Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bluefinger Blues...A Rather Simple Tune

"Blues Guitar" by Kate, 3/28/09 (MSN Paint)

Bwra-da-da-da-dant (sp.?)...

I got the blue-finger blues


From my head to my shoes.


But there's sorta good news --


I got nothin' to lose.


I don't wanna snooze --


Gotta find a new muse.


If I had some clues,


I'd know which one to choose.


I know a few truths;


Now I'm payin' my dues.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Picture of Consternation

Kate Bluefingers, 3/25/09 (MSN Paint)

I'm consternated, Bloggees...

To be continued...

Simply Red (A Poetry Blog)

(Alternate title: Dread Locks)
Kate "I-Meant-to-Do-This" Fischer, Summer 2005
(by Greg "I-Can't-Believe-You-Did-That" Fischer)


Frivolous woman with crimson hair,

Trying to act like you don't care,

Had you no thought within that head

The day you were so far mis-lead?


Of course I had a thought in there...

I thought, I want some bright red hair!

(I also thought some other stuff,

But for now I think I've said enough.)


Well, if I may be so bold to ask,

Once you'd begun the fateful task --

Extremely Mak(ing) O'er your head --

Did you not harbor one small dread?


Well, of course right then, there was no dread --

I meant to do it, as I said...

I did, however, have some doubt

The first time that I ventured out!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Papa Leo's Birthday Blog (3/23)

Papa Leo, Hilma and Greg, 9/21/07
(Meagan's wedding rehearsal, Hodgin Valley Farm)

Happy Birthday, Papa Leo! You're the best!

We're sending you our love
and wishing you a wonderful day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

3/22 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Greg, Deb and Dawn (mid-50's)

(Remember -- If you can't read the words, click on the photo to enlarge it.)

...If today is your birthday, you grew up in an atmosphere of nervous anxiety, never knowing what your brother's next method of torment would be; for that, you have earned my deepest respect and sympathy.

...If today is your birthday, you have the distinction of being the Middle Child. (Yes, there are four children in your family, but we don't count Greg because...well, because he's a boy.)

...If today is your birthday, you can always make me laugh, even if you have to resort to laughing yourself until you cry -- God, I love it when you do that!

...If today is your birthday, you are Greg's only sibling who is brave enough as an adult to reside in the same city (again earning you my deepest respect and sympathy).

...If today is your birthday, I actually respect you for a lot of reasons...In fact, I wish I could be more like you. (And if you ever really need my sympathy, you shall have that, too.)

...If today is your birthday we became sisters when I married your brother. And for that, I think I deserve a lot of respect and sympathy!

Happy Birthday Dawn --

We love you!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

3/21 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

...If today is your birthday, you and your family are among the very first first friends we made when we moved to Greensboro -- our very first Next-Door-Neighbor when we bought our first home here...You're even the Godmother of my son...

...If today is your birthday, what I'm trying to say is that even though we don't get together as often as we once did, you are still a very large part of many happy memories of our early years in North Carolina, and you always will be!

...If today is your birthday, I hope you're having a fantastic day!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Sister Dream

(Top) Melissa & Avery, 2003(?), Cedar Point; (below) Alex, Lake Shannon, 2004 (both by Karen Branson)

This is a dream I had last week. I didn't bother to write it down, because it was so real that I didn't think I'd forget. Now it all seems like a dream...

My Sister Melissa was here for a visit with her two kids. (I guess Hubby Dan must have stayed home to take care of the horses -- someone had to.)

Missy hasn't been in North Carolina since my mom was in the hospital eight years ago. Before she had Alex, who's now 17(!) and Avery, she used to visit every year or so. I guess having two kids with autism and/or spectrum-related issues salted her wings a bit, making North Carolina visits with my baby sister a rare treat. (Oh -- And I don't think the fact that her airplane almost crash-landed in a huge windstorm on her return flight that last time did anything to help my cause, either!)

Anyway, I dreamed that Missy was here -- Here! -- for a visit. In the dream, we were sitting at the kitchen table, and she was telling me about jumping from bed to bed in the hotel room with Alex and Aveary, laughing like idiots -- Missy and I, I mean, as she told the story.

If you've read my other posts about dreams, you know that I like to try to figure out where they came from..

