Saturday, February 28, 2009

2/28 -- If Today is Not Really Your Birthday...

...But tomorrow isn't your birthday either, you must be a Leap Year Baby!
...If today is not really your birthday, you are the muse that inspired this marshmallow declaration of love!

"Marshmallow Love Note" to Betty from Tom, Dec. 2008. (Photographed by Tom's Cell Phone.)

...If today is not really your birthday, I love you simply because my dad did -- as evidenced by the message he so painstakingly crafted above.

...If today is not really your birthday, I am happy to have you in our family, and glad to call you my friend. I admire so many things about you -- your strength, your faith, your energy, the love you show your friends. I know you don't consider those things special, but they are, and they make you special!

...If today is not really your birthday, I wish we didn't live so far apart. I'd love to be there to give you a hug and share some cake. Instead, I am sending you my love, and hoping your birthday is as special as you are!

Happy Birthday, Dear Betty -- with love!

Friday, February 27, 2009

2/27 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

"Dominic Jumps" by Greg, circa 2005

...If today is your birthday, you rocked my world, my son -- Literally! You still do, but in the first days after you were born I think I must have experienced the full range of available human emotions. First, of course, the pure joy that you were finally here, and I was going to actually be able to hold you...Then the disappointment when I found that I would have to wait a while because you were having a little trouble breathing on your own(!) Next came desperation, when I realized the nurse with the calm, soothing voice was preparing me for the possibility that we might lose you -- before I'd even held you! Then stark terror as I watched my tiny, wailing, unconsolable baby being loaded into the ambulance that would take him to another hospital miles away. But...

...If today is your birthday, we're not going to think about all of that now! Instead, we're celebrating because it wasn't God's plan for us to lose you. He was just trying to prepare us for what lie ahead of us as your parents!

...If today is your birthday, you love riding things that make your hair fly back off your face -- like this revamped golf cart at Uncle Mark's on Thanksgiving.
Other things include fast boats, tubes being pulled behind fast boats and leaf blowers. (Power washers would probably be good, too, but then you'd be soaked, and the effect would be ruined.)

...If today is your birthday, your horoscope says you create a buzz of excitement wherever you go. Duh! Who doesn't get excited when confonted by a leaf blower?!!

...If today is your birthday, it also says that your tastes develop in eclectic ways. I think that may have something to do with your ADD. You know, like when you're listening to a CD, then one of your friends calls you to go to a movie and when you get back you can't remember where you put the CD, so you say, "Oh well, I don't like that kind of music any more anyway." And here's some great news...

...If today is your birthday, you're supposed to find it easier to make a living in June. That's probably because you'll be able to wear breezy little summer hats like this handsome white cloche...

...If today is your birthday, funny people will delight you this summer. Hmmmmmm, that sounds like another trip to Michigan! (Of course you're one of the funniest people I know, and you delight me all the time!)

...If today is your birthday, I wish I could make your whole life as beautiful and calm as you look in this picture. (If you could do this every day, I bet your nickname would be "Kayak Kid." )

Kayaking on Lake Shannon, 2008, by Karen Branson



Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ash Wednesday Blog

Have you ever gone to church on Ash Wednesday to have a cross traced on your forehead with ashes?

(Do other religions even do that, or is it just Catholics?)

I went yesterday. I didn't go for the entire Mass -- I had slept in too late for that. I went at noon for just the Ashes and Communion Service.

I don't go every year, but when I do, I always try to visualize how I'm going to look with a little black cross on my forehead. I even put on extra mascara so the cross won't completely overpower my total Look.

The picture above shows the type of cross I always imagine gracing my forehead.

Alas, below we have the reality...

Now I don't think even false eyelashes would help this look!

Anyway, even though my cross turned out to be a messy blob, I did garner some inspiration from the experience...

A ffecting

S olemn

H umility,

W e

E mphatically

D eny

E very

S weet

D elight,

A nd

Y earn.

Happy Lent, Bloggees.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mom's Anniversary Blog/A Guest Blog

"Mom Sampler" completed by Kate in 2002. (It was actually intended as a wedding sampler for someone else, but it took too long and there was a divorce before it was finished...then Mom died...Perhaps it will become the cover of a photo album someday.)

