Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Girl I Love...

Right: Avery, around 3 years old, Lake Shannon, by Karen Branson

Have I told you about my niece, Avery? She turned 13 in July, which was before I began blogging, so she has yet to be honored with a birthday tribute (although her mother, Melissa, was immortalized by me on October 27)...Of course Avery has been the subject of her mother's blog, which I've referenced here before:

Strange, though, that I haven't mentioned her, since she has been the subject of so many of my e-mails and conversations through the years...

Avery is remarkable for many things; it's hard to know where to begin. I think I'll start with her most recent accomplishment: An almost perfect report card for the first semester of 8th grade. Pretty cool for any kid, right? But wait...Did I mention that this was Avery's first semester of school -- ever?! Avery was homeschooled, along with her older brother, Alex, right up until two weeks after the school year began this fall. How difficult that must have been -- not only being the new kid in the class, but arriving two weeks late for the party!!

I won't take it upon myself, however, to detail all the events leading up to Avery's first day of school, or the hard work she took upon herself so that she would not only fit in, but would excel...Her mom has already done that. I'm just the proud, rather awe-struck aunt who loves her and rejoices in her every accomplishment.

And speaking of Avery's accomplishments...

Avery & JT, Michigan horseshow, 2008, by Melissa Wagner

She is a multiple-award-winning equestrienne with a huge passion for horses. In fact, Avery is passionate about all animals. She and her brother have had countless pets all of their lives -- dogs, cats, rabbits, horses. The care and nurturing of their creatures has been a huge part of their "unschooling." They've learned lessons which I doubt are part of the curriculum in most classrooms.

Avery is an amazingly well-rounded young woman. Besides her family and her horses, the great love of her life is reading; and she has received an education well beyond her years from books. She is a faith-filled, compassionate girl, who radiates beauty from the inside out. I have often said that she is so sweet, it makes my teeth hurt to look at her. (Ok. Maybe not often; but I have said it!)

There are a few Avery stories that I treasure for the way they always make me smile...

...Avery at three years old, after her family birthday party at Aunt Karen's. We were cleaning up, taking down the crepe paper and balloons. I had just pulled down the large Happy Birthday banner from over the doorway, when there she stood in front of me with her huge brown eyes and shiny hair. She simply said, "Aunt Tate, you tatin' my pawty."

...Avery at five, spending a few nights here in Greensboro with her mom and brother. She couldn't sleep, and she wanted me to rock her. Touched to the quick, I rocked her in a chair by the window and just gazed at her moonlit face. (I don't remember her actually falling asleep in my arms -- her gift was simply to let me hold her.)

...Once Avery speculated to her mom how cool it would be if I lived upstairs in their house. Her imagination wasn't the least bit dampened when her mother pointed out that they don't have an upstairs. She asked Alex, "Alex, if Aunt Kate lived upstairs, would you go and visit her?" (Alex said, "Well, yes!")

I'm sure I'll have other occasions to blog about Avery -- and Alex. But today I'm just thinking about things...people...I'm thankful for. Avery is one of them.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow! Ave's gonna love this one! So do I. You rock. Thanks for just being Tate.