Saturday, February 21, 2009

2/21 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Left-right: Karen, Bev & "Kathy," circa 1959

...If today is your birthday, you're the very first Sister-Friend I ever had, and I'm so glad Mom and Dad decided to have you for me! I was so bored before you got here!

...If today is your birthday, I'm going to call you later so I can catch up on everything I've missed in all the weeks that have gone by since I've talked to you. That's the weird thing about having a sister, though -- even when you haven't talked to one in a while, you still feel like she's right beside you, and is somehow in on everything that's going on. Or maybe that's just me. Anyway...

...If today is your birthday, I have so many amazing childhood memories -- the kind a psychiatrist would probably have a field day with...Things that bonded us -- and all those other kids -- together against the world before we even knew what dysfunctional meant!

...If today is your birthday, I wish I could somehow teleport you here right now. I bet you're still in your pajamas, just like I am. And we could sit around like that all day, just drinking coffee and looking at the stuff in each others' purses. And Greg couldn't say anything, because after all -- it's your birthday!

...If today is your birthday, we'd ask Greg to go out and buy us a really expensive New York style cheesecake. And he'd do it, too, because he is my Awesome Husband.

...If today is your birthday, you're the one who gets to make the wishes. But I have one, too -- I wish I could see you and hug you and laugh with you...

...If today is your birthday, I hope you have a lot of hugs and laughs anyway, even if I'm not there to share them. You know...

Happy Birthday Bev!

I love you!!!!!!!

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