Saturday, May 30, 2009

5/31 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

...If today is your birthday, believe me when I say that I have had an absolute ball going through old photographs, trying to find this specific one!


Jane Abruzzo and Kate Fischer, circa 1980, modeling their $9.00 After-the-Prom Sale dresses. (To give credit where credit is due, I lifted the quotes from my Anne Traintor "2009 Engagement Calendar.)


...If today is your birthday, you and Tony were such a huge part of Greg's and my Early Years that, no matter how infrequently we see each other now, we will always think of you as The Best Friends!


...If today is your birthday, there were not too many life-changing events that the four of us did not share; that much is evident from the ones we apparently considered "photo ops." (Okay, so we weren't at each others' weddings, but that's about it...For everything that followed, we were there!) In fact...


...If today is your birthday, Our Memorable Moments With the Abruzzos would be a pretty sizable volume...if only my memory were better! (Don't worry...I wasn't going to blog about everything, anyway!)


...If today is your birthday, what I do remember well -- and still love -- is your wonderful laugh! (We must have been very funny back then, because I can remember a lot of laughing!) Of course one of my favorite "Jane's Laugh" events was the day before you had Gina...Do you remember Meagan sitting on Greg's lap, driving all over Dryden's washboard trails, hoping to induce your labor? (I know it didn't happen until many hours later, but that was some pretty productive laughing you did that day!)


...If today is your birthday, as I'm reliving the past, I realize that what I wrote earlier about being privy to all of each others' "life-changing events" was unequivocally true -- I can think of absolutely nothing that was fun or sad or exciting or uneventful or dangerous or exciting or scary or boring or uplifiting or fulfilling or -- well, whatever -- without thinking of you! You were such a big part of it all, that I can't believe I've survived our fateful separation -- which was pretty life-changing in itself! (I can remember that at the time, I wasn't really sure that I would survive!)


...If today is your birthday, of course survive we did...and even went on to create some more memorable, significant (and unsignificant) events...Remember that first time we came home -- unannounced -- to visit, and enlisted Bev to help us sneak up into your bedroom while you were showing off Brand-New-Baby Liz in your basement. (Alas, my failing memory doesn't let me recall why you were keeping her in the basement. Oh well...) It seems like Greg, Meagan and I were stuck there, giggling in excited anticipation of being dis-covered, for hours before Bev finally persuaded you to give her a tour of The Townhouse! (And Liz, if you're reading this, that's what I remember of the first time I ever laid eyes on you...You were only weeks old, yet they still let me hold you!)


...If today is your birthday, I almost can't believe I'm brazen enough to dump a "Birthday Blog" on you, when I haven't even sent you a card in years! But I am so looking forward to another trip to Michigan in the coming months, and I just wanted you to remember, too...before we get together to share some more Moments -- and laughter -- Please let there be lots of that, too!

Happy Birthday, Jane!

We'll Love you Forever!

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Monogram Camera

K is for Kathleen, a rose is a Rose and F is for Fischer, Kate's LRDC, May 2009

Have I mentioned my Little Red Digital Camera -- the one my kids and my kid-in-law gave me for Christmas?

Well, now that we've spent enough time together for our friendship to become intimate in nature, I would like to announce that my LRDC has officially become my latest Obession. I like to have it with me at all times. Together, we have snapped hundreds of photographs -- flowers, branches, shadows, kids -- and clouds. I especially love taking pictures of clouds.* (I'm pretty sure there will be a "Cloud Photo" blog in the near future, even though my Awesome Husband Greg thinks that's a boring subject.)

Anyway, for now I just wanted to show you how we've "memorialized" my initials.

*Secretly, I'm hoping that one day, as I'm getting a shot of a particularly ominous-looking storm cloud, a funnel will actually form and drop insidiously to the earth, suddenly growing fat and dark with all the stuff swirling around its vortex. Then I'll calmly switch to "movie mode" on my LRDC and capture it all on film -- er, I mean -- what?...digits, I guess. (And I won't be one of those storm-chasers who repeatedly yells, "Oh my God! Oh my God!" as I shoot. Mine will be a silent movie.) Watch for it!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ok...But Just this Once! - Customize and Share your images
Meagan as a Tutu, 5/18/09, by Kate (MSN Paint and GlitterFly)


You're a tutu.

OK. I guess I'm getting kind of tired of glitter now. That stuff really makes a mess when you spill it. Why, it's almost even too much for Grandma's Secret Spot Remover!

(But really, thanks for humoring me.)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Why I Will Never Make you a Tutu... - Customize and Share your images
"Sparkling Tutu," 5/17/09, by Kate (MSN Paint and

...Besides the fact that you are not a ballerina, I mean...

