Sunday, November 30, 2008

More Thanksgiving...

Hilma & Leo (Sept. 2007)
In addition to the family members whose pictures were included in my Thanksgiving post, I wanted to be sure that some of the other people whom I consider blessings in my life know how much they're appreciated.

Greg with Dawn, Kim & Deb (2007)
As a token of that appreciation, I have just spent the better part of two hours locating and uploading these photos (some of which are more than a few years old) to this blog!

Meagan & Joe Kopp (9/22/07)
I have written about how our Thanksgiving Day this year was spent with my brother, Mark, his wife Kris, and their kids -- Bethany, Tori and Kristofer -- in Mocksville. (See November 28 post, "My Thanksgiving Blog"). We also had our other family with us -- Gina, Jordyn and Taylor Gottlieb, which made it even more fun.

And while we were there, amusing ourselves by riding around on modified golf carts and dirt bikes, playing with a vast assortment of pets and then stuffing ourselves with deep-fried turkey -- and anything else that could possibly be considered necessary to complete the feast -- Greg's sister, Kim, and her daughter, Tara (who had driven up from Atlanta), were in Greensboro celebrating the day with Dawn and Ali.

Brad, who has been known to cook a turkey or two himself, was with his dad's family in Chicago this year. I don't know if he did any of the cooking, but I heard from a reliable source that he did plenty of eating.

Meagan & Dj (9/22/07)
Anyway, the Friday after Thanksgiving (a/k/a "Black Friday" in the retail world) is actually one of my favorite days of the year for reasons that have nothing at all to do with shopping. There's just something so wonderful about having gotten the house all in order for Thanksgiving, then having a nice, quiet day to enjoy it without having to go to work! (Yes, I dodged that bullet this year -- I just realized I could have been called in -- whew!)

This Friday was spent enjoying more food and fun with Dawn, Kim, Tara and Ali --who also enjoyed some shopping. Meagan, Joe and Dj were here, of course. And our wonderful, game-loving friends, Steve and Becky, joined us later in the evening for Catch Phrase and Balderdash. (If you care enough to ask who won, you'll no doubt get conflicting reports; the correct answer, however, is "Whatever team Becky and Kate were on." Always.)

Steve and Becky are not pictured here. Look for them in a future post, perhaps. Also part of our day, although not pictured, were Dawn's boyfriend, Mik, and his son Jordan. Jordan actually just showed up to eat, but we let him because he's so cute and well-behaved. Like his Dad. We love Mik and Jordan!

Greg & Meagan (9/22/07)
All of the photos you've seen so far were taken last September (2007), when my daughter, Meagan, married her Joe.

Leo & Hilma with Meagan, Dj, Kate
(hiding) & Greg (2004)

This next batch of pictures are from the magnificent Royal Carribean Cruise that Hilma and Leo treated the entire family to in the summer of 2004 -- Talk about a dream vacation! That trip shall always remain on my list of "Thankful Things!"

Deb & Lew (2004)

Kevin & Erin Richardson with Alex (2004)
Kevin is Erin's husband, and Erin is Deb and Lew's first daughter. (I won't even attempt to tell you how long Kevin and Erin have been married, but I do know that Deb and Lew recently celebrated their 36th anniversary!)

Kevin and Erin have two children now, although when we went on the cruise, there was only Alex, who just turned six in October. The picture of his sister, Natalie, who turned three a few days ago, was taken last summer at the Fischer Family Reunion in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is near where the Richardsons live.

Natalie on Daddy Kevin's shoulder (2008)

Eric & Andrea Monroe (2004)
This picture of Andrea (Deb and Lew's other daughter), with her husband, Eric, was also taken on the cruise. (Quick -- how many of you thought that spiral staircase behind them was the one that's in our front hallway?) Their son, Jackson, pictured below with their two schnauzers, wasn't on the cruise, of course. He just got here in February '08! (No schnauzers on the cruise, either.)

