Saturday, November 14, 2015

Your Assignment For Today...

As I lay in bed this morning looking out my window, I heard a voice say, Your assignment today is to find at least one thing you have in common with everyone you meet.

Okay. You're weird, Voice, but I can do that.

First there was My Awesome Husband Greg bringing me a cup of coffee. I don't have that in common with him. He's always the one who brings the coffee. Hmmmm. We're both skinny. You said one thing, right?

Do cats count? Because the next "person" I met today was Ella. I suppose I have more in common with her than I like to admit. Let's just go with we only want to cuddle when we're in the mood.

Then my son, Dominic, stopped over. He and I have more in common than he would like to admit. We both laugh at things we know we shouldn't laugh at, then we say we're sorry, but we probably really aren't--for laughing, I mean.

The next one was my Sunshine, Jordyn, who came over so we could finally do her birthday lunch and shop for her present. This one is easy. We both love chicken Parmesan, so we split an order at Pastabilities. We also both like to shop at Daisy's consignment shop, even though all the scented candles make us get stuffy heads and start coughing. (I know that's two things. I hope it's okay.)

Now it gets harder--people I don't even know. The lady in the first gift shop we went to--can't remember the name, but it had "Paper" in it--was very friendly, and offered to help us without getting pushy about it. I think I was like that when I worked in the bookstore and the fabric store. We are both good retail people.

The waitress in Pastabilities was also very nice, but I probably would not be a nice waitress. Oh, I'd be okay if it wasn't very busy and all the customers were as pleasant as I am, but I've been a waitress, and I know they're not. So we wouldn't have that in common. Let's see...when I asked if they had a house Cabernet, she said, "Yes, we do," her voice implying that she was quite familiar with it. So we both like Cabernet.

There was a lady at a nearby table who made it very clear what I have in common with her. We're both from Michigan. I knew she was from Michigan, because she kept talking about it in a very loud voice, as if she were giving speech to the Kiwanis Club or something. My daughter says I do that, too, so that's two common things I share with "Miss Michigan."

Last stop, Daisy's. There were lots of people in there, and we were all obviously enjoying ourselves--some of us in spite of the candles. The owner seemed aloof today, so I guess I'm just going to say the thing I have in common with her is we both wear glasses. I would never be aloof if I owned a store like Daisy's.

The girl who rang us up had to check with the other girl on what the little Ginger Snap charm was called so she would know what to charge me. I'm like that. I may now always know, but I can usually figure out who to ask.

And the girl who wrapped our purchases used too much tissue paper. I do that, too. I'm always trying to get rid of the stuff.

Back at home, I met Jordyn's friend, Catherine. Found out we both like watching "Finding Carter," and obviously, we both like hanging out with Jordyn.

I'm drinking wine and I'm not going out again, so I guess that's it. How'd I do, Voice in My Head?

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