No, the real reason I will never make you a tutu is that after two full months of working in My Very Own Fabric Store, I have finally come across something that I do not enjoy about that job, and it is something that involves tulle! (You know -- that light but scratchy net-like fabric that is used in the making of tutus?)

Oh, it's not the tulle itself that I dislike; in fact, I rather enjoy seeing that rainbow array of bolts on display in "Special Occasion" fabrics. My mother even made me a tutu once, when I was about five years old. I wish I still had that tutu -- It had little red rosebuds on it, and was ever so beautiful! I do remember going a little nuts, though, about all that scratching around my tummy. If I ever wear another tutu, I'll be sure that my underpants come up to my ribcage. And of course someone else will have to make it. But I digress...

My most recent encounter with tulle was definitely not the stuff of fond reminiscenses. There was no itching involved, but I must confess to some bitching (strictly the under-my-breath kind, of course)!

You see, one day when I was not working in MVOFS, a Very Nice Customer came in and purchased some fabric for a Special Occasion. Three different fabrics, in fact, all in the same lovely shade of ivory -- including eight yards of tulle. Alas, the person for whom the Occasion was Special apparently had something else in mind, so our still Very Nice Customer had to return all that lovely fabric to MVOFS.

Of course it's always disappointing to have our beautiful fabrics returned, but it happens -- so frequently, in fact, that I have become quite proficient at the "Do A Return" transaction. I was, as I say, disappointed, but barely put out at all. (Which means that I did not begin bitching until after the Very Nice Customer had left the store, and I took it upon myself to match the SKU numbers to the bolts of fabric in "Special Occasions" -- thinking to myself, Good job, Kate -- you'll surely get a special thanks for this!)

Unfortunately, right about then, a huge bus (or boat or plane or something -- I never saw what, because I was so absorbed into trying to find those SKU numbers) pulled up (or docked or landed -- whatever) and unloaded what must have been hundreds of eager -- but very nice -- customers, who all came rushing into MVOFS clutching their coupons and items they needed to match. And oh, the questions they had! (Some good, and some kind of dumb, if I'm being honest; but I don't judge.)

Two hours later (one hour past the time I was supposed to have clocked out and 15 minutes before I had to be on the other side of town to pick My Precious Jordyn up from school), MVOFS was still packed with needy customers, and that eight yards of ivory tulle was rolled into a loose ball that resembled a gigantic hair ball or a tumbleweed or something rolling across the cutting table! I was torn: I really needed to get out of there, but I felt that I had to do something about all that tulle!

Well, I did something, but I'm not proud of the result, ok? In fact, I'm rather dreading having to hear what my Associates -- and, ahem, Manager -- thought about my handiwork the next time I go in...

Have you ever tried to fold eight yards of any fabric in half the long way all by yourself? It's never easy. But when the fabric you're folding is stiff and weightless -- and scratchy -- it simply cannot be done! Nevertheless, I wrestled that stuff onto a big cardboard roll -- the kind used for "Home Decor" fabrics -- and left it lying unobtrusively (I hope) at the far end of the cutting table.

I have met my nemesis, and it's name is Tulle. So please do not ever ask me to make you a tutu, OK?!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Heart Avery Blog - Customize and Share your images

This is sort of a Guest Blog, I suppose, since I got the idea from my niece, Avery. (That's Avery in the picture, which was taken when she was about three years old -- something like ten years ago!)

A few days (or weeks) ago, Avery sent me an e-mail with a link to That's how I got those sparkly hearts all over her photo. But you don't have to choose hearts -- There are several glitter options, as well as flowers, snow and little red hearts with wings!

Anyway, I played around with the stuff for a while, then posted a couple of my masterpieces on my facebook page. Then I sent Avery an e-mail (and a back-up to her mom -- that's My Awesome Sister Melissa -- just to be sure), telling her to get off her butt and confirm me as her fb Friend. It was Melissa who wrote back, informing me that Avery really doesn't like fb all that much, and was sort of hoping I'd use my new glitter skills in a blog.

You're thinking what I'm thinking, right? What a great idea, Ave! No wonder I love you so much!

Well, you should probably expect to see a little more of this type of thing in this blog for a while. But I promise I'll try not to overdo it. Then eventually I'll get over it and find some new toy with which to amuse myself. But in the meantime...

Thanks for the idea, My Darling Niece. Anytime you want to do a real guest blog for me -- like about your crazy mom or something -- just let me know, ok? Now haven't you got some studying or something you should be doing?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

5/14 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

...If today is your birthday, it's written in the clouds...