This might be a good time to mention that the entire Knecht branch of the family apparently loves schnauzers...Deb and Lew have one now (actually their third), and each of the girls has two. I'm not sure about the others, but I think the Monroes must be drugging theirs. C'mon -- How else did they get them to don costumes and pose for this picture?!!

Jackson Monroe & Friends (Oct. 2008)

Tara & Kim with Hilma (2004)

And now we're back to cruise pictures...

Leo & Hilma with Brad, Dawn & Ali (2004)
That concludes another chapter on People I am Thankful For. I have more people -- just no more time. Today. Stay tuned, though...

Cousins Tara & Brad (2004)
For now, I just thank God for all of you, and I thank you all for the love you've shared with me. Amen!

Note: For a larger look at any of the photos here, simply click on the pic.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My Thanksgiving Blog

Greg, summer 2008, Lake Shannon (by Karen Branson)

God, our Heavenly Father, this day after Thanksgiving, the blessings in my life for which I am most grateful include, but are not limited to, the people in these photographs...

First, Father, I give you thanks for my wonderful husband (and featured photographer), Greg.

Then I thank you for my brother, Mark, his wife, Kris and their wonderful family; I thank them for sharing their bounty with us. I thank you, also, that Gina, Taylor and Jordyn were able to share the day with us. (As Taylor once said in all her youthful wisdom, "We are family because we're used to each other.")

Of course, Father, I am eternally grateful for all of the other members of our family -- the ones not pictured here -- and for all of our friends. Thank you, also, for the indescribable beauty which you have created for us on this earth. And thank you, Father, for the great and merciful love you have for all of us.

Now, the day in pictures, in no particular order. Oh, what the hell -- there's no order here whatsoever. Here are the pictures...

(Top) Cousins: Beth, Kristofer, Tori, Dj, Meagan. (Center) Kristofer, Tori, Dj.

(Below, left) Mark with Taylor and Jordyn. (Right) Jordyn.

(Above left) Tori, Beth and Jerry

(Right) Gina with Jordyn

(Below) Dj and Kristofer)

(Below left) Dj with Taylor. (Right) Kris and Joe

(Below) Kate and Mark

All photographs by Greg Fischer, Mocksville, NC, 11/28/08.

Blogging in the Chapel

"INRI" by Kate, 11/28/08 (MSN Paint)

I never realized it...

I never really imagined;

It necessitates real introspection.

I need religious inspiration.

I nervously recoil inside;

imagine never receiving it.

In nightly reflections, I

imagine nails ripping into

Innocence. Nothing remains irreconcilable.

Indeed, none remain insensate.

Ignonimous, necessary ransom. Impressive.

I never realized it...

I never really imagined.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to Natalie

Natalie Elizabeth Richardson with Daddy Kevin, Grand Rapids, Mich., July 2008 (by Kate)

This is the picture of Natalie I had wanted to use in her mother's birthday blog yesterday; however, yesterday was one of those days when I couldn't find my right index finger if my hand was in my pocket. I don't know about you, but I think it's cute enough to merit its own post, anyway. It was taken last summer at the Fischer Family Reunion in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Happy Birthday, Natalie. I hope you have lots of fun with your mommy and daddy and your awesome big brother!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If Today is YOUR Birthday...

Kevin & Erin Richardson, Alex and Natalie, with Grandma Deb (holding Natalie)
Back Row -- Mik and Grandpa Lew, Grand Rapids, MI, Summer 2008, by Greg

...If today is your birthday, then you are special because you are the very first niece I ever had -- Erin!

...If today is your birthday, then your daughter, Natalie, has a birthday tomorrow, and Alex (her brother) had his on October 6. (So Alex and Natalie get to share your birthday blog.)

...If today is your birthday, I can remember how totally awesome it was to visit you for the first time after your mom and dad brought you home to your apartment -- how overwhelming it felt to hold you. You were so beautiful and smart...You set the bar pretty high for the rest of the kids that would follow, you know!

...If today is your birthday, I remember more of your "babyhood" than I do of your later years...only because we moved so far away while you were young. But those are wonderful times for me to remember...

