In addition to the family members whose pictures were included in my Thanksgiving post, I wanted to be sure that some of the other people whom I consider blessings in my life know how much they're appreciated.
Greg with Dawn, Kim & Deb (2007)
As a token of that appreciation, I have just spent the better part of two hours locating and uploading these photos (some of which are more than a few years old) to this blog!
Meagan & Joe Kopp (9/22/07)
I have written about how our Thanksgiving Day this year was spent with my brother, Mark, his wife Kris, and their kids -- Bethany, Tori and Kristofer -- in Mocksville. (See November 28 post, "My Thanksgiving Blog"). We also had our other family with us -- Gina, Jordyn and Taylor Gottlieb, which made it even more fun.
And while we were there, amusing ourselves by riding around on modified golf carts and dirt bikes, playing with a vast assortment of pets and then stuffing ourselves with deep-fried turkey -- and anything else that could possibly be considered necessary to complete the feast -- Greg's sister, Kim, and her daughter, Tara (who had driven up from Atlanta), were in Greensboro celebrating the day with Dawn and Ali.
Brad, who has been known to cook a turkey or two himself, was with his dad's family in Chicago this year. I don't know if he did any of the cooking, but I heard from a reliable source that he did plenty of eating.
Meagan & Dj (9/22/07)
Anyway, the Friday after Thanksgiving (a/k/a "Black Friday" in the retail world) is actually one of my favorite days of the year for reasons that have nothing at all to do with shopping. There's just something so wonderful about having gotten the house all in order for Thanksgiving, then having a nice, quiet day to enjoy it without having to go to work! (Yes, I dodged that bullet this year -- I just realized I could have been called in -- whew!)
This Friday was spent enjoying more food and fun with Dawn, Kim, Tara and Ali --who also enjoyed some shopping. Meagan, Joe and Dj were here, of course. And our wonderful, game-loving friends, Steve and Becky, joined us later in the evening for Catch Phrase and Balderdash. (If you care enough to ask who won, you'll no doubt get conflicting reports; the correct answer, however, is "Whatever team Becky and Kate were on." Always.)
Steve and Becky are not pictured here. Look for them in a future post, perhaps. Also part of our day, although not pictured, were Dawn's boyfriend, Mik, and his son Jordan. Jordan actually just showed up to eat, but we let him because he's so cute and well-behaved. Like his Dad. We love Mik and Jordan!
Greg & Meagan (9/22/07)
All of the photos you've seen so far were taken last September (2007), when my daughter, Meagan, married her Joe.
This next batch of pictures are from the magnificent Royal Carribean Cruise that Hilma and Leo treated the entire family to in the summer of 2004 -- Talk about a dream vacation! That trip shall always remain on my list of "Thankful Things!"
Deb & Lew (2004)
Kevin & Erin Richardson with Alex (2004)
Kevin is Erin's husband, and Erin is Deb and Lew's first daughter. (I won't even attempt to tell you how long Kevin and Erin have been married, but I do know that Deb and Lew recently celebrated their 36th anniversary!)
Kevin and Erin have two children now, although when we went on the cruise, there was only Alex, who just turned six in October. The picture of his sister, Natalie, who turned three a few days ago, was taken last summer at the Fischer Family Reunion in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is near where the Richardsons live.
Natalie on Daddy Kevin's shoulder (2008)
Eric & Andrea Monroe (2004)
This picture of Andrea (Deb and Lew's other daughter), with her husband, Eric, was also taken on the cruise. (Quick -- how many of you thought that spiral staircase behind them was the one that's in our front hallway?) Their son, Jackson, pictured below with their two schnauzers, wasn't on the cruise, of course. He just got here in February '08! (No schnauzers on the cruise, either.)
This might be a good time to mention that the entire Knecht branch of the family apparently loves schnauzers...Deb and Lew have one now (actually their third), and each of the girls has two. I'm not sure about the others, but I think the Monroes must be drugging theirs. C'mon -- How else did they get them to don costumes and pose for this picture?!!
Jackson Monroe & Friends (Oct. 2008)
Tara & Kim with Hilma (2004)
And now we're back to cruise pictures...
Leo & Hilma with Brad, Dawn & Ali (2004)
That concludes another chapter on People I am Thankful For. I have more people -- just no more time. Today. Stay tuned, though...
Cousins Tara & Brad (2004)
For now, I just thank God for all of you, and I thank you all for the love you've shared with me. Amen!
Note: For a larger look at any of the photos here, simply click on the pic.