As I mentioned in my recent post about Alex, Melissa and her family have been very much on my mind lately. I was probably thinking about them as I fell asleep. I just love them all so much, and I don't get to see them nearly as often as I'd like. It would have been natural for me to have concocted a story about them coming here for a visit, instead of my having to wait until our annual trip to Michigan to see them. That part was easy. The part that gave me a little trouble is Missy and the kids jumping on the beds! (While it was fun to picture, it's just not quite in character for any of them.) Then I remembered my Brother Mark telling me about something he and My Other Brother Jason had done a long time ago, back when they were much younger and not entirely wise...

I can remember laughing until I hurt as Mark talked about how, when the two of them worked together building sunrooms and had to travel quite a bit, they would entertain themselves in their motel rooms by doing stupid stunts, using the beds -- and other furniture -- as props. (Really, it's a wonder that I still have two brothers!) Isn't that called transference-- having Missy and kids doing things that had actually been done by Mark and Jason? Whatever -- I love Missy and her kids, I love Mark and Jason -- Heck, I even love jumping on beds! I guess I just mixed it all up in one crazy dream.

It seems like I was awake for a while before I remembered that Missy won't be visiting North Carolina any time soon. (Sigh.) It sure was a good dream while it lasted, though!
Oh -- I guess if you ever want to make me laugh, you just have to tell me a good jumping-on-the-bed story!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Very Own Fabric Store

"Kate in Her Very Own Fabric Store" (by Kate) 3/15/09, MSN Paint

I love my new fabric store! (Okay -- I know it's not really mine. Just pretend, ok?)


They have fabric -- lots of fabric. And I learned how to pull out a chunk of it when it's on a bolt and fold it back so it drapes. I think this is something we should teach Customers to do. Because if a Customer pulls a bolt of fabric off the rack to examine it more closely, or to carry it over so she can match it to a zipper or some thread, and then she just stuffs it back onto the rack any old which-way -- or worse, if she lays it atop the other bolts of fabric -- why then people who work in fabric stores (Fabric Store Employees, or FSEs) can get kind of vexed. Not me, of course...I'm just saying.


No, I would never be vexed about something like that. I know how uninhibiting it can be to be let loose in a fabric store on a Saturday afternoon. It makes you want to run around snatching bolts of fabric here and there, dropping them wherever you happen to be when the urge strikes you to pick up another one. You don't care if it's properly draped on the bolt -- you don't even care if you've just stuffed a bolt of dull satin in between a couple of bolts of wide-wale corduroy, but I understand!


It's just that now, as an FSE, it's my responsibility to make sure that all of those bolts stand at approximately the same height as I cast my eyes lovingly around the store. And of course we want those nice "drapes" to be all about the same distance from the floor. The fabrics should also be arranged by color, and of course fiber content. And the description on the end of the bolt (i.e., "Sport-Weight Poplin") should be the same as the sign above that particular display. (Apparently Poplins and Linens resent each other, and if they're left together too long, trouble will ensue.)


But as I say, you need not fear my judgment, Customers. In my heart of hearts, I'll always be one of you!


There is another area, however, where I think Customers could use a little training so as not to invite the ire of FSEs; that is the "waterfall." (Did you even know that that's what those tall racks holding the rolls of upholstery fabric are called? I didn't.) I'll bet that the average Customer (like me, except that I'm waaaaaay above average) doesn't even realize that those wonderful upholstery fabrics are not supposed to be left hanging down in front of those placed lower on the rack. I mean surely anyone who's interested is going to realize that there's hidden treasure, and should be able to lift one fabric up to see what's underneath. But now, as an FSE, I must also make sure that each roll of upholstery fabric is arranged to fall down behind the the rolls below it. (Not so much a waterfall as some anal-retentive attempt at control, I say.)


My awesome fabric store also has things like yarns and knitting needles (those wonderful wooden ones). And beads -- wonderful, wonderful beads. Patterns. Magazines. (Oh, how I love those magazines!) Of course there are also lots of threads, zippers, trims and tapes. And if you want a little home decor, we have lamps, pictures, rugs -- and knick-knacks out the wazoo! Oh, and lots of little POP (that's point-of-purchase) temptations near the cash register -- stuff the kids can't resist, like CANDY; nor can the adults -- special lotions for crafters and tiny little measuring tapes that go on your key ring! (Of course I'm like, Hey, is this a fabric store, or am I in Heaven?!!!!)