...If today is your birthday, you were more like a big sister than a cousin to Meagan, who came along two years after you arrived. We all did so many things together...But I especially remember getting the two of you (and later, after Andrea came along, three of you) dressed up like little dolls and taking you to K-Mart or J.C. Penney, trying to get you to smile at the same time for the camera. (I guess I remember so well because we have plenty of photographic evidence!)

...If today is your birthday, I'm so glad that we are the kind of family that doesn't let geographical distance create emotional distance; that through visits, phone calls and exchanged photographs, we've been able to somewhat keep track of you and your sister as you grew -- even though we were no longer able to get together every weekend.

...If today is your birthday, I've been privileged to watch you grow from a bright, precocious toddler to a beautiful, compassionate young woman. It was such a pleasure to be there when you married Kevin, and now, to be able to share a little bit in your life as a young, growing family, thanks to e-mail and photographs...

Below: Alex (w/Papa Leo), Right: Alex comforting Natalie, July, 2008 (by Greg)

...If today is your birthday, I know you are the very best kind of teacher -- the kind who truly loves the children who are lucky enough to be placed in your care. And I know that your own two precious children are blessed indeed to have you for their mom!

...If today is your birthday, then I hope the day brings you just much fun as those childhood birthdays that I remember so well. (Although I'm sure that celebrating Natalie's tomorrow will be even more fun for you!)

Happy Birthday, Erin! We love you!

(Note: I tried -- I really tried -- to get the typing between the two photos at the bottom to show up below the photos. Trust me, Readers -- the appearance of this post bothers me more than it bothers you!)

Monday, November 24, 2008

11/25 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Some of the Moa Boas: (l-r) Hilda, Julie, Leslie, Helen
Blowing Rock, NC, 11/2/08 (by Kate)
(We missed you, Carol!)

...If today is your birthday, then you are a member of that fortunate group of friends who call themselves the Moa Boas.

...If today is your birthday, then you may, in fact, be the one they call the "Keeper of the Flame."

...If today is your birthday, then I believe that whole "let's-go-to-the-cemetary-after-dark" idea was yours!

(Hilda, Kate & "georgepembly")

(Ok, bringing the skeleton was my idea. But you started it!)

...If today is your birthday, the seed of our friendship was planted during ladies' tennis on Wednesday nights at Hamilton Lakes. (Can that really have been more than two or three years ago?!!!)

...If today is your birthday, that little seed blossomed into what is now our special moa boa garden -- a bunch of vibrantly colored flowers which do okay in their own pots, but which, if they are to truly thrive and flourish, must be planted in close proximity to each other!.

...If today is your birthday, then you are one of the people I am most grateful to have in my life, and I look forward to all of our times together with happy anticipation!

...If today is your birthday, I hope it will be filled with all of the things you love. Have a wonderful birthday, Hilda!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Mom Dream

Mom/Gramma Rose (center) with Meagan and Kate, Thanksgiving 2000 (by Greg)

I know that I have mentioned my dad several times in this blog; my mom, not so much. Probably because Mom has been gone a lot longer -- almost eight years now. I guess I'm just used to her being on the inside of me now, instead of on the outside. (We're all still getting used to Dad's new place.)

This picture was taken on our last Thanksgiving with Mom. She died the following February. I had a another dream about her last week. (Interestingly, I dream about Mom a lot, but I have yet to have a dream about my dad. I wonder why.)

I wrote down what I could remember of my dream, because I felt like it was important. Unfortunately, although I remember feeling that it made sense in the context of what had happened that day, I can no longer remember what that was. Also, the words I wrote on that little yellow slip of paper are doing nothing for me at this point as far as re-creating my dream. I wrote:

Mom. Crowded shopping, My purse $3.00, Hold Mom's expensive purse, Bathroom.

Honestly, I haven't got a clue!

Well, actually, there are a few clues here -- clues to the way I perceived my mom anyway...Shopping was one of our favorite things to do together. Most of the dreams I have about Mom involve shopping. So this trip involved crowded shopping conditions. (I do remember that it was some sort of an outdoor market, and I remember that that made sense when I first awakened. Alas, not any more.)

