Sunday, November 13, 2016

Limerick This, Haiku That

This post is a collaborative effort. The photos were taken by Jordyn Paige Gottlieb, poetry by Yours Truly...

'Twas obvious the path was less taken;
In fact, it looked downright forsaken.
I was afraid to begin...
Did I dare just step in?
A mistake I feared I was makin'.

I made it in time to the station,
Where the train was patiently waitin'.
But my enormous relief
Turned to stark disbelief...
I had booked the express line to Satan!

Blue plastic cartons
Spilled from the open trailer.
It hardly made sense.

A man by himself in tall weeds
My intense curiosity feeds.
Though I know him quite well,
I really can't tell
The thinking that led to his deeds.

Dry leaves in water
Do not become moisturized.
Skin is like that, too.

The sight resisted describing,
Though she had spent the last hour imbibing.
Still words escaped her,
Eschewing the paper
On which she was furiously scribing.

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