So my first day as an FSE was great. I learned a little, had a lot of fun, and found lots of stuff I never even noticed as a Customer. I really think I'm gonna like it here! (Oh, they also have scissors, but I wasn't allowed to use them on my first day.)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Blogging for Alex

Alex in the Snow -- His favorite way to be (by Melissa Wagner)

This blog is for my nephew, Alexander Jordan Wagner. This is an old photo of him -- he's 17 now. I like picturing him in the snow. My sister, Melissa, once asked him, "What is the very best feeling in the world?" Without pause, Alex answered, "Waking up to a new snow."

It's not Alex's birthday or anything. Not even close -- he was a July baby. I've just been thinking about him a lot lately. Alex has autism, but you wouldn't know it to see him now. (If you'd like to read more about Alex's autism, Melissa has done a beautiful job of blogging about it ( But she's not blogging anymore -- just keeping a journal, and sending updates out to the family.

Alex has been having seizures lately. For about three years, I think. The first few were six months to a year apart. Then they began coming more frequently. Melissa is working with a wonderful homeopath -- and with God, of course. We're all hoping that the episodes are coming to an end. Alex is more and more in touch with his body, and seems to be able to feel when a seizure is coming now. They're becoming a little less frequent, and with a little less intensity.

Melissa feels (I do, too) that Alex's seizures are caused by his exposure to vaccines -- both animal vaccines and human vaccines. He's being treated homeopathically, and God is guiding everyone involved. Some might have a different view of the cause of Alex's symptoms and his treatment. That's why I'm not going into a lot of detail here.

I just felt like I wanted to blog for Alex today. I guess we could say this is a Guest Blog, at least in part, because these photos were all taken by Alex. (They've all been posted in Missy's blog.) People have said that Alex seems to see what others do not, and that his camera records what he sees. I certainly do not have a trained eye, and I may be prejudiced by the love I have for Alex. But I think these are special, and I'd like to share them with you...

(I've uploaded small versions of the pictures, but you can just click on them to see a larger view -- enjoy!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God Smack!

"God Smack" by Kate, 3/11/09 (MSN Paint)

I'm over it, Bloggees. Oh -- Er, I mean that woman I was hypothetically blogging about the other day is over it. You know -- the guilt she was feeling about all the time she'd been putting in on facebook?


As you may recall, she had kind of worked it all out by the end of the story, realizing that facebook itself wasn't necessarily bad; she probably just needed to control herself a little bit -- find some balance, act like a grown-up. She'd been hearing those things all of her adult life anyway. Maybe it was worth a try...


Then, the very next day that woman got a real God Smack. (The one she thought she'd received while she was reading her Bible must have been a big glob of dust falling off the ceiling fan or something.)


You see, the morning after she had posted her Bible-Thumpin' post, she logged onto facebook FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES. SHE JUST HAD TO MAKE SURE THAT NO ONE HAD TRIED TO CONTACT HER ABOUT SOMETHING IMPORTANT, OK? And guess what...


There was a new message in her inbox -- a message that was about to change her missing-that-extra-hour-of-sleep-Monday morning funk into a Zippity-Doo-Da-let's-get-the-party-started Monday morning buzz! It was a message from one her friends -- well, actually her daughter's friend. Now Hypothetical Woman hadn't actually spoken to this friend in quite some time, but there she was in her message, telling the woman how fondly she remembered when she used to hang out with the woman's family regularly. (In fact, she was considered their "other" daughter, and was often referred to the good daughter.)


Well, Mrs. Hypothetical got choked up. She really did. She fondly remembered those days, too. This young friend truly was like a daughter to her and her husband. This was the friend who picked their daughter up every morning and drove her to school (and home again) their entire senior year, ate lunch at their house nearly every day, joined them for family gatherings and on family trips...The words in that message that really got to our woman, though, were these:


"I believe God puts people in our lives for a reason."


That is the absolute truth, and try as we might, we can hardly ever figure out His reason!


How could I have possibly have known all those years ago that that beautiful young girl who was always hanging around -- the one we thought was put into our lives so our daughter could have a BFF...Well, it just never occurred to me that God had sent her to us so that one day -- last Monday, in fact -- she could show me that facebook really does come with some good attached -- that it is not a total waste of time!


I am being completely honest -- and not at all hypothetical -- when I say that the words I read that morning really did change the way I saw my entire week stretching out before me. (And I've kept that feeling for three whole days now!) But best of all: Neither I nor Hypothetical Woman needs to feel guilty about facebook time anymore!


Bye now. I have to go change my status again...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Awesome Husband Blog

Ah, my Awesome Husband, Greg...

