Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Different Types of People

Just as there are different types of people in the world, so there are different types of lab technicians -- you know -- the people who are trained to use syringes with sharp needles to draw blood when a doctor needs information about sugar levels or liver function...that kind of thing.

I have met two different types of lab techs. I can't account for their differences...perhaps if I knew more about the quality of their training, their satisfaction with their lives, the amount of love they received from their parents, their sense of self-worth or lack thereof...

Whatever the reason for their differences, it is unfortunate that there has to be any other type than the first type -- the good lab tech. Here she is...

The good lab tech works at Dr. GP's office.

Then there is the other type -- the bad lab tech...

...Bad Lab Tech works at Dr. Pulmonologist's office.

This morning was my second encounter with Bad Lab Tech. She tries to disguise herself as a good lab tech, but I have her number now...As she was prepping me, I told her (in the nicest possible way, of course) that the last time she drew my blood, she left a huge hematoma on my arm. Naturally she apologized. Then did the exact same thing she did last summer.

Actually, perhaps the differences between lab techs can be accounted for by evaluating their techniques -- the way they hold the syringe...

Now that I think of it, Good Lab Tech held hers more or less the way one would hold a pencil -- the last pencil one has to finish an SAT test, so one must be very careful not to break the lead. Yes, that's it -- that's how Good Lab Tech held her syringe.

Bad Lab Tech, however, was gripping hers as one would wield a spear...well, I won't even venture a guess as to why she imagined she was holding a spear. I think I've made my point.

So if you happen to run into me any time in the next week or so, please be careful about jostling my left arm too much. And don't be grossed out -- purple is a lovely color, but it doesn't look good on flesh.

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