Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If You Are My Sister...

My Three Sisters, Sept. 2001 (l-r: Melissa, Karen, Beverly)

...If you are my sister, then this blog is for you, because one of you suggested it (Karen)!

...If you are my sister, then you are one of three -- one of the three people in this world who are most necessary in my life!

...If you are my sister Bev, then you and I are closest in age. You were my practice sister -- the one I used to learn how to treat my other little sisters -- or not!

...If you are my sister Bev, you have a heart as big and soft as a fluffy pink fouton; a heart that brims with love and causes your eyes to brim with tears sometimes.

...If you are my sister Bev, your wit is quick, but you are too quick to use it against yourself. However, sharing laughs with you is one of life's greatest pleasures!

...If you are my sister Bev, your life keeps you busy -- so busy that sometimes it is hard to fit in more than a "quickie" e-mail or phone call. But even when we haven't "talked" for a few weeks, you are never further away than my heart, my Number One Sister.

...If you are my sister Karen, you came next. Then we were "The Three Girls." (Poor Mom.)

...If you are my sister Karen, you have creative energy and resources enough to open your own mall!

...If you are my sister Karen, your beautiful flowers, which you tend with such love and pride, reflect your own beauty -- inside and out.

...If you are my sister Karen, your photography and scrapbooking talents have benefited our family beyond imagination. Your exquisite work would be enough to make each book a valued piece of art in its own right. But the fact that they chronicle our Family makes each one a treasure on par with the most valuable of heirlooms!

...If you are my sister Melissa, there was a "brother" break (for a future post) before you came along. And then another one years later. But for quite a while -- 11 years -- you were our baby.

...If you are my sister Melissa, we "Three Girls" used to pretend-fight over you, saying, "Be my baby, Missy!"

...If you are my sister Melissa, you were probably actually my practice baby. Sorry about that -- but my kids thank you.

...If you are my sister Melissa, you know all the ways in which you are special to me. (If not, please refer to "10/27 -- If Today is Your Birthday Post.")

...If you are my sister -- one of the three -- then I treasure you and your place in my life more than I could ever explain -- to you or to anyone else. Suffice it to say, when I think of the three of you (and our two brothers), I feel sorry for anyone who isn't me!

...If you are my sister, then I am praying right now that today will be good to you, and that you will know how much you are loved!


Anonymous said...

Aaaaawwwwwww. How sweet is this. Thanks for the reminder of why I love my sisters. Talk to you later, gotta run now. Love, Yoursister

Melissa said...

Hey, thanks. I love you, too. By the way, you posted this blog on my 25th wedding anniversary. Cool, huh?

Wendy said...

What a wonderful relationship you must have with your sisters, Kate! It's too bad you are so far apart, but if anyone can make it work, it is you. Great blog.

Shadows Thoughts on Stuff said...

Never had a sister, my brothers were pansies at times but.... this is another really good post but I have a complaint... how come that each time I read one of you post lately my eyes leak?

Unknown said...

I don't know, John, but you're comments about your brothers being pansies made me smile. I should lighten up, shouldn't I?