Actually, Bloggees, I can't seem to find the words to describe him for you...
Here -- They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Let this one do the talking for me...

My Awesome Husband Greg, circa 2008-2009, by Kate


Actually, I have come up with some words...


Vanilla, Wafers, with, Black, Magic-Marker, Eyeballs, Drawn, on and Them.
How'd I do, Bloggees?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bible Thumpin' -- A Hypothetical Blog

"Bible Thumpin'" by Kate, 3/8/09 (MSN Paint)

Let's just say there's a woman who has a tendency towards obsessions...She becomes passionate about each new distraction that is put in her path, no matter who puts it there.
Now let's say that this woman has heard of facebook. She has a vague notion of what it's about -- for teens and twenties, right? Since she's neither of those, she doesn't give it much further thought. After all, she has her blog (and a few other things) to be obsessed with.
Then one day this woman's daughter encourages her to plug into facebook. Now this woman loves and admires her daughter greatly (let's just say), and since Daughter is no longer in her twenties either, Woman says, "Oh, all right -- set me up, Dear."
And so begins a brand new obsession.
Now Woman is having a ball. She loves thinking of new things to write on the Status portion of her Wall. She loves thinking of witty things to write on her Friends' Walls. And what fun it is to upload photos and come up with clever captions for them, imagining the looks on her Friends' faces as they see they've been "tagged." (And don't even get her started on the thrill of getting a peek into her Friends' worlds -- seeing who their Friends are, looking at their photos, following their Status updates.) I imagine she wonders, What's not to like about this facebook?
Well, let's also imagine that this woman has a husband (who maybe also happens to be on facebook -- in fact, let's say he's one of Woman's Friends). For the most part, this woman's husband is not the obsessive type, so let's say that he has a hard time accepting that characteristic in his wife. (I imagine they've been married for a very long time by now, so I personally can't understand why he just won't accept it and deal with it, but that's another hypothetical situation entirely!)
Naturally, then, Husband is going to begin complaining about the amount of time his wife's obsession with facebook is taking away from her other activites. She probably thinks, Blogging? Clogging? Guitar? And then, of course she realizes that he probably means housework, bookkeeping and stimulating conversation. Of course she then feels a little bit guilty (as well as a little resentful, probably), but she gets his point.
Then one day, on the heels of a rather loud discussion with her husband (who probably always wins these "discussions"), let's imagine this woman reading that her favorite newspaper columnist (March 5 post) disdains Twitter. Thus far, our woman is only vaguely aware of Twitter, and can't imagine how it could ever become one of her personal obsessions; so she takes the columnist's comments to heart and applies them to her propensity towards facebook and blogging. Of course she tries to justify her obsessions, but alas, more guilt has been added to the heap.
Well, of course there must be a third hit before the woman really draws herself up short -- Let's call this one a God Smack...
Let's say that it's now the season of Lent, and since our woman is incapable of giving up much, obsessive as she is, she instead tries to honor the solemnity of that holy season by doing a few extra things -- things like reading a little bit from her Bible every day.
So then, it wouldn't be out of character, would it, to picture this woman, on a Saturday afternoon (after she's devoted almost an entire Saturday morning to facebook and blogging activities in spite of a nagging sense of guilt that just won't disappear -- after all, there are three bathrooms in this woman's house, and they all need to be cleaned!) sitting down and opening her Bible, would it? Let's say she opens to Isaiah 59. Here's what she would read:

...They trust in emptiness and tell lies; they conceive mischief and bring forth malice.


Okay. Now I'm thinking that maybe this woman's just a little off balance. This is what filled her with remorse about the amount of face time she's been putting in?!! This is what caused her to try to avoid her computer for the rest of the weekend? Her head must have been in some strange other place when she read that and interpreted it as saying she was evil!


Now I'm sure this woman truly believes the Bible is the word of God, and as such, completely trusts in it, but look at what else that passage says:

For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt.


Okay. Guilty fingers I get. But where's the blood?!!


Their works are evil works, and deeds of violence come from their hands.


For heavens sake -- we're saying that this woman is a nice person, who is very careful never to write anything that might hurt someone. Surely this passage cannot apply to her! I guess she must have been feeling particularly bad about herself when she read it. (A houseful of neglected bathrooms can do that to you, you know.)