"Cloudwriting" by Kate, 5/14/09

(Cloud picture by Kate's LRDC 5/12)

...If today is your birthday, you are My Awesome Husband Greg's oldest sister, and sometimes you really did get to be the boss of him!

...If today is your birthday, you are one of the people who make family gatherings run so smoothly because of your knack for organization and your ability to make people feel at home.

...If today is your birthday, you also make family gatherings delicious because of your mad cooking skills!

...If today is your birthday, you did a wonderful job of raising your two beautiful daughters, and now you are reaping your rewards in your grandchildren. (And I just know that you and Lew are awesome granparents!)

...If today is your birthday, I have so many memories of our "early years," double-dating, weddings, waiting first for Erin, then Meagan to come along...All of those after-dinner bike rides downtown to Baskin-Robbins, first with big pregnant bellies, then with baby seats behind us...

...If today is your birthday, I love visiting your home whenever we get back to Michigan. It -- and the people who live there -- truly define "Family." I'm so glad to be part of yours!

Happy Birthday, Deb!

Have a wonderful day -- we love you!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Grossest Thing I've Done to Myself Lately...

...Perhaps ever. Let's just put it this way: If I've ever done anything grosser, I would have immediately forced myself to forget about it! In fact this is so gross, I probably shouldn't even tell you about it.

But of course I will -- in the the hope that if I blog about it, I won't be tempted to bring it up later on, like at the dinner table or something...

"Make-Up With Really Neat Built-In Applicator"

by Kate, 5/13/09 (MSN Paint)

This is the bottle of make-up that I recently depleted. It's pretty OK as far as make-up goes. The thing I like best about this particular make-up is the built-in sponge applicator. You just give the thing a little squeeze, then rub it all over your face -- no make-up to wash off your hands. Convenient and neat. What's not to like?

Well, when it gets down to the last little dab, it's not quite so neat. See, then when you give that little squeeze, it tends to spurt -- all over the sink, the mirror, your shirt...whatever. But I'm a pretty clever fellow -- by the time I got down to the dregs of this (my fourth) bottle, I knew to hold it down close to the sink when I squeezed. That way, I just have to swipe that little applicator over the inevitable blob in the sink and apply it to my face. No real problem -- so far, anyway.

The other morning I had just brushed my teeth, rinsed and spit...all the usual stuff. Time to put on my face. I held the bottle over the sink, gave a little squeeze, spurted out a little blob, swiped it with the applicator and applied it to my face...Ewwwwwwww!!!!

Slimed by my own spit!

You see, I don't wear my glasses when I apply my make-up. That would leave the skin around my eyes looking "unrefined," and not "age-defiant." Therefore, I was not able to see that I had not completely rinsed all the evidence of my recent toothbrushing activities down the drain. And that stupid make-up bottle spurted right on top of my spit!

Excuse me, please. I have to go wash my face now -- again!

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

Jordyn Paige Gottlieb, 5/11/09 (Kate's LRDC)

Yesterday was one of those perfect days we frequently enjoy here in North Carolina in the springtime...the kind of day when riding in the car with the windows down makes you feel like Life is full of wonderful things created just for you -- and all for free!

As I was driving Jordyn home from school, there was a lull in the conversation (an honest-to-goodness rarity between the two of us), so I quickly filled it with "Doesn't that air just feel awesome?"

Jordyn said, "Yeah -- It's like God just put it out or something, and we're the first ones to get it."

I thought that was also perfect.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Bee in Your Bonnet? That's Nothin'!

"Greg in a Straw Hat," MerleFest 2009 (Kate's LRDC)

Now surely you've seen a gentleman's head

With a straw hat perched upon it;

And you've most likely heard of the woman, as well,

Who had a bee within her bonnet.

But have you seen a wasp who built its nest

In a fedora made of straw?

"Settin' Up the Kids' Room," 5/11/09 (Kate's LRDC)

Well, before he plopped it on his head,

I guess Greg's glad he saw!

"Fedora Wasp's Nest," 5/11/09 (Kate's LRDC)

The End

(for now, anyway)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Things I've Learned About My Husband on...

"f is for facebook" by Kate, 5/11/09 (MSN Paint)

...Well, actually that title might be a little misleading. Perhaps I should call this post "The Thing I Learned About My Husband on Facebook." Or maybe, "Things I've Learned About My Husband Relative to Facebook."

You see, My Awesome Husband Greg doesn't really do much with his facebook account. Oh, he's reached out to a few old high school pals and, with a little help from his family, he was able to decide on a photo for his profile. And of course he's "confirmed" the Friends that have invited him. Other than that...