I must have had $3.00 in my purse. Typical. But I probably thought I had more. (In fact, I'm probably still convinced that there's a $20 bill safely tucked away in some forgotten compartment, just waiting to be discovered.) But maybe, together with the next part about holding Mom's expensive purse, the $3.00 notation simply means that my purse was cheap by comparison -- like $3.00 on sale. (I have bought purses in the $3.00 price range, while Mom's tastes -- in purses as in everything else -- tended to be a little more expensive.)

Clearly, then, Mom asked me hold her expensive purse while she went to the bathroom. Or maybe I went to the bathroom. I seem to remember being in the bathroom at this open-air market. I also remember Mom's purse. I thought it was ugly, being made of four different kinds of leather that didn't really go together. Expensive leather, but not attractive. (She probably got her purse on sale, too. But she would have paid at least $10.00.)

Well, if you're still reading at this point, were you hoping that in writing about my dream, I would come to some sort of an Oprah Ah-ha Moment that would explain it all? Me too. Apparently that's not gonna happen. (Sigh. Maybe I'll have another Mom dream soon.)


Thanksgiving (and the start of that whole Holiday Season thing) is a big time for missing our loved ones who live on the inside, even as we stress out about getting together with the ones who still live on the outside. I guess that's human nature -- the stress part, I mean. We'll be with my brother Mark and his family. My Michigan sisters and brother -- and our step-mom/friend, Betty, will be with us, too, because we'll be together in missing Mom and Dad. Maybe we'll have a chance to share some of our memories over the telephone.

This Thanksgiving -- our first without Dad -- is going to be a sad one. But I know there'll be laughter, too. And I know Mom and Dad will be with all of us, in Michigan and North Carolina. They can do that when they live on the inside, you know.

When I'm ready, I may write an entire week's worth of posts about my Mom. Things I remember about our times together, dreams I've had, conversations I continue to have with her. I have pages and pages of journal entries to which I can refer. For now, though, I just wish I could hear the back door open, catch a whiff of her perfume (her most recent favorite was Pleasures), hear her footsteps and her soft voice saying, "Hello? Anybody home?)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Training Day

Dj "training," Archdale NC, by Greg, 11/07

No, not that kind of training! (But cool picture, anyway.)

Today was my first official day of training at Barnes & Noble. I had a very nice time there...


(1) The management team members -- at least the ones I've met so far -- appear to be very calm and laid back. For example, the training manager whom I was told to see this morning seemed completely unflustered that I had arrived a few minutes early, making it necessary for him to step outside and meet me before he could let me in. (He even said it was good that I was early -- And yes, I did sit up just a little bit taller as I typed that.)

Training Manager also seemed not the least perturbed that the interviewing manager -- the one who had told me to come in this morning and ask for Training Manager -- was so laid back, he hadn't even bothered to tell Training Manager that I was coming in. The only data poor Training Manager had were the words "Katherine" and "training" on his calendar! He couldn't have been more gracious, though, as he put me into the System. He even gave me the secret code to the Staff Only room that's back beside the ladies room. (Don't even ask, because I am not going to tell you!)

Laid-back and easy-going are nice, I think. I believe I'm going to like working with those guys. (Naturally, I hope that Interview Manager will eventually get my name right.)

(2) The other people who work there are all very friendly and helpful. Of course I already knew that from numerous encounters I 've had with them as a customer. I think it's because they're happy. Everyone knows it's easier to be nice when we're happy, right? Maybe they're happy because Barnes & Noble is such a great place to work. (It certainly appears to be.) But I think they're probably happy because they love books. Who wouldn't be happy if their job involved being surrounded by something that they love?!!

(3) Something that I have always believed to be true -- that if one can read, one can learn anything that one desires, can access whatever information one needs -- has been proven to me beyond question throughout this training process. Although I have yet to log in one hour of actual work, I have now spent close to five hours learning B&N's practices and procedures by reading their manuals. How lost I would have been if the gift of reading had not been nurtured in me by my parents from the time I was an infant! Thank you Mom and Dad. (I think I can truthfully say that reading is one gift I have never taken for granted.)