Well then. Now let's say our woman has somewhat gotten things in a better perspective...She's come to realize that blogging and facebook are not evil in and of themselves. But if she wants to dispense of some of that guilt she's harboring, she will need to learn to bridle her passions, at least a little bit.


In conclusion, let's say this:

So she did that (bridle her passions, that is), and managed to live happily ever after in peaceful harmony with her husband and family, with nature, and with her Friends (both facebook and other varieties.) The end.


An alternate ending might be:

Oh, never mind.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Doggerel for an Especially Nice Day

"Riding in my Car in a Short-Sleeved Shirt" by Kate, 3/7/09 (MSN Paint)

Ridin' in my car in my short-sleeved shirt

Feels so good, why it almost hurts!

Well, not exactly, but you know what I mean...

I give a royal wave, 'cause I'm the Queen!

The window's down, my arm's stickin' out;

Every so often I just wave and shout.

It might could snow in a few more days,

But that window's stayin' open anyways!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Payment Due...

Remember this pathetic little drawing, Bloggees?

It's the test I took for the U.S. Census Bureau -- and aced -- but that's beside the point, since they didn't hire me ANYWAY!

I used the picture to illustrate my February 11 post, Testing...Testing...

At the time, I was dismayed because I could not figure out what had happened to Paint on my computer. The picture looked perfectly normal when I did it, but when I uploaded it to my blog, voila -- cute little minuscule test! So in all my discombobulation, I began the post with a disclaimer: "When I find out who's responsible, there will be hell to pay, believe you me!"

Well, being a blogger of my word, I have come to announce that that day has come! There really is someone who is responsible for this, and it's not me! (Unless you point the finger of blame at me for my paltry knowledge about computer settings. Is there someone willing to cast the first stone? Okay. I thought not.)

Now at this point, I am not sure exactly what shall constitute "hell;" first, the accusation:

This may come as a shock to some of you, but the person guilty for this embarrassingly tiny illustration is -- my Awesome Husband Greg!

Yes, he is! Apparently, one day on his way to the bathroom, he happened to glance at my computer monitor. Being unable to read whatever was playing at the moment from the bathroom door (a mere ten feet or so behind my chair), he decided to fix it for me. So, unbeknownst to me, he actually sat down in my chair and messed with settings and images...things like that.

Now you're probably wondering why, when I next came to occupy that very same chair, I didn't realize that someone had been messing with settings and images and things like that, and just do some messing of my own. Well, that is something to consider, I suppose. UNLESS YOU KNOW ME AT ALL!

Eventually, I did come to mention to my Awesome Husband Greg that something had happened to my computer to make everything appear larger than life -- or at least larger than the screen on my monitor. I even asked him if he knew how to make it the way it used to be, back when I could view an entire document without having to scroll back and forth horizontally -- an activity made particularly difficult for me by my tiny-little-focus-point progressive lenses.

Do you know what he said, Bloggees? That man -- the person responsible for the size relationship between the "paper" and my artwork in MSN Paint being all out of whack (although I hadn't yet made that connection) -- that very same man stood before me and said, "I don't know anything about that, Babe."

Well, I've been thinking about what his punishment should be. There is one extenuating circumstance which may allow me to foresake Life in Hell and simply issue a Temporary Hell sentence -- the fact that my Awesome Husband Greg is beginning to forget a large portion of each day's occurrences. That means that, even though he did screw up my computer -- he admitted as much -- he may have no actual recall of doing so. Bloggees, I think I've reached my decision:

I am going to ignore my Awesome Husband Greg until he notices that he's being ignored.

That's it. We'll see if he ever messes with my computer again!

Oh, by the way -- my Brilliant Daughter Meagan wins my eternal gratitude for unfixing what her father fixed. And now that things appear to be normal again -- at least on my monitor -- here's that test the way I intended you to see it:

(And this post has been an exercise in making something out of nothing.)

My Day -- A Pictorial Blog

Have you ever had a day like this, Bloggees...?

