Monday, June 8, 2009

Since You Asked...

Maybe it's just me...

Does it seem like there's one question you get asked more often than any other -- perhaps the same question every day?

For me, it's "Seriously -- What were you thinking?"

Well, I think I may have some answers to that question...

What was I thinking when (once again) I loaded the dishwasher "improperly," allowing the spoons to spoon, and placing the coffee pot over the water sprayer?

I imagine I was thinking As soon as I'm finished with this, I can dig through my big box of decorative trims to see if I have something I can incorporate into the curtains I'm going to make for the living room...

What was I thinking when I left a huge pile of decorative trims in the middle of the bed, instead of putting them back from whence they had come?

I was probably thinking Oh -- My Awesome Husband Greg's gone to the Post Office. Now would be a good time for me to dance in the living room!

What was I thinking when I ignored the water that got splashed behind the faucet on the bathroom sink?

Well, I know you thought I was thinking So what's the big deal? It's just a little water. I'm going to leave it there for someone else to clean up. But in actuality, I was thinking I wonder if there's anything made with nuts and dark chocolate in the cupboard...

What on earth was I thinking when I yelled "Stop!" as you approached a yellow light with the full weight your [huge] foot on the gas pedal?

That's easy...I'm pretty sure I was thinking Oh My God! He isn't going to stop -- We're going to die!!!!

And what was I thinking when I ignored your "suggestion" that I could roll up the garden hose and hang it back on the hook after you had pulled out of the driveway?

Another no-brainer...What do you think of whenever you see a garden hose? Snake!!! (Now why would I want to touch that?)

And finally...

What was I thinking when I spent more time than I was ever alloted running up and down the stairs to edit posts and make adjustments to my facebook wall?

Obviously, I was thinking This is so very important -- I must get it absolutely right so that the gazillions of people who read my blog and check my wall don't get the wrong idea...

Well, I hope this has helped clear some things up for you. Have a wonderful day now...

(Photo: Greg returning from his run 6/7/09, Kate's LRDC)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I can totally relate!
And that look on your AH Greg....
it so says "what were you thinking???"!!!