(4) Customers at Barnes & Noble are, for the most part, nice, friendly people. Happy people. Probably for the same reason the people who work there are.

(5) Shoe choice is important, of course. But perhaps even more important is sock choice. One should not wear socks with seams across the toes if one is going to be standing up for five hours. I'm not complaining about standing, mind you. I find standing for five hours highly preferable to sitting at a desk for five hours. I'm just saying that I'm going to have to learn some new "stocking" techniques. (Not to be confused with "shelving" techniques, which I understand is to be part of my job, eventually.)

So that was my first Training Day. I have another one on Friday. Friday's should be more "hands-on" -- hands on the cash register, that is! (But hopefully still laid-back and friendly, of course.) I brought my training manual home so I can actually rehearse my lines..."Will you be saving 10% by using your Membership Discount Card? What? No?!!! Well, do you wanna?" (Hey -- Cash Register Manager said there's no actual script, ok?)

Jordyn Can Read

Jordyn reading a book, 11/18/08, by Greg

Oh look.

Jordyn can read.

Jordyn can read to Kate.

Jordyn reading to Kate, 11/18/08

Kate is messy.

Kate spilled coffee on her shirt.

Funny, Funny Kate.

See Jordyn multi-task.

Jordyn can read and play.

Jordyn can read and write.

Jordyn can read and color.

See Jordyn watch TV and read.

Jordyn can read and watch TV and talk.

Jordyn likes to sing and read.

See Jordyn lead an imaginary choir and read.

Oh look. Jordyn can read a book.

Jordyn says,

"See Baby Sally...Hey! I like the way they all have yellow hair!"

Jordyn is smart.

Jordyn is funny.

Kate loves Jordyn.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Doctor Blog

Happy Doctor by Kate, 11/18/08 (MSN Paint)

Note: The title of this post is not intended to convey that I am particularly happy -- just Dr. Pulmonologist. Oh, I'm not unhappy... It's just that for me, it was kind of a good news/bad news visit yesterday...
First, the good news: The low dose of prednisone (20 mg) that I've been taking for about a month has apparently done some good. I told the doctor that I suspected as much, having noticed that I was not coughing and choking on my words as frequently as I had been. He confirmed this by listening to my breathing sounds with his stethoscope.
Also in the good news category; I compared the readings on the oxygen monitor that my Best Friend Leslie loaned me (her mother's) with those on Dr. Pulmonologist's monitor, and they matched -- both when I was sitting still, and when I was being "walked" by the nurse. Oh -- and this time my oxygen level did not drop below 91, which was very good news!
Best of all, Dr. Pulmonologist says that I can resume clogging, perhaps with a little more vigor than my shuffloggoing involved -- as long as my oxygen level doesn't drop below 90. (I had been using 95 as the point at which I needed to stop, so that's good news indeed.)
Now for the bad news, but first I have to admit that it might not (indeed, probably won't) be as bad as I'm anticipating -- remember, I'm the one who always expects the worse so as not to be unpleasantly surprised...The bad news is that we're going to increase my dosage of the dreaded prednisone. I'm to take 30 mg until I run out (about three days), and then up it to 40 mg. That being the case, happy though he was, Dr. Pulmonologist warned me that I shall now most likely become fat and puffy -- at least for a while. (Yes, he actually used the word "puffy," although he didn't specifically call me a Prednisone Puff, which I thought showed good manners.)
I suppose the increased dosage also means an increased chance of other undesirable side effects, but most of those will probably be long-term. Hopefully, by the time they manifest themselves, I will have forgotten that I ever was on the darn stuff.
So there you have it. Improvement is good. Prednisone is scary. However, it is apparently working, and I still trust Dr. Pulmonologist. And for now, he is happy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Brother Blog

Mark (left) and Jason, Michigan, circa 1973.

I have two brothers. Two very cute, very funny brothers, whom I love beyond all logical explanation. They don't do anything to earn my love. I simply adore them because they are mine. (Hey, doesn't that sounds like something God might say? Cool!)