"Coffee Spill" by Kate, 3/6/09 (MSN Paint)
"Salad Dressing Drop" by Kate, 3/6/09 (MSN Paint)
"Red Wine Splash" by Kate, 3/6/09 (MSN Paint)

"Ceiling Cascade" by Kate, 3/6/09 (MSN Paint)


Oh -- I also squeezed a bottle of Galaxy Glue, and it busted open down the side. I decided to draw the cascading ceiling instead -- it seemed more dramatic, somehow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Perhaps I can Explain: A Day in the Life of an Obsessor

It all started with E-mail. I really didn't think I needed the Internet. Ah, little did I know! E-mail became my way of staying in touch with my family and friends...i.e., allowing me to feel like they were my almost constant companions; I could keep a running dialogue -- er, I mean monologue -- going so that they could be privy to every little thought I had, every little word I said or had said to me, everything I did or had done to hopes, my dreams...Oh, I can just hear them now, groaning in unison: "Too much information, Kate!"
(But I couldn't help myself. I was obsessed.)
Then I started reading/hearing about blogs. I didn't understand exactly what they were, and I didn't really care to know. Until, that is, my sister Melissa told me about her blog:

She had started it as on on-line journal of her struggles in dealing with her son, Alex's, autism. (In fact, her earliest posts were taken directly from her real journal.) I was blown away. I knew she loved to write; I always thought -- and still do -- that she'll one day publish a book. I eagerly logged on every day to read what she had written. But after the first few weeks, there were no longer daily posts. They gradually came further and further apart. I begged, I wheedled, I even...Well, okay -- I never actually tried to bribe her. But I wanted more!
(Note: Melissa no longer writes in her blog, but it is still available for reading, and it truly tells an amazing story -- especially if you go back to the very first post and read them in chronological order.)
Melissa once mentioned that perhaps I should start my own blog. No, no, no! my inner boss screamed! You don't need another obsession!
Then came the day I checked Missy's blog and found, again, nothing. Before I logged off, however, I noticed the little icon at the bottom of the page that said something about starting my own blog. That was the day I threw caution to the wind and said, "Why not?"
Why not indeed! Because I would become obsessed? (To clarify, I am not the one who originated that term. That would be my Awesome Husband Greg. He says, "Kate, you're obsessed!" any time I mention the same subject twice in one day.)
Last September I began bowlofchairies. Many times I've asked myself why. And I've actually come up with a few answers...
The first one, I suppose, is that it is my on-line journal. A journal that I would not be motivated to keep, were it not for the Internet part of it. (I suppose all bloggers are, in at least some small way, exhibitionists.) I write it for my family -- especially for my kids. I like thinking that some day they'll revel in being able to read all the dumb/profound/funny stuff I wrote, and that they'll understand -- at least a little -- the Who-What-Why's of Me. (How I would love to have been privy to the inner workings of my own mother, who was the exact opposite of me in the exhibitionist department!)
But even as I write for my family, I pretend I'm writing for a vast readership. Some days I'm a novelist, some days a newspaper columnist, sometimes a book reviewer. Always, I pretend that Everybody is hanging onto my every word as if it were a lifeline. I know I'm pretending. But that imaginary audience is a huge motivator for me. (Aha! That explains why one of my favorite answers to the question, "Do you work, Kate?" is "Only when I think someone is watching me!")
See that? There's another reason I have for blogging: Self-discovery (a feat my here-there-everywhere brain would never otherwise attempt)!
By their very nature, journals are private -- Does one ever pick up someone else's journal and peek inside without feeling at least a little bit guilty? But a blog is different -- We want people to read our blogs!
So now I arrive at the second part of this explanatory blog...Why do we read other people's blogs? That's easy. Why do we read other people's books? To be entertained, enlightened, inspired. I love reading blogs of people I know, or used to know. I love discovering blogs of people I've never met and probably never will. I love leaving comments on their blogs, and discovering that they've read them and commented in return...I love meeting fellow bloggers!
Oh -- are you wondering what prompted all this, Bloggees? Well yesterday my favorite columnist, Leonard Pitts, wrote about Twittering. (At this time I have no plans to become a Twitterer -- even if I ever do come to understand what that's all about. E-mail, blogging and now, Facebook, are eating up nearly all of the discretionary time I have.) I read Mr. Pitts' column with interest, as I often do...
Note: He was not talking about blogging. He never even mentioned the word, as a matter of fact. But I read everything he said about Twitter (about which I know nothing) and applied it to what I do know -- blogging...
He said (among other things), "...we are not just sharing secrets; we are sharing lives. And not the good parts, either, but the banal, the mundane, the everyday."
Ouch! I do that. And I read other people who do that. I see what Mr. Pitts means, but is that necessarily a bad thing? It's all voluntary -- the reading part, I mean. And let's face it -- mundane and banal can be funny. And laughter is wonderful. Sometimes mundane and banal can even be moving, softening our hearts. That's also a good thing, isn't it?
Well, Mr. Pitts, I still love you. I get what you're saying, and I'll still read your column -- when I can find the time. Hey -- have you ever thought about starting a blog?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Have you ever...?