Well, let's just say Greg doesn't seem to embrace -- or even to grasp -- the entire purpose of fb, at least as I understand it: An ongoing "news" feed, keeping you informed as to what all of your Friends are thinking, eating, doing, reading, planning, etc. (At least as much as they care to share.) Plus, there all of those fascinating quizzes and questionnaires! And, oh, the photo albums and videos!

I know, right?

Alas, what I have found out about MAHG relative to fb is that he's the FBG (that's facebook Grinch)!

And just how did I happen to make this painful discovery, you ask? (Yes, you did! I know I heard someone ask!)

Well, it all began with a hunch I got the other night as we were spending some quality time together, each of us hunched (Oh, there I go again -- cracking myself up!) over our own computer, simultaneously monitoring the activities of our respective fb Friends. Absorbed though I was in what the Friend of one of my Friends' daughter's Friends was thinking about doing that night, I gradually became aware of a steady stream of colorful language blaring -- yes, blaring -- from the next room. Thinking that MAHG must have logged off his computer and was now watching some type of sporting activity on TV, I hollered,


(I really didn't want to get up and go in there.)

But it was not the TV he was yelling at. It was his computer. It was facebook -- maybe even his Friends!

Apparently, wanting to go back and re-read (for me) something that he had written on Someone's "wall" (and you don't even get in trouble for that on facebook!) several days ago, he had quickly become extremely irate at all of the little bulletins informing him that So-and-So liked some other So-and-So's comment, or that Someone was having beans for supper. He didn't want to read that Another-One had taken a quiz and found out that the true color of her heart was black. And he certainly didn't care to know that What's-'is-Name wanted to punch three of the Teletubbies in the face!

And what he really, really hated most of all?

Apparently everything that I had had to offer in the last week or so! (OK, I admit it -- had I given a moment's thought to those dozens of little gems I put out there almost daily becoming evidence of the amount of time I spend "facing" people, I probably wouldn't have been quite so prolific!)

Ah well, I need worry no longer...I have now been officially relegated to "hidden" status by the FBG!

And the other thing I learned about MAHG relative to facebook is that apparently one time -- and one time only (sort of like the "save" option on American Idol this year) -- someone (and of course I mean someone other than me) would be able to talk him into taking one of those little quizzes that delves deep inside the psyche of anyone who dares, and reveals (for all of his Friends to see) some truly amazing, amazingly true (and deeply hidden) aspect of his personality.

Thanks to My Sparkling Son Dominic winning the honor of being the someone who talked his dad into taking the "Which X-Man Are You?" quiz, I came to learn that MAHG is...


"My Awesome Husband Cyclops" by Kate, 5/11/09

(Original photographer unknown.)

Now that's awesome, right?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Day for Mothers

Today is Mother's Day, so of course I'm missing my mom. After all, this is the day we're supposed to honor our moms by taking them out to brunch (or lunch or dinner) and buying them gifts and cards that tell them how much we love them and that we appreciate the way they gave up their entire lives so that we could feel safe and loved. More than anything else, I wish my mom were still here today so I could do those things for her...

But I've been particularly blessed in the Mom Department. In addition to my own mom, I was given a Mother-in-Law who is as close to perfect as a real person can ever come!

Hilma and Kate, Hodgin Valley Farm, 9/21/07 (by Karen Branson)
I have loved my Hilma-Mom ever since I "officially" met her, which was on the occasion of my first date with My Awesome Husband Greg. Of course I knew who she was before that -- MAHG's family lived next door to some friends of my family. But the night that Greg took me to the mall to buy a record player for his family, then back to his house to pick up a "book" he wanted me to try, was the first time I was actually introduced to Hilma. She was working third shift then, so she had been sleeping on the couch; but when she heard us come in, she sat up and acted as if she'd been expecting us all evening. (That's one of the things I love most about her -- the way she makes people feel as if she's there just for them, no matter what else may be going on around her.)
At times I have felt like I've been a disappointment to Hilma, but certainly no more than I was to my own mom. And although I may have disappointed her, she has never made me feel that she didn't love me anyway. (That's another thing I love about her -- Her kindness.)
Having been part of MAHG's family for 35 years now, I have so many memories that most of them have been relegated to the "lower stacks" of my brain's library. But there's one Hilma Moment that I'll always keep on the shelf so I can go to it and re-feel the love whenever I need to...

It was the first Thanksgiving after my mom had died. Hilma and her Awesome Husband Leo had come for the weekend. As usual, I had underestimated the amount of time needed to get the house ready for company (i.e., scrubbed and dusted, piles moved from the main traffic areas for safety). I had also underestimated the amount of time it would take Papa Leo to drive from Florida to North Carolina. Therefore, I was still dusting and stashing stuff in our dining room (I don't know why it was ever called that, actually -- It makes a perfect Idon'tknowwhereelsetoputthis room) when the two them walked in.