Actually, I feel the same way about my sisters and my kids. My friends and my husband, too -- except my husband has to work for it sometimes.

Anyway, I love my brothers, and I don't see them often enough. Jason lives in Michigan now, but even when he lived in North Carolina I didn't see him enough. Same with my friends and my sisters. (I must say, however -- and I say it with a great deal of affection -- that I do see my husband as much as my heart desires.) Unfortunately, we just somehow let ourselves get too busy, and our priorities get out of whack. Even though Mark is only about 45 minutes away in Mocksville, we can't seem to get together more than a few times a year!

Of course whenever Dad would visit us in North Carolina (both before he moved here from Michigan, and after he moved back), it would be one great big orgy of brotherly love and revelry. That's when the funny would come in. Sometimes I would laugh so hard at those boys, I would be in physical pain. Ah, I miss those times -- almost as much as I miss Mom and Dad. (Sigh.)

As a matter of fact, the last time we laughed so hard was the day before my Dad's funeral in January. We were all together at Karen's house, going through old photographs, letting the memories begin to work their healing. (Take, for example, the picture of Mark and Jason above -- Can't you just see how much Jason adores his big brother -- and vice versa?) Before long, we were all outside in the freezing cold setting up a re-shoot. Look...

Mark (left) and Jason, Lake Shannon, January 2008.

Can't you just see how much Jason adores his big brother -- and vice versa?

Yep. I love my brothers. This is the month of Thanksgiving, and they are two of the blessings I will be counting next week!

11/17 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

...If today is your birthday, then you are my Best Friend Leslie's husband, John. (You are also my friend.)

...If today is your birthday, then many of the wonderful times I've shared with Leslie, I've also shared with you...The beach trips, the card games, the parties, dinners out and dinners in, mountain climbing (and there are very few people with whom I can say I've shared that experience!), trips to Carowinds with the kids...The list goes on, but I'm making myself tired!

...If today is your birthday, we've all grown up together. Our family has been blessed by knowing your family. You are an example of the best kind of father, husband and friend.

...If today is your birthday, we are wishing you a day that is full of all of the things you love (including some candy corn), and not too many of the things you don't love.

Have a wonderful birthday, John. We are grateful to have you in our lives!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Random Acts of Art

Note: This blog includes graphic content...

Sometimes it seems like I just don't have enough stuff to do. Do you know what I mean? Oh, of course at any given time, there are dozens of things I should be doing. That's not what I'm talking about...

No, what I'm talking about are the times when, you know -- perhaps I just finished cleaning up the kitchen and I'm not in the mood to sit down and read a book -- or knit. (Or, do I even have to say it -- catch up on office work!) There's probably nothing good on tv...Dusting, vacuuming, and the like are out of the question, of course...Hello! I said I just finished cleaning the kitchen!

In the past, such times would have found me with my clogging shoes on, cue sheet in hand, trying to commit to memory the latest addition to my ever growing repertoire of fun, fantastic performance numbers. However [deep, self-pitying sigh here], I can no longer partake in such delights with reckless abandon -- that pesky blood oxygen level, you know. Having to pace myself makes the dancing seem like not quite so much fun sometimes. (Only during my rare moments of self-pity, though. Please forgive me for same.)

Of course blogging's always fun, but -- brace yourselves for this -- sometimes I just don't have anything to talk about!

Those are the times when I do stuff like this...

This one is called "Night." I can't remember when it was done, but I know that Jordyn, my most willing little partner-in-crime, contributed.

This one, called "Colorwash," was all mine (I think).

A Jordyn/Kate collaboration entitled "Colormess."

Of course my favorite one is the first one -- "Quilt." Jordyn was my inspiration*, but I did all the work myself. (And the time I filled up was strictly my own.)
So if I haven't said it before, I'm saying it now: There is absolutely no excuse for being, at all times, a Productive, Hard-Working, Whirlwind-Producing, Over-Achieving Member of Society. (Unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing; in which case, be my guest!)

