Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4/1 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Front: Karen Karlek, Sally Johnson; Back: Chris Johnson, "Kathy" Karlek, Beverly Karlek
(circa 1957?)

...If today is your birthday, you are the second sister Mom and Dad gave me. (I shouldn't have acted so happy about that first one!)

(...If today is your birthday, I hope you and Bev both know I'm kidding about that...All of my sisters are among my greatest treasures, and I hate to even think about what my life would be without you!)

...If today is your birthday, then it's also your husband's birthday. Oh yeah -- plus, it's April Fool's Day, too. Isn't that kind of weird...I mean that the two of you were born as practical jokes to your families, and then later found and married each other and embarked upon a long and prosperous marriage, pretty much ignoring the fact that you were both born on April Fool's Day? Do you know what some people would have done with that lot?!!! (Can you say "Clown Family?")

...If today is your birthday, this is probably redundant, because I know I've said it before, but you truly are one of the most awesomely talented people I know. Your eye for beauty and your patience in nurturing seeds of creativity are surpassed only by your generosity in sharing your gifts!

...If today is your birthday, I know that as sisters we've shared lots of jokes about getting old (because let's face it -- that's funny stuff!) But the truth is, we both know we're special, and that that's never going to happen to us, right?

...If today is your birthday, I hope that at least for today -- and why not for a whole bunch of tomorrows, too? -- you're feeling young and beautiful and energetic and passionate and happy, and that your cake will be the kind that subtracts calories instead of adding them!

...If today is your birthday, I love you, MySister, and wish I could be there to celebrate with you!

...If today is your birthday, give your Awesome Husband Dave a big birthday hug from me, too, and tell him he's included in all the good wishes I'm sending your way!





1 comment:

Melissa said...

OMG! I love the captions on the pic! Made me LOL. Avery too. We just love you so darn much!