Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10/22 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

(Fireworks over Lake Shannon by Karen Branson, 7/4/02)

...If today is your birthday, you are my brother's first of the most adorable babies I've ever seen.

...If today is your birthday, your newspaper horoscope says that your social status is on the rise this year. It also says that that since you are modest and internally centered (which I think you really are), then this may not matter very much to you. But you should be prepared, because doors will open and you will be taken quite seriously. Now that sounds thrilling, no?

(Bethany Experiences a Rise in Her Social Status by Karen Branson, Summer 2002)

...If today is your birthday, it also says that you will be made privy to inside information in November. I think that means you're going to hit the jackpot as you do your annual pre-Christmas snoop for gifts that Santa brought early and hid away!

...If today is your birthday, relationship rifts should be healed in January. So for the next few months, no holds barred...Let everyone know exactly what you think of them. No need to worry...after the first of the year, everything will forgotten!

...If today is your birthday, April and August will be financially abundant. I'd start making some travel plans if I were you!

...If today is your birthday, your lucky numbers are 3 (the number of children in your family, 26 (the number of letters in the alphabet, and you know them all!), 51 (your dad's age), 40 (the number of cats you're allowed to own at one time) and 1 (you -- the Number 1 Girl -- especially on your birthday!)

...If today is your birthday, I hope it is filled with fireworks, cake, chocolate, family, friends and breadsticks!

Have a wonderful birthday, Bethany -- We love you!


Bethany said...

This is wonderful... thank you sooo much :o) The part about the 40 cats is great!

I love you!

Bethany :o)

Shadows Thoughts on Stuff said...

I do enjoy these little stories you post