That was no problem, of course -- One of Hilma's gifts is her ease in any situation. No need for me to feel awkward...She just sat down in the rocking chair and kept me company as I shoved stuff around on the desk, trying to make it look like someone actually noticed the room once in a while. We started talking about my mom -- this was probably the first time we'd actually been together since Mom had died -- and Hilma was just letting me ramble on, wherever my memories took me. (Perhaps her greatest gift of all is that she's an awesome listener.) I don't remember what I was saying. I just remember that at one point she stood up and said, "Oh, Kate, can I give you a hug now?"

I'm sure that moment was just one of many like it for My Awesome Mother-in-Law -- a moment when she reached out and gave someone just exactly what was needed. I don't think I've ever told her this, but for me, that was perhaps the best hug I'd ever received.

For that, Hilma, and for all of the other things I've forgotten (and remember), I thank you, and I love you!

And Mom, of course I'm remembering you, too, and would give just about anything to be able to hear your voice and see your smile. You know, don't you? I love you...

Rosemary with Kate, 1952

Note to My Awesome Sisters Who May Be Reading this: It's OK to cry, you know.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Plan-a-grams, People!

I tell ya, it just keeps getting better and better...

Last week at this time, I had never even heard of one; but when My Very Own Fabric Store Manager announced earlier this week that he was going to have me work on the "plan-a-gram," somehow I just knew that the appropriate response would be:

Kate Reveling in her Very Own Fabric Store

(March 15, "My Very Own Fabric Store")

I was right! It turns out that I love plan-a-grams (although I'm not positive that I'm spelling it correctly)!

You know how in some stores (such as MVOFS), when they have their merchandise arranged by aisle, sometimes at the ends of the aisles they'll have special displays of things that are somehow related to each other? Well (and you may already know this, but I didn't until recently), those displays are called "end-caps" (again, uncertain spelling).

Now have you ever wondered who gets to decide what goes on those end-caps, and how they should be arranged? I never had. (Just like I had never wondered who went around putting back all the crap I may have carried around a store, then just dropped wherever I happened to be when I decided I didn't want it. (I guess some would say that makes me "oblivious." But since they'd probably say it in a tone of voice that would imply that oblivious is a bad thing to be, I'm certainly not saying that about you -- just in case you haven't wondered about end-caps, I mean. Really -- It's perfectly all right if you've just been taking for granted, as I have, that stores have some kind of special magic about them, and you're not supposed to ask.)

But now I know, at least as applies to the end-caps in MVOFS: Corporate decides. And of course Corporate is very busy, and is therefore unable to personally visit every store to make sure their end-caps are properly arranged...That's where the plan-a-gram comes in!

Let's see now...Where was I?

Oh yeah...So the other day My Very Own Manager handed me a packet of papers and directed me to a unit with horizontal grooves evenly spaced from top to bottom. Beside that stripey-looking unit was a shopping cart loaded with metal racks and little plastic sign-holders. And in that packet of papers I found my very first plan-a-gram. Here's what it looked like (sort of):

Rough Drawing of a Plan-A-Gram by Kate, 5/8/09 (MSN Paint)

Also in that packet was a sheet of little tiny perforated "signs" saying things like Under-the-Sea Stickers and Pirate Velvet Coloring Sheets. (I know you're going to want to come in and get some of those; when you do, be sure you also pick up a bottle of Grandma's Secret Spot Remover -- and remember to say that Kate sent you!)

So I went to work. When I was done, the result looked something like this:

"End-Cap" by Kate, 5/8/09 (MSN Paint)

(Note: Lack of conformity is due not to my indadequacy as an

End-Cap Arranger, but rather, to my inadequacy as an Artist.)

And I was righteously proud!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

But If I Were to Make a List...

"In the Shadow of the F-Word" by Kate, Feb. 2009

A while back, before I became a member of facebook, there was a questionnaire asking people to list 25 random things about themselves. Of course I would never compose such a list, because that would be gross. No one has asked, and no one wants to know any more about me than they already do. Nope -- Don't you worry! No such list will be emanating from these fingertips!

If I were to make a list, however, here are some things that would be on it:

(1) Some days I leave my house feeling like I'm a pretty nice person. Then, a little while later, I return home feeling like maybe I should just get under my bed and stay there until I can stop bothering people so much. But on other days, I might grudgingly head out to do some uninspiring errand, and come home feeling like Life is something really wonderful to be a part of, because there are just so many beautiful people and trees and clouds and animals out there to connect with. Go figure.