*I was watching her as she played with some colorful little cubes I bought years ago in an educational book store. Their intended purpose, I believe, is to help children learn math techniques. We've always just used them for times when we don't have enough stuff to do. We make wonderful patterns with them.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Girl I Love...

Right: Avery, around 3 years old, Lake Shannon, by Karen Branson

Have I told you about my niece, Avery? She turned 13 in July, which was before I began blogging, so she has yet to be honored with a birthday tribute (although her mother, Melissa, was immortalized by me on October 27)...Of course Avery has been the subject of her mother's blog, which I've referenced here before:

Strange, though, that I haven't mentioned her, since she has been the subject of so many of my e-mails and conversations through the years...

Avery is remarkable for many things; it's hard to know where to begin. I think I'll start with her most recent accomplishment: An almost perfect report card for the first semester of 8th grade. Pretty cool for any kid, right? But wait...Did I mention that this was Avery's first semester of school -- ever?! Avery was homeschooled, along with her older brother, Alex, right up until two weeks after the school year began this fall. How difficult that must have been -- not only being the new kid in the class, but arriving two weeks late for the party!!

I won't take it upon myself, however, to detail all the events leading up to Avery's first day of school, or the hard work she took upon herself so that she would not only fit in, but would excel...Her mom has already done that. I'm just the proud, rather awe-struck aunt who loves her and rejoices in her every accomplishment.

And speaking of Avery's accomplishments...

Avery & JT, Michigan horseshow, 2008, by Melissa Wagner

She is a multiple-award-winning equestrienne with a huge passion for horses. In fact, Avery is passionate about all animals. She and her brother have had countless pets all of their lives -- dogs, cats, rabbits, horses. The care and nurturing of their creatures has been a huge part of their "unschooling." They've learned lessons which I doubt are part of the curriculum in most classrooms.

Avery is an amazingly well-rounded young woman. Besides her family and her horses, the great love of her life is reading; and she has received an education well beyond her years from books. She is a faith-filled, compassionate girl, who radiates beauty from the inside out. I have often said that she is so sweet, it makes my teeth hurt to look at her. (Ok. Maybe not often; but I have said it!)

There are a few Avery stories that I treasure for the way they always make me smile...

...Avery at three years old, after her family birthday party at Aunt Karen's. We were cleaning up, taking down the crepe paper and balloons. I had just pulled down the large Happy Birthday banner from over the doorway, when there she stood in front of me with her huge brown eyes and shiny hair. She simply said, "Aunt Tate, you tatin' my pawty."

...Avery at five, spending a few nights here in Greensboro with her mom and brother. She couldn't sleep, and she wanted me to rock her. Touched to the quick, I rocked her in a chair by the window and just gazed at her moonlit face. (I don't remember her actually falling asleep in my arms -- her gift was simply to let me hold her.)

...Once Avery speculated to her mom how cool it would be if I lived upstairs in their house. Her imagination wasn't the least bit dampened when her mother pointed out that they don't have an upstairs. She asked Alex, "Alex, if Aunt Kate lived upstairs, would you go and visit her?" (Alex said, "Well, yes!")

I'm sure I'll have other occasions to blog about Avery -- and Alex. But today I'm just thinking about things...people...I'm thankful for. Avery is one of them.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Little Girls -- A Haiku and a Limerick

Meagan (right) with Jackie White, Metamora, MI, circa 1980

Oh, tiny biddies,

What captures your attention?

Perhaps a kitten?


Or is it the dog

Nipping at the horse's heels?

(She'd better be quick!)


What are you saying...

Planning the afternoon meal?

A trip to the mall?


Must be serious,

Whatever holds you captive --

So big; you, so small!


There once were two little lasses

So young, they went not to classes;

But spent, rather, their day

Plotting their play.

(They basically sat on their asses.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11/12 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Jordyn in the Leaves, 11/9/08 (by Greg Fischer)

...If today is your birthday, then you are my Sunshine, Greg's Moochie, Jordyn Paige Gottlieb...and you are six years old!

...If today is your birthday, I first saw you, along with your Grandma Janet, when you were less than two hours old. I was awestruck, and afraid to hold you then.

