Monday, February 20, 2017

Guided Imagery: Where I Try to Explain Something I Know Nothing About

I had heard of guided imagery, or read about it in a magazine. I probably thought That sounds interesting. I'll have to look into that. Then I must have pinned it on my mind's Pinterest board, along with the many other things I'm going to do once I've knitted all my yarn and sewed all my fabric and read all my books.

Then a friend reached out to let me know that she has had years of experience and success with the technique. She thought it might be helpful to me.

Two things you should know, in case you don't already: (1) I thrive on anxiety and turmoil. I have an endless hunger, which causes me to seek out the Worry in every situation; and (2) I am in now the process of being evaluated, prior to--I think I hope--being placed on the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) list for a lung transplant. A fact guaranteed to keep my Worry tank full to overflowing for the rest of my life. I need help.

Yesterday, over the phone, my friend explained how Guided Imagery works. She told me about it in a way that made me eager to try. Two things stuck with me from our conversation--I would have a special "Guide," and I would learn to visualize outcomes that are desirable to me. I was in my room as we were speaking, and I looked up at the painting of The Sacred Heart of Jesus on the wall. Such a beautiful, kind face. I knew Jesus would be my guide.

But this morning, I learned that it wasn't up to me to consciously choose a guide. One would make itself known to me. We began with Martha softly talking me into a very relaxed state--perhaps the most relaxed I have ever felt in my life, at least while I'm awake. Then she told me to picture myself in a place where I feel safe and comfortable...happy. I tried to conjure a little cottage in an English garden, when suddenly I saw the swing in my sister Melissa's flower garden. How many times since she's been gone have I pictured myself sitting there with her on a sunny summer morning, drinking coffee, talking and laughing like we used to during our trips to Michigan? That was definitely my place. Can you guess what came next?

Martha then had me imagine my Guide arriving. I cried when I saw her, and I'm crying now, as I'm telling you this...Melissa came walking across the lawn and sat down beside me on the swing. I then attempted, with guidance, to imagine how she acted when she saw me. She had a smug little smile, because she knew she was surprising me. I heard her voice--her calm, beautiful, voice--saying "Don't worry, silly. Everything is going to be all right." She had many occasions to tell me that when we talked. Of course, Missy is my guide for this journey. That I hadn't thought of it myself surprises me. That she chose to come to me delights me. I feel better now about taking this trip with my sister.

The View from Missy's Swing