It's been eight years now -- that's so hard to believe!

I'm calling this A Guest Blog because I'm lifting material from scrapbooks that my Awesome Sister Karen has done for us...

This is from a page she called "Always Cherish." She included several photographs of my niece and nephews, Avery, Alex and Max, and one of a sign roughly lettered on a wooden board. The sign reads "Rosemary Pond." I don't have the photos for you, but here's her text:

Rosemary Pond, such an innocent activity for the cousins, such an emotional moment for my sister, Missy, and me.

Max and I were visiting Alex and Avery, and the three of them were outside playing in the sandpile, as usual. Missy and I were on the deck visiting. After some time, the kids came running up to take us back to the sandpile and show us what they had been working on for so long.

There in front of us was Rosemary Pond, a work of art they had lovingly constructed, complete with a hand-lettered sign and roses strewn all about...all for Grammy Rose, my mother, their grandmother, who had died in late February. Though children don't always let you know what is on their minds, their actions demonstrated they were thinking about their grammy. I hope they will always cherish those memories of the woman who loved them so much. (July 2001)

Then, from another scrapbook done more recently -- since my dad died last January -- here's a page she put together called "Angel Parents:"

In case you can't see what she's done, she's taken photos -- me with my mom and my sister, Bev, with my dad --and put angel wings on Mom and Dad.

There. I knew I was going to cry today. But speaking of crying, here's a quote from someone else...

(I've used this before in my blog. It's from Philip Beard in his book Dear Zoe, which I blogged about on Jan. 24 and Feb. 5):

"...sometimes I still miss you so much it feels like someone is pushing their finger into the base of my throat and I cry like it just happened yesterday. But now when I cry like that it kind of feels like it cleans me out, and each time it happens it feels like I'm going to have a little longer until it happens again and usually I do. It's not that I'm missing you less. It's more like I'm finding a place to keep you."

I feel like that's what we've done now...We've found a safe place to keep Mom, although we still cry.

There are so many memories that come back today...Pages of journal entries written by my sister, Missy, and me, during the weeks that Mom was in the hospital...More memories recorded afterwards, as we tried to incorporate her death into our lives. (More difficult than I had imagined.) But today I'm finding that I don't want to read through those pages. I don't want to write about that today.

Oh, okay -- Maybe there is one thing...
I think I've mentioned once or twice that one of the last things Mom said to me was "You should listen the first time." Well, apparently, after several years had passed, I felt ready to honor that quote with a limerick. I found this, and I'd like to share it with you now:

It's exactly four years today --

Not long before she went away --

That my little mom said

From her hospital bed,

"You should listen the first time, ok?"

I can still hear her soft reprimand,

And I wish I could still touch her hand

And tell her I know;

It's hard for me, though,

'Cause my ears may have other things planned.

(I'm still working on it, Mom.)

I hope you know how much we all love you and miss you!

Monday, February 23, 2009

2/23 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

...If today is your birthday, we share, among other things, a love of cheesecake!

...If today is your birthday, you're my favorite partner for games because we always win!

...If today is your birthday, it's too bad we no longer play tennis -- we'd really kick some butt, wouldn't we (at least in our minds -- and in follow-up e-mails)?!!

...If today is your birthday, you're one of the few people who is able to quickly follow wherever my brain -- and my mouth -- lead, and vice-versa. (I used to think everyone was like that, didn't you?)

...If today is your birthday, you should know it isn't all about the fun and games. I hope you know how much I admire you as a Wife, Mother, Friend and Plain Old Person! (Of course I don't mean old literally -- after all, you're only ahem 21!)

...If today is your birthday, I hope you're having a great day, no matter how early you had to get up! And, of course...

...If today is your birthday, congratulations on your smashing Balderdash win the other night! You soooooooooooo deserved it!

Happy Birthday, Becky -- Enjoy every minute!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

2/21 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Left-right: Karen, Bev & "Kathy," circa 1959

...If today is your birthday, you're the very first Sister-Friend I ever had, and I'm so glad Mom and Dad decided to have you for me! I was so bored before you got here!

...If today is your birthday, I'm going to call you later so I can catch up on everything I've missed in all the weeks that have gone by since I've talked to you. That's the weird thing about having a sister, though -- even when you haven't talked to one in a while, you still feel like she's right beside you, and is somehow in on everything that's going on. Or maybe that's just me. Anyway...

