a fall festival ('tis the season, you know), and our clogging group was going to be performing. But first there was to be a parade -- right down Market Street, starting in the vicinity of Guilford College Road. I know this, because that's where I was waiting for the festivities to begin, watching the pre-parade entertainment (perhaps superfluous, but it was a dream, ok?) on a large-screen tv. As I watched -- Oh, first, I must tell you what I was watching....

There were dancers of all genres -- including clogging, of course. Not dancing on a stage, though. No, these dancers were performing their routines from the electrical wires that run across the road. (It probably is easier on the knees and feet that way, but I had to wonder about their poor hands!)

What I realized as I was watching was that I knew where those particular wires were -- at the very next intersection, Swing Road. I simply had to move closer to the action! (Apparently there were no large, rowdy crowds to contend with, because I was there in a flash. Oh wait -- that would be the Dream Factor, wouldn't it?)

I believe I was just getting up my nerve to see if I, too, might be part of this exciting new peformance art when my husband arrived with my morning coffee. (Just in time, I might add -- My little hands haven't been able to bear my body weight since I was about eight years old!)

Maybe next time I'll just have one beer.

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