Monday, May 11, 2009

Things I've Learned About My Husband on...

"f is for facebook" by Kate, 5/11/09 (MSN Paint)

...Well, actually that title might be a little misleading. Perhaps I should call this post "The Thing I Learned About My Husband on Facebook." Or maybe, "Things I've Learned About My Husband Relative to Facebook."

You see, My Awesome Husband Greg doesn't really do much with his facebook account. Oh, he's reached out to a few old high school pals and, with a little help from his family, he was able to decide on a photo for his profile. And of course he's "confirmed" the Friends that have invited him. Other than that...

Well, let's just say Greg doesn't seem to embrace -- or even to grasp -- the entire purpose of fb, at least as I understand it: An ongoing "news" feed, keeping you informed as to what all of your Friends are thinking, eating, doing, reading, planning, etc. (At least as much as they care to share.) Plus, there all of those fascinating quizzes and questionnaires! And, oh, the photo albums and videos!

I know, right?

Alas, what I have found out about MAHG relative to fb is that he's the FBG (that's facebook Grinch)!

And just how did I happen to make this painful discovery, you ask? (Yes, you did! I know I heard someone ask!)

Well, it all began with a hunch I got the other night as we were spending some quality time together, each of us hunched (Oh, there I go again -- cracking myself up!) over our own computer, simultaneously monitoring the activities of our respective fb Friends. Absorbed though I was in what the Friend of one of my Friends' daughter's Friends was thinking about doing that night, I gradually became aware of a steady stream of colorful language blaring -- yes, blaring -- from the next room. Thinking that MAHG must have logged off his computer and was now watching some type of sporting activity on TV, I hollered,


(I really didn't want to get up and go in there.)

But it was not the TV he was yelling at. It was his computer. It was facebook -- maybe even his Friends!

Apparently, wanting to go back and re-read (for me) something that he had written on Someone's "wall" (and you don't even get in trouble for that on facebook!) several days ago, he had quickly become extremely irate at all of the little bulletins informing him that So-and-So liked some other So-and-So's comment, or that Someone was having beans for supper. He didn't want to read that Another-One had taken a quiz and found out that the true color of her heart was black. And he certainly didn't care to know that What's-'is-Name wanted to punch three of the Teletubbies in the face!

And what he really, really hated most of all?

Apparently everything that I had had to offer in the last week or so! (OK, I admit it -- had I given a moment's thought to those dozens of little gems I put out there almost daily becoming evidence of the amount of time I spend "facing" people, I probably wouldn't have been quite so prolific!)

Ah well, I need worry no longer...I have now been officially relegated to "hidden" status by the FBG!

And the other thing I learned about MAHG relative to facebook is that apparently one time -- and one time only (sort of like the "save" option on American Idol this year) -- someone (and of course I mean someone other than me) would be able to talk him into taking one of those little quizzes that delves deep inside the psyche of anyone who dares, and reveals (for all of his Friends to see) some truly amazing, amazingly true (and deeply hidden) aspect of his personality.

Thanks to My Sparkling Son Dominic winning the honor of being the someone who talked his dad into taking the "Which X-Man Are You?" quiz, I came to learn that MAHG is...


"My Awesome Husband Cyclops" by Kate, 5/11/09

(Original photographer unknown.)

Now that's awesome, right?

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