(2) I really seem to have created an art form out of spilling things. I recently wrote (and illustrated) a post about spilling a glass of red wine all over my bright shiny yellow jacket and white jeans. While that was a pretty good one, there are two other Stupendous Spilling Stunts etched in my memory that make that one look like child's play. I'll save the details for a future blog, but in case I ask you to remind me, let's call them "Impress-the-[daughter's]-In-Laws Beer Boomerang" and "Happy Anniversary, Honey -- How's About I Knock this Entire Pitcher of Red Wine into Your Lap?"

(3) Umm, that first thing I said about hiding under my bed...Well, that actually would not be possible, because under the bed (that's every bed in this house) is where I bury my treasures. Sorry, no vacancies. In fact, the legs of my bed don't even reach the floor any more. The best I'd be able to do is to curl up beside my bed. I suppose that would work just as well...

(4) There is no Quiet Place inside of me. Well, perhaps there is one, but I just haven't been able to find it. Or maybe I found it once, but then I forgot where it was. Hey -- Maybe it's under my bed!

(5) My favorite thing about our entire house is my bedroom window. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be able to lie in my bed every morning, sipping coffee through a straw (served to me by MAHG), and gazing out at the two trees that have now grown past the roof (perhaps having doubled their size since we bought the place 18 years ago). No matter the season, those trees are awesome, and my heart would break if we were ever to lose them.

(6) There are some things that really are perfect. One of them was Monday morning (May 4) between 9 and 10 o'clock while I was out walking in my neighborhood. (And humming, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood..." No, I wasn't! I just thought of that. But it really was perfect!)

(7) Sometimes I edit a post months after it's been published, even though I know no one is ever going to go back and re-read it. That's why I do it -- I like to make each little post, no matter how pointless or banal, feel as if it matters -- that someone cares. That someone is me!

(8) I like using words like "banal" when I write, even though I rarely use them in conversation.

(9) I do use the f-word in conversation -- quite liberally, in fact -- but I cannot bring myself to use it in this blog. (I do, however, find it most effectively expressive when other people do so.)

(10) Aside from the fact that no one is going to go back and re-read my blog, there are very few things that I know for certain. Everything might be something other than what I think it is. Like when I'm getting ready to make a lefthand turn into traffic. First, I look to my left. Clear. Then I look to my right. Nothing. Check left again; getting ready to pull out...But wait -- Was there a car approaching from the right? I didn't see one, but there could have been...Do you see why I'm frequently running late?

(11) If you don't like who I am today, give me another try tomorrow -- I might be someone else.

(12) Sometimes I'm embarrassed by how delighted I am to be employed as a sales associate in a fabric store at a barely break-even salary. But I quickly suppress that feeling, because I realize that the only reason to feel embarrassed is that I care too much what other people think. I am choosing to deny ownership of that particular character flaw!

(13) I like to be noticed when I do the Right Thing. When I'm driving, for instance, and upon seeing an amber light, I gradually apply my brakes so that I come to a complete stop before it turns red. Or when I see a school bus with flashing red lights, and I immediately park my car and wait patiently for the bus to move on, signifying that all of the children are safe. When I pull over to the right and slow down or stop upon hearing a siren...These are all times I like to think there's a police officer nearby, covertly watching me, and that he smiles and nods in a very pleased manner when he sees my [proper] behavior.

(14) It's not getting old that I mind so much as the idea of becoming invisible. But there is another way of looking at it. This is where I can apply a favorite (author unknown) quote: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you look at it." It might be kind of nice to be invisible sometimes. Just think: You get up in the morning, stumble into the kitchen and grope for an apple. You don't connect with one, so you put on your glasses (you're old -- remember?) and see that the bowl is empty. You have to go to the store (dammit), but you don't feel like getting dressed yet. So who cares? You're invisible -- No one's even going to notice that you're there in your flannel nighty and rubber-soled slippers!

(15) We have a cat and I love her, but I'm not really a Cat Lover. However, I do admire (and envy) the way cats always seem to be in control. And I'm completely entertained by the way that people who do love cats allow them such control. Apparently, part of that control is the ability cats have to make humans talk to them in stupid little high-pitched voices. Now tell me -- How often do you hear someone yell at their cat? (I mean besides me.)

(16) We don't have a dog now, but we've had two of them since I married MAHG. I really, really loved both of them. But I don't love the doggish things about dogs. You know -- the poop/pee clean-up, the see/smell/hear/think about-food slobbering, the ohmigod-somebody's-here frenzied barking every time someone approaches the door, the way they smell when they're wet and the way they leave hairy evidence of their presence all over the house. But I surely do love burying my face in neck of a nice clean-smelling pup who loves me in spite of the fact that I have so many complaints about him!

(17) One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Groucho Marx: "Outside of a dog, man's best friend is a good book. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."