...If today is your birthday, I have so many amazing childhood memories -- the kind a psychiatrist would probably have a field day with...Things that bonded us -- and all those other kids -- together against the world before we even knew what dysfunctional meant!

...If today is your birthday, I wish I could somehow teleport you here right now. I bet you're still in your pajamas, just like I am. And we could sit around like that all day, just drinking coffee and looking at the stuff in each others' purses. And Greg couldn't say anything, because after all -- it's your birthday!

...If today is your birthday, we'd ask Greg to go out and buy us a really expensive New York style cheesecake. And he'd do it, too, because he is my Awesome Husband.

...If today is your birthday, you're the one who gets to make the wishes. But I have one, too -- I wish I could see you and hug you and laugh with you...

...If today is your birthday, I hope you have a lot of hugs and laughs anyway, even if I'm not there to share them. You know...

Happy Birthday Bev!

I love you!!!!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Broken Bones and Little Boys -- A Poetry Blog

Alex Richardson, who broke his arm while building forts on his bunk bed.
(Photo by Greg, Summer 2008)

Boys will be boys...

That's what they say.

Children are children --

Just let them play!

Let them have fun --

Beds make great forts

(Especially the stacked ones

From trusted reports)!

There's no need to worry --

No cause for alarm...

You're not a real boy

'Til you've broken an arm!

Hope it heals fast, Alex!

We love you!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to STAND OUT at a Job Interview...

You know how I've said that I hate filling out those on-line job applications? That's because I just don't look good on paper. If I have any chance at all of capturing your interest in these days of ultra-competitive job seeking, I need to have a gimmick -- I need to get in front of you and give you something to remember me by.

For example, the other day I applied, in person, for a job as counter help at a bakery. I figured I'd have a pretty good shot at that, since my face currently resembles a pie (Thank you, Prednisone). But just in case, I wore a chef hat...

Then yesterday, when I applied for a job teaching a sewing class and was required to bring along some items that I had made, I brought a very large totebag which has turned out to be one of my most practical projects -- I use it as a soft, squishy suitcase whenever I go someplace.

Note:This is not actually the bag I made. The one I made is black, with gold squiggles and some other designs all over it. I just wanted you to have a visual...

Well, naturally the interviewer wanted to look inside the bag. I said, "Of course -- go ahead." Had I known what she was about to discover, I probably would have added "Heh-heh-heh," in a sinister tone.

I'm pretty sure I'll be remembered from that interview -- I'll be remembered as the Woman Who Carries Around a Pair of Lime Green Underpants in a Homemade Totebag!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentine's Blog

"Valentine" by Jordyn, MSN Paint

This is my Valentine's blog, after the fact. I hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day, Bloggees!
One reason that I am late in posting this is that I was trying to do something special for you... Something that lots of other Bloggers do...something which I've attempted to do several times, but at which I have so far have been completely unsucessful...I soooo wanted to include a video clip with this post! It's just not worth the investment of any more of my time. I'm giving up -- for now. I hope that someday I'll be able to join the ranks of Really Cool Bloggers who are able to upload videos to their posts, but for now, if you'd like to see what I had hoped to show you, you might try clicking on this link: But first let me set it up for you...

As some of you may know, my Awesome Husband Greg is a member of the Greensboro Tarheel Chorus. That's a barbershop-style singing group. Every year on Valentine's Day, they divide up into quartets and take orders. If you pay them $50, they will go the home or workplace of someone you think is worth the cash (or maybe even the restaurant where they're having dinner), give them a long-stemmed red rose and sing a couple of mushy love songs to them. (This sometimes causes tears, and in several cases, no small degree of embarrassment. But it's all done in the spirit of love, so no one really complains.)

And if you know about the Chorus, then you probably also know that Jordyn and her sister, Taylor, are sort of our practice granddaughters, and we like to do things that make them happy. So this year Greg and the rest of his foursome decided that as a warm-up, they'd surprise Jordyn's Kindergarten teacher with a couple of songs and a rose. The school was right around the corner from the church where they gathered, so why not?