...If today is your birthday, I finally did hold you later in the day, and that's when I fell in love with you!

...If today is your birthday, then you and your sister, Taylor, have brought more fun and laughter -- and chaos -- into our home than I would ever have imagined; now I know that's what it must be like to have grandchildren. (That's why I call you my imaginary granddaughter.)

...If today is your birthday, I have known you since infancy, I have loved you as if you were my own (calling you my inner child), and I have spoiled you beyond hope -- just ask your mom and dad. (Warning: I see no way of stopping now.)

...If today is your birthday, some days I fear I may not have enough energy to keep up with you...enough imagination to think of new projects to excite you...enough patience to indulge your every fleeting whim. But when I don't see you for more than a day, there's an empty place inside of me that only you can fill!

...If today is your birthday -- your 6th birthday -- this is a very exciting time for you. You are in kindergarten now, and are learning so much so quickly. It is thrilling for me to watch your love for books turn into true joy as you discover that you are actually able to read the words on the pages! I love it when you pull your papers out of your folder, one at a time, giving me time to exclaim over each one, knowing that I truly appreciate all of your efforts.

...If today is your birthday, I hope there are some wonderful surprises in store for you, my Sunshine. You are the best part of every day for me!

Happy Birthday Jordyn -- you know how much we love you!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

For Janet

Janet with Taylor and Jordyn, 11/12/02 (by Greg)

Today is Janet's birthday. Janet was my friend for about six months (not long enough). She is the grandmother of Taylor and Jordyn. Today she would be 57 years old. Hard to believe she's been gone for almost six years...
The first time I met Janet was at Taylor's third birthday party, but I didn't really get to know her until almost two years later, when I began taking care of Taylor while her parents worked. Janet was struggling with cancer by then, and she confessed that at first she thought I was trying to take over as "Grandma." (I was able to make her see that I was only looking for a playmate.)
Taylor was a fascinating child, and it didn't take long for her to completely win my heart. Janet was going back and forth between New York and Greensboro, juggling her own needs with those of her growing family here; her second grandchild was going to be born in a few months!
It was Taylor who first got Janet and I together...One of the things Taylor loved to do was to paint pottery, and The Mad Platter was one of our favorite hangouts. (Oh, the hours and dollars I spent watching that child paint multi-colored swatches on little animal figurines!) It was only natural that she would want Grandma to join us on one of these excursions, and that's when we discovered that we shared other passions besides Taylor...
How I treasure those times of painting and conversation, interrupted only occasionally when one of us had to stop and find another "victim" for Taylor's brush. When Janet had to return to New York for treatments, we kept our conversations going via e-mail. She would write me funny messages about projects she was working on, and her quest to find the right products. My favorite story is about how, wanting to replicate a frog from a birth announcement onto a plate that would be presented to the parents, she purchased a rubber stamp of a frog. But unlike the one on the announcement, this one had no lips. Apparently during one of her restless nighttime forays into the world of creativity, she used an exacto knife to carve lips on her stamp. She was amazed to discover her handiwork the following morning, having no recollection of her knife-wielding escapade during the night!
Once, Janet expressed frustration at not being able to find an item she wanted to paint at a pottery place in New York. She described it as being one of those places where they had the typical Catholic and Jewish religious chotchkies, but little else. I think I must have been having a late night experience myself when I read that message, because I was inspired to create this little work of art...
Pope on a Menorah by Kate, 2002
For the most part, though, my messages to Janet were journals of my time with Taylor. I told her about all of the wonderful, amazing, brilliant, funny things her little prodigy had done, and she told me that I was her lifeline. She provided me with an eager outlet for endless stories about my favorite subject...We were a match made in heaven!
Janet herself was wonderful, amazing, brilliant and funny. She was gone before our friendship had a chance to fully bloom, yet I feel like it still continues. I know she is here, just in a different way.
Happy Birthday, my friend. Thank you for all the ways you enriched my life during the short time you were in it. And thank you for entrusting your beautiful family to us. We will always be there for them -- for you-- in any way that we can...