(18) I have an uncanny ability to fit myself into any story, making it extremely easy for me to turn just about every conversation into something about me! (I try not to do this, though, unless I'm very bored.)

(19) I really do think you can learn how to do just about anything you can find a book about. Although I have proved that this is not entirely true (Have you ever tried learning how to play tennis by reading a book?), I continue to buy books about carpentry, furniture upholstery, ballet dancing, landscaping, cutting your own hair...

(20) Sometimes I crack myself up. It doesn't even matter if anyone else laughs. Well, OK, that's not true -- I really do love making people laugh. But I guess it's not essential. I do hate it, though, when someone finds it necessary to tell me that I'm not funny. Maybe to that person I'm not. But there must be some idiot out there somewhere who would laugh, if only he could see me!

(21) My dad was my best audience. (And my mom was my best critic. I needed one of those, too, but this is about my dad.) I guess I knew that even when he was here. But now that he's gone, I often find myself imagining his reaction to something I've said or written or made or done. Then sometimes I cry, but sometimes I only feel like crying. And sometimes I just smile.

(22) OK, I'm going to admit it -- I am obsessive. Every time I discover something I like, I tend to go a bit overboard. But wait -- Maybe it's just overboard for those who sit in judgment. Maybe for me it's just right. Anyway, I don't think obsessiveness is always a bad thing. For instance, I was obsessed with each of my children when they were born. Good thing! Who knows what might have happened to them if they hadn't become the entire focus of my life for the first few years of theirs? They may have ended up like that book I once bought -- "Upholster Your Entire House With Sheets" -- Stuffed in a box and dropped off for the church book sale!

(23) Although I can't honestly say that I enjoy reading a lot of poetry, I do love a good limerick. Haikus, too, but mostly the ones I write.

(24) I love my family sooooooooo much! All of them -- my husband/daughter/son family and my sisters/brothers family. Each one of us is crazy in one way or another, and I believe that's the bond that holds us tight. Alas, I do take them for granted -- especially my husband, who really is mostly awesome. I feel bad about that, and would like to change. But I just stay the same. (The love stays, too, though!)

(25) Friends -- I've been very blessed with friends! You know, you read all kinds of quotes about friends -- like how they're always there, even when you ignore them for a while...Well, that's not exactly a quote, but do you know what I'm saying? It's appalling, really -- If you're ignoring them, they shouldn't be your friends! But then maybe they're so busy doing their stuff that they feel bad for ignoring you. Then you run into them somewhere, and you're both like, "Oh, I haven't seen you in so long -- let's get together and catch up on everything!" Then you both walk away thinking, I'm so lucky to have friend like that! I think that's probably what that "quote" is talking about.

So anyway, since you won't be seeing any random list of things about me, I just had a few things I wanted to say -- Thanks for the opportunity!

5/5 -- If Today is Your Birthday (Part II)...

The Karlek Boys -- Mark, Tom and Jason, August 2007, by Karen Branson
...If today is your birthday, you are, of course, my Adorable Baby Brother Jason!
...If today is your birthday, every year on this date I like to reminisce about the way your arrival was made known to me. You've heard the details many times, I know, but please bear with me...
...If today is your birthday, I was alone in my apartment, getting ready for work, whenst came a knock upon my door. It was none other than my Future Awesome Husband Greg, and what glad tidings he had come bearing: My mother had had a baby boy -- a big fat, fluffy wonderful baby boy -- and we named him You!
...If today is your birthday, upon hearing such glad tidings, I said, "Screw work!" and I didst immediately set off on foot (for I had no other means of transportation -- c'mon, I didn't even have a telephone!) in the opposite direction to buy some celebratory donuts. (I had a feeling my co-workers would forgive my tardiness when they smelled my goods and heard my news, and I was right.)
...If today is your birthday, I hope you know you hold a very special place in my heart. I just love you beyond explanation -- but I guess that's what families do. I so wish I could spend more time with you -- like when we used to keep you and your pet spider in our basement so I could visit you any time I desired. Alas, times change, and now there are about 700 miles that keep us apart. But just know that I'm wishing you a really wonderful birthday...One where you can truly
Be One with Your Dessert!

Max and Jason Being "One With Their Dessert," Sandusky OH, by Karen
Happy Birthday, Jason!
We love you!
Editorial Note: I couldn't! I tried to get the photo caption to appear under the photo, but it insisted on staying right where it was -- ridiculously squeezing itself into a space too small for a mere three-letter word. So be it. I have other things to do today!

5/5 -- If Today is Your Birthday (Part I)...