Ok. Go ahead and check out that video clip now...

Oh -- and won't you please notice the picture I used to open this post? My Jordyn did that all by herself on my computer while I was busy with something else. I helped her not one little bit! (If you aren't impressed yet, why don't you try drawing a free-hand heart and a bunch of clouds using only that little "pencil" on that Paint program? I'm telling you -- the kid's brilliant!)

And one more thing (I guess I forgot to mention that this is actually a multi-purpose blog) -- this is also a shout-out to my Ol' Friend Tony...Happy Birthday, Tony! Sure, I know it's late. But when's the last time we even sent you a card, huh? It's just that this year, I thought that perhaps your Awesome Daughter Liz might see this post and tell you that we were thinking of you down here, wishing you a happy birthday and all. Really -- You can pretend Greg's singing to you, and that I paid him $50 to do it! Hope you had a great day!

And for those of you who may not know Liz, feel free to check out her Blog -- She's listed as one that I follow, and she's my absolute favorite! (

Ok. That's my Valentine's Blog. I'm going to have to collect some more thoughts or something before my next post!
P.S. I'm not sure how long that link to the video clip will work, so you'd better hurry!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Disclaimer: This is not my fault. I don't know whose fault it is, but it's not mine. (I'm talking about the fact that my picture is so small.) When I find out who's responsible, there will be hell to pay, believe you me!
Note: This is actually a job-search blog...

I took a test this week. It had been so long, I couldn't even remember whether or not I like taking tests -- whether I do well on them, or whether I clench up and experience performance anxiety. In other words, I had no idea how I would do. (It was a relief that I didn't have to study. I do remember that I didn't like studying!)
This was a test I had to take as part of the application process for a job (albeit a temporary job) with the U.S. Census Bureau. (Ahem...That's a government position.) I had no idea what would be on the test, but I really wasn't too nervous. The most anxiety-producing part of my preparation was finding my Social Security card. Once I had that and, with the help of my Awesome Husband, had located the testing site (also anxiety-producting for me), it was smooth sailing. I figured I'd worry about the test itself when it was on the table in front of me.
Well, the good news is that no matter the outcome -- I'm really not that sure I want to work for the Census Bureau anyway -- I answered all 28 questions correctly. (That's 100%!) And I was the first one (out of eight) to finish -- not that I was paying attention, of course. Now all of that may not count for a darned thing. I do know that you had to get at least 10 correct answers in order to be considered. It just felt good to know that I had tested well.
Ok. I admit it. It wasn't that hard. Regular math -- no algebra or trigonometry or anything like that. No science or history or world affairs. Just some common sense reading comprehension. (If you know me, you're probably thinking "I bet she had some trouble with that common sense part." I guess my excellent reading skills, honed by years of dedicated practice, must have compensated .)
Yep. As you can probably tell from the tiny little picture of the test above, the most difficult part about it was that those little circles you're supposed to color in were all different shapes and sizes. It was almost like some moron had done it with the MSN Paint program on her PC. I ask you -- Who has that much time to waste?!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Prayer to Share

My mind has been awhirl with things I want to blog about. Then I happened across this prayer. Therese Bouchard was being interviewed for a radio program, and was asked if she she had to come up with one prayer for today (meaning, I think, These Days), what it would be. Here's what she said:

God, please help me to keep you in charge today and not to ask so many why's.

It touched a chord in me, and I just felt like sharing it with you.

Now say your prayers and have a nice day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

2/9 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

The Knecht/Richardson Families, plus Mik, Summer '08, Grand Rapids, MI. Missing: The Monroes - Andrea, Eric and Jackson. (Photo by Greg)
...If today is your birthday, you were my very first brother-in-law!
...If today is your birthday, your horoscope in the Greensboro News & Record says that you'll accomplish astounding feats this year, but only if you dare aim for them. Like what? Big game hunting? Lawn darts? Basketball hoops? It's wide open, I guess. That dare sounds a little scary to me, though...
...If today is your birthday, said horoscope goes on to say, however, that there's enough boldness in you to go for what you really want -- Apparently you need not be intimidated by threatening language!
...Hmmmm...If today is your birthday, it looks (horoscope again) like this month you're going to "better your best." That sounds a little vague, unless "because someone needs you" means something?
...If today is your birthday, you're supposed to save the extra money you'll make in March. (Hmm -- I like the sound of that!) Then, in a turn of events that may or may not be related, it looks like you're going to be picked for a top position in April. (Also nice, eh?)
...If today is your birthday, this should come as no surprise: It says that Libra and Scorpio adore you. That takes care of your first-born grandson and me...but I'm pretty sure the rest of the family likes you a lot, too!
...If today is your birthday, I'm glad we're related -- and I think we both picked a pretty good family to marry into! I have so many great memories of times we've spent together -- special vacations, of course, but also just hanging out...Remember all those bike rides to Baskin Robbins when Erin was a baby and Meagan was almost a baby?