Kate, just wondering...(circa 1955?)

Have you ever reached up to the shelf over your washing machine for the box of detergent and grabbed the cat food instead, and then you had to do the entire load over again -- after you got a new washing machine?
Have you ever slammed on your brakes at a stoplight at the exact same moment you looked in your rearview mirror and saw some guy screaming up behind you, and he flipped you the bird and your first instinct was to somehow gesture "Hey, I'm sorry, Dude," but you knew he couldn't see you because, well, he was behind you; so then you fantasized the rest of the way home about how -- just for a joke -- when you got right in front of your driveway you'd slam on your brakes again and maybe this time he'd be so mad he'd stop his car and come stalking angrily toward you and then you'd have a chance to say you're sorry -- for the first one, at least; you'd both know the second one was on purpose. (And then you were disappointed when you saw him turn off before you even got to your house.)
Have you ever thought it would be fun to wake your daughter up by pretending you were a little kitten creeping into her room and meowing beside her bed, and she thought it was cute, too; so then the next day you pretended you were a gigantic Saint Bernard puppy and came bounding into her room barking loudly and jumped right up on her bed (and almost licked her face, but then stopped yourself because even you have some boundaries), and then felt really, really bad when she woke up screaming and she just sort cowered against her pillow sobbing and quivering for like about ten minutes before she was able to get up?
Have you ever accidentally inhaled shampoo while you were washing your hair in the shower and, unfortunately, it was the day you were getting your hair colored so you were using Head 'n Shoulders shampoo because you read somewhere that was a good color-stripper, and when you inhaled that stuff you were like Oh My God -- That's just like wasabi -- I feel like I just gave myself a lobotomy!?
Have you ever watched a TV show (like American Idol) where there was a contestant or something who had really gorgeous legs -- so stunning, in fact, that every one of the judges commented on them -- and then gone to bed and had a dream that you were somewhere with a bunch of people and you pulled up the leg of your jeans to show them your leg and they all started laughing because it was so white (and hairy, too, because you don't shave them so often in the winter) and some of them made sarcastic remarks like "Hey, nice tan!"?
No reason, Bloggees -- I was just wondering.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3/3 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

(Note: To enlarge photo, simply click on it.)
Hilda, Julie, Leslie and Helen, Nov. 2008, by Kate

...If today is your birthday, it's time for another Moa Boa celebration!

...If today is your birthday, you are one of the two in the group (Hi, Hilda!) who still plays tennis and knits! That means you're sort of special -- aside from the fact that today is your birthday!

...If today is your birthday, your horoscope says your heart is made light this year -- I know you've been waiting for that!

...If today is your birthday, it continues with something about your relationships helping your career and your career helping your relationships. I'm not exactly sure, but it sounds to me like they're going to have a Bring Your Moa Boas to Work Day or something!

...If today is your birthday, apparently romantic struggle is a thing of the past. (All I have to say about that is "Whew!")

...If today is your birthday, your horoscope continues..."You accept people for who they are, and attract people who appreciate you." Well, duh! I think our little group is perfect evidence of that!

...If today is your birthday, "New additions to your family contribute to your luck." (You knew Ty was adorable, but did you know he was lucky, too?)

...If today is your birthday, one of your lucky numbers is 6. Mm-hmm. And how many Moa Boas are there? I rest my case!

...If today is your birthday, you are one of the greatest treasures I have -- my Friend! I am so thankful for all the wonderful times we've had, and look forward with happy anticipation to those that still lie ahead!

Happy Birthday, Helen!

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day Photo Blog

Here you are, Bloggees -- Once I got my Awesome Husband Greg's photos downloaded, I got impatient again. Besides, I could see no reason to make you wait any longer...


Greg's version of "Snow-covered Tree," 3/2/09.
(I won't ask which version you like better.)

Snow-covered branches

Against cerulean sky;

Rarely seen Down South.


"From the Bedroom Window" 3/2/09

Waking up today,

I nearly forgot to breathe,

Beholding Wonder.


"House Behind Trees," 3/2/09

The house hid behind the white trees,

Thinking, Aha -- Now nobody sees

That my siding is dirty

And my color is nerdy.

(My only response is, "Puhlease!")


Enjoy, Bloggees. (The haikus and the limerick are on me.)