Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dreams -- the Interpretation of

("Dreamclouds" by Kate, 10/25/08, MSN Paint)

Last Saturday morning I had a dream (See "In My Wild-Assed Dreams," 10/18/08). Today I shall interpret it...

(By "interpret," I don't mean that that the dream was a foreshadowing of things to come, and that I am able to predict the future...I mean that I know why I had that particular (and peculiar) dream. However, should the dream turn out to actually be a foreshadowing, I would be glad -- Clogging while suspended from an electrical wire would be on the fun side of thrilling, wouldn't it?)

The clogging at a fall festival in my dream is a no-brainer. During the month of October, our club was booked nearly every weekend; fall festivals abound during October. Having a parade as part of a such an event isn't much of a stretch, either. Now, dancers performing their art while suspended from wires -- that gets a little more involved. I have figured it out, though...

That portion of the dream obviously indicates that, given the fact that I have been recently made to realize that performing an activity with a significantly lowered oxygen level in my blood (such as is caused by scar tissue and/or sarcoidosis) can irreparably damage my heart, I have come to view clogging as a somewhat dangerous endeavor. Fun, but dangerous, nonetheless. Like hanging from wires over the street. Fun? Most likely -- at least for a few seconds. Dangerous? Most definitely.

So will I choose to live dangerously? Well, I never have before...

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