Have a Wonderful Birthday, Lew!

We love you!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Book Report with a Purpose

Dear Zoe, a Novel by Philip Beard, Viking, 2005
(MSN Paint version of the cover by Kate, 1/24/09)

Well now, dear Bloggees, it's been a couple of weeks since I first wrote to you about this book (January 24 post, Book Blog.) Remember? I had just begun reading it, and I was so touched by one particular paragraph that I just couldn't wait to tell you about it...

I have since finished Dear Zoe, (my attempts to pace myself being entirely futile), and have even sent messages to a few of you, telling you how much I loved it and encouraging you -- implicitly, if not directly -- to read it yourselves.

I read this incredibly beautiful little book with my heart in my throat the entire time. It hurt. It made me ache, it made me cry. It will probably do the same to you. It is a story of the deepest sadness I imagine one can feel -- the sadness of losing a child. But it's not written from the perspective of the parents, but rather, in the form of a letter to that child from her teenaged sister. Beautifully -- even perfectly -- written, in my opinion.

I'm not kidding -- I had to keep looking at the author's picture on the jacket of the book to make sure it was a man rather than a young girl who was the source of the voice I was hearing. I just couldn't believe he was able to tap into the heart and soul of his character the way he did. He wrote her from the inside out. (And if you're thinking that maybe teenaged girls are not your cup of tea, and that you might not enjoy being in the mind and heart of one, trust me -- I'm pretty sure you'll fall in love with Tess!)

And if you're thinking, "But, Kate, I'm just not that into books that make me cry," it doesn't matter. There's still much to love about this one. I found myself laughing around that lump in my throat many times. We get to know all of the characters who move in Tess's world, and some of them -- and the situations they encounter -- are just plain funny! Like Tess's dad -- He's literally a composite of every lovable, attractive, ADD-riddled guy in my family. Actually, all of Beard's characters are as distinctly alive as the people you'll run into at lunch today!

Let's see...It's been a long time since I've done a book report...I guess I have to have an ending:

Dear Zoe, ended on the perfect note -- Love and hope for the world. I heartily recommend it to my millions of faithful Bloggees who are reading this today!

Now, on to the purpose of this book report:

First, did you get that I absolutely loved this book? (Yes, I did.) As a matter of fact, I loved it so much, that when I noticed that the author had a website ( , I just had to visit it. And when I noticed that he had an e-mail, address, why I just had to write and tell him how much I loved what he had done, and to ask him to please continue doing it. And guess what...

He wrote back to me. (Yes, he did.) And he told me something that has me really worried, Bloggees...He said that he had just heard from his publisher that they are seriously considering taking Dear Zoe, out of print due to lagging sales! Do you know that means? Not just this book, but probably lots of other books, too!

We have a mission -- a purpose: We have to save this book -- We have to save them all! In fact, we must work to save our bookstores, one book at a time! Think -- With the plight of the universe looking so dismal right now, where will we escape to if we have no bookstores full of books? (And on a more selfish note, if all of the bookstores go out of business, what hope do I have of ever finding another job so perfectly suited to me -- January 22 post, More Loose Ends?)

I've tried to do my part -- I am really not kidding when I tell you that I spent more than I made during the few weeks I was a Seasonal Book Seller -- apparently to no avail. I don't know what else to do, other than to honor this wonderful, gifted author's request to spread the word. I know money is tight. (Yes, I do.) But perhaps we can all give up a box of cereal or a bag of chips this week and buy one book -- Dear Zoe, is my recommendation!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another Crazy Dream Blog

Dj and Joe (as in Meagan's Joe), Summer 2005, Lake Shannon, by Karen. (See Photo Note below after you have read this post.)

