Sunday, December 21, 2008

12/22 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Top: Meagan Day Fischer, 12/22/77
Bottom: Daddy lends a hand with the pacifier.

...If today is your birthday, you're the Girl in the Stocking! (Remember -- That's how they brought you to me in the hospital on Christmas Day. You were only three days old, but I know you remember!)


...If today is your birthday, that early experience set you up with a lifetime penchant for hopping around in a large red stocking -- something that's gotten a little less frequent over the years, but we still struggle sometimes...


...If today is your birthday, then you made Christmas 1977 the most memorable one in my history! I remember planning to have had you much earlier in the month, and then feeling like my fine old self, ready to party, by the 25th. Not the way it turned out, of course, but absolutely no regrets -- I had a marvelous time in Lapeer County General with your Grandma Hilma in attendance as the head of the nursery!


...If today is your birthday, I remember being there for an entire week -- plenty of time to learn all the ins and outs of taking care of a newborn. (Things like flicking the bottom of your foot with my finger if you fell asleep while you were nursing, and how to feign wooziness every time you pooped so that Daddy or one of the nurses would change your diaper.)


...If today is your birthday, I remember being amazed that, after I had brought you home and resumed "regular life" as it was to be forever after, people actually wanted to talk about other things besides how amazing my new baby was. (Um, unfortunately, that's an adjustment I've had to make at just about every turn. I still can't figure out what's up with that, can you?)


...If today is your birthday, I know it's wrong to give you all the credit for making me one of the happiest moms in the universe. I know that's God. And I am so very thankful. But the fact remains -- I am one of the happiest moms in the universe because God gave you to me! (In case your brother ever reads this, the same goes for him, of course, but hey -- this is your birthday blog.)


...If today is your birthday, I hope that some day you will know what it's like to hold a newborn child that has been, very intimately, a part of you for nine whole months. I hope that you will then be able to describe -- better than I have ever been able to -- what that feels like. I know the word for it is Love. But it's such a strange and special love. I hope, my precious daughter, that you will have the same love for a child of your own some day. (Ok -- that's all about me becoming a grandma. But really -- I want it for you, too!)


...If today is your birthday, I hope you have always felt -- and always will feel -- how much you are loved by me, by Dad, and by all your grandparents, aunts, uncles, pets, furniture, clothing, books, food...


Happy Birthday, my Meggie!

Have a wonderful day!

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