Kris and Tom, 9/22/07 (by Greg)

...If today is your birthday, you are married to one of my brothers. (I'll give you a clue...It's not the one who shares your birthday.) The guy in the picture with you is not my brother, but rather, my dad, but you probably know that. He loved you just as much as he loved the rest of us, but I guess you know that, too. Anyway, I love this picture of the two of you!

...If today is your birthday, you're so much smaller than me that it's hard for me to give you a hug without smashing your face into my boobs, but I love you anyway!

...If today is your birthday, I'm so glad that Mark has you. The two of you have raised some pretty awesome kids, and the closeness of your family is something I'm sure every family wishes they had!

...If today is your birthday, there are so many things about you that I admire. One of them is your unadulterated love for animals -- especially Golden Retrievers. What you have done with your rescue program is nothing short of amazing. You are an inspiration!

...If today is your birthday, your quiet strength has seen you through some difficult times, and your love of life has always let you find the joy. I hope your day will be filled with the latter!

Happy Birthday, Kris!

We love you!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Things I've learned from facebook...

I've think I've used this one before -- Kate, circa 1954(?)

I've heard blogging referred to as therapy. I would certainly say it is in my case. And one of the benefits of therapy, I believe, is self-discovery. If that's true, then facebook is also an amazing form of therapy! Just look at some of the things I've found out about myself since becoming a member of facebook:

If I were one of the X-Men, I would be Colossus. (Big, strong, and quiet. People think he's dumb, but he's not really.)

The name I should have been given at birth is Bella. (All I remember about the explanation for that is that I'm somewhat clumsy.)

My stripper name (if I were one) would be Skye DixonGlitz.

The name of my rockband is Hedgehog Reducers.

My true color is blue, but the color of my heart is purple. And the color of my aura is "balanced."

If my life were a movie, it would be a goofball comedy.

If I were a drink, I would be a Mojito." (A selfish bitch that packs a punch.)

My true age is 31-40.

My hippy name is Iris Eclipse.

I guess that's about all any of us needs to know for now!

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Blog of Gratitude

Meagan and Joe Kopp, 5/1/09, by Greg (taken with Kate's Little Red Digital Camera)
This is My Dazzling Daughter Meagan and her Brilliant Husband Joe. Aren't they cute? They're also very smart and very nice -- especially when they stop by our house on a Friday night after they've just eaten dinner at a nearby restaurant, and they take the time to help me set up my computer so I can download photos that I have taken with the darling Little Red Digital Camera (hereinafter referred to simply as my LRDC), which they, along with my Sparkling Son Dominic, gave me for Christmas!
So here's a little limerick I've spontaneously composed (well,actually, I'm composing it right now...haven't really started yet, but I'll be getting to it directly...) to show them my appreciation:
My daughter and her old man

Stop by whenever they can.

When they are here,

I let them drink beer

And sit in front of the fan.
Oh dangboozle (I think I just made up a word, but feel free to use it amongst yourselves if you like) -- That's not at all how I was picturing it! Here, let me try a haiku:
As nightfall sets in

And eyelids become heavy,

Just guess who shows up!
Well, that's not quite it either...It's probably a little too late in the evening for me to be trying to wax poetic. Here...I'll just come out and say it:
Thanks, Meagan and Joe! I'm glad you're both so cute and smart and nice. You make a really good couple. I'm also glad that you don't have to read manuals and directions and such to figure out how to do stuff -- it's so much quicker when you just have that instinct! Anyway, thanks to you guys, I'm in business now! You are both welcome here any time, you know. You don't even have to ring the doorbell and wait for us to let you in -- Feel free to just walk on in and sit down as if you own the place. In fact, if we're down in the office or something, it's perfectly all right to sneak down and scare the crap out of us. We love you that much! Really -- Thank you, thank you, thank you!

5/1 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Kieran Daniel Rayfield, Nov. '08(?) by Rachael Rayfield

...If today is your birthday, I "borrowed" this picture of you in your Karate uniform from your Mom's blog, because I love it! (I hope she doesn't mind.)

...If today is your birthday, I can't believe you're 5 years old now! I can remember the very first time your mom brought you over so we could see you! (You were sooooooo cute, and you still are. I'm sorry if that embarrasses you now that you're 5, but you are!)

...If today is your birthday, I'm so glad that I got to be one of the people who helped take care of you while Mommy went to work. It was so much fun, watching you grow and learn!

...And if today is your birthday, I'm so glad that you and your family -- including your crazy little brother, Keenan -- still live next door, even though I no longer get to take care of you! I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get to see you once in a while. (Thank goodness for blogs and facebook!)

...If today is your birthday, I hope you will have an awesome day, and that your 5th birthday will be one that you'll always remember!


Have a wonderful day!