I had another crazy dream last night. Well, actually, this morning, just before the alarm went off. At first I couldn't remember what it was, but I knew I'd had one. Then my Awesome Husband Greg brought me a cup of coffee with a straw so I could slowly sip myself awake, and that's when it all came back to me...

I was dressed for something wintry -- perhaps ice fishing? I know it wasn't ice skating, because a cute little twirly skirt and tights were not part of my outfit. I'm seeing corduroy pants, a big puffy jacket and heavy leather work boots. Hmmmm. Wouldn't I have been wearing waders if I were ice fishing? I guess I should do some research -- but later.

It seems like everything I was wearing was either brown or dark green. And there was someone with me. I'm not sure, but I think it might have been Shane Sparks. (You know -- the judge on America's Best Dance Crew and So You Think You Can Dance?) If it wasn't Shane, whoever it was was African American, and he was dressed in the same kind of doofy outfit I was. (That makes me think it probably wasn't Shane.)

So it was cold, we were dressed for the cold (Did I mention that we were also wearing hats, scarves and gloves?) and we were on the water. Water, not ice. There was a dock and a jet ski. And this guy -- what the heck -- I'm just gonna go ahead and call him Shane -- is trying to explain to me that it's perfectly all right to ride a jet ski when you're all dressed in warm, puffy clothing and leather boots. He was trying to convince me that nothing bad or scary would happen; that I'd be perfectly safe.

I obviously wanted to believe him, but I seemed to be having a little trouble. For one thing, I don't know who paid for those boots, but I was really hesitant to get them wet -- Or maybe it was just that I was hesitant to get myself wet. Whatever. I finally stepped off the dock, swam out to the jet ski and climbed on. That's when I realized that, hey, I didn't feel the least bit chilled -- or wet! When I patted my corduroys, they were wet, but none of it was soaking through to my skin! That's when I realized that Shane was right -- I would be perfectly fine!

Now I still don't know why I it was winter -- oh, never mind -- it is winter, isn't it?! But why was my outfit so unattractive? Also, I'm not sure why my encouraging companion was Shane Sparks. But I have sort of figured out some of the other stuff:

The jet ski: A few days ago I had listened to a friend describe her near-death experience with bus hijackers in Guatemala. She had said one of her first thoughts was "If I die here, my mother will kill me." That had reminded me of the time Greg and I were in Cancun and we'd taken a jet ski out when there was a tropical storm looming over the ocean. (Against every ounce of judgment within me, I might add!) I was terrified, and at that point I had absolutely no trust in my Awesome Husband's ability to maneuver a jet ski over 30-foot waves (Ok, perhaps that's a slight exaggeration, but I want to be sure you understand my mindset.) I, too, had actually thought, "If I die doing this, my mother will kill me."

My trepidation: I think I have mentioned in this blog that I've been filling out on-line job applications. That alone is a big step outside of my comfort zone. But I've also been applying for jobs in places I never would have imagined myself being a cashier in a manufacturing plant cafeteria, as a census taker...Not actually having Shane Sparks to encourage me to just plunge in, leather boots and all, I've been talking pretty hard to myself, telling myself things like "C'mon, girl -- You know you can do whatever you want to do!" and "Yes, you do want to be a cashier in a cafeteria -- Don't you remember? Why, you've dreamed of that ever since you were a wee, small lass!"

My triumph over the wet and cold: That's the premonition part of the dream. It really is going to be ok. (I'm kind of hoping it means that one of the bookstores where I've applied will call and hire me later on today, but if not, I can be sure that whatever comes along will be the right thing, and that I'll be a smash hit, wherever I work.)

Shane Sparks: Hey -- I think I just figured out why he was there -- I'm going to be an exotic dancer! Obviously I needed a competent dance-judger to encourage me to go for it...

Unflattering Outfit: Got that part, too, now...It's going to be part of my act. As I'm dancing, I'll take off all that ugly, puffy corduroy stuff, and underneath I'll be wearing a really darling skating outfit! (Underneath my stocking cap, of course, will be a sparkly tiara.)

