Monday, November 23, 2015


When it's morning and I'm sitting in my chair by the window watching the day brighten and my breathing is quiet and my heart is still and there is no one else in the house to disturb the surface;

When my mind is tuned to a smooth jazz station and my thoughts are flowing and I can't tell if the song is getting ready to end, or just change;

When my mental list of things to do is written neatly on one small piece of paper in the lower left-hand corner of my mind and has not yet been torn into strips and scattered in a flurry;

When there's coffee in the pot and my mind is not buzzing and I know there is room inside of me--and time--for one more cup;

When I have places to go and people to see, but not just yet;

When I have a bullet-proof plan for the day and then I think about my granddaughter and I recognize the folly in making plans so I just let go;

When in response to a little voice that begins softly yet frantically, You have so much to do, I hear another voice--a confident stage whisper--There's wine;

That's when I am most grateful that I am here and this world is here and the holidays are here and if only everyone had enough, I would be completely happy.


Cindy Ricksgers said...

Lovely words to start the day...and such a good plan, to keep stress at bay, by allowing for the unexpected. When your granddaughter is involved, you know that whatever it is, it will be a delight!

Unknown said...

So true, Cindy--as long as I am able to let go of any plans I may have had! Thanks for reading. Enjoy your family!