Ok, folks -- I gotta get back out there and get my feet wet (so to speak)! Later, Bloggees!

Photo Note: Obviously this is not a picture of a jet ski or an African American male dressed for winter sports. I tried, but I couldn't come up with anything even close. So this is just a gratuitous photo of two cute guys enjoying some fun and sun in the middle of winter. (At least there's water.)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2/3 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Jackson Monroe -- One Year Old!

...If today is your birthday, it's your first one -- and this is my first Cute-Baby-Birthday-Blog!

...If today is your birthday, I have only seen you one time. But thanks to digital photography and the internet -- and your mom and dad -- I've seen lots of wonderful pictures!

...If today is your birthday, I hope there will be more pictures coming -- pictures of you with cake and frosting covering your face from eyebrows to chin!

...If today is your birthday, I remember being enthralled by you at the Fischer Family Reunion last summer -- So bright, so cute, so happy...All of the nicest things people can say about a baby were being said about you -- and they were all true!

...If today is your birthday, you are a very lucky boy to have been born into such a loving, close-knit family. Even though there are a whole bunch of states between your house and your grandma and grandpa's house, I know you get to see them pretty regularly -- and that's special!

...If today is your birthday, I am happy knowing that you are feeling lots of love, Little Man. And even though you won't remember the day, it will seem like you remember it years from now when you look at all the photographs I'm sure will be taken.

Happy 1st Birthday, Jack!

Monday, February 2, 2009

In Defense of Being a Cyber-Stalker

"I Think Greg Looks Like a Stalker!" Christmas 2007, by Kate

My husband (yeah, the awesome one) says that I'm a cyber-stalker. I don't think that's fair. The word stalker has such negative connotations, doesn't it? I mean I've always thought stalkers were kind of dangerous. You know -- like the ones that follow celebrities around and get restraining orders issued against them?

Okay -- I just looked up "stalk" in my Webster's. (It's the paperback version, so "stalker" isn't even in it.) Discard the first definition: "walk with slow, dignified strides." That has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm talking about here. The next one, though, "approach stealthily," could be used with "cyber." But that is sooooooo not what I am!

Greg says I'm a stalker because I like to read other people's blogs. He says it like it's a bad thing -- something I should feel guilty about. (Ah, that's the stealthy part, I guess.) I think he feels that way because because most of the blogs I read are written by people much younger than myself. Like that somehow makes them vulnerable and defenseless against my prurient wiles. (Ewwww! I just got the willies! I can't even think of myself in that way!)

I'm sorry. I like to read books written by other people, too. Does that make me a literary stalker? (Maybe only if I read books by young authors?)

Well, in my defense, let it be known: Whenever I decide to read someone's blog on a regular basis, I immediately sign on an as an official Follower of that blog. That way, they know I'm there. If it weren't for the cyber part -- if I were just a plain old stalker -- they'd be able to look out their windows and see me smiling and waving in a friendly and encouraging manner. Certainly nothing scary (or stealthy) about that, is there?
Fear not, young bloggers -- I mean you no harm. I just love being entertained. You make me laugh, you make me cry -- what more can I ask? Thank you for blogging!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

2/1 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Flowers, Kuekenhof Gardens, Netherlands, from Webshots.
...If today is your birthday, I am sending you all of these beautiful flowers because I know you love flowers.
...If today is your birthday, you are a very special person, and a very special friend -- the kind of friend that makes me say "I want to be just like her when I grow up!"
...If today is your birthday, it's your example that makes it a sure thing that my love affair with clogging will be lifelong commitment, rather than just one of my passing "obsessions!"
...If today is your birthday, I've learned so many things from you. Things about people, strength, friendship, loyalty -- and of course -- clogging! And now it seems that you're going to be taking a little break from clogging. But I'm sure -- I'm praying -- that it will be just that -- a little break!
...If today is your birthday, once again you are facing something that might make another person throw up her hands and say "I surrender!" But not you, my friend. You'll get through this, and be even stronger for it!
...And if today is your birthday, I want you to know that I will always be your friend. I may not always be able to anticipate what you need, but if you let me know, I will always give it to the best of my ability. And you will always, always be in my heart and in my prayers!
Happy Birthday, Dear Patsy!