Friday, January 23, 2009

The Day We Met an Artist

Painting by Addren Doss, Price Park, Greensboro NC, 12/30/08

On one of the last days of 2008 -- during Christmas vacation-- Jordyn and I went to the Kathleen Clay Edwards branch of the Greensboro Library. We love our library! I can't remember exactly when the branch opened, but it's relatively new. It's located amidst nature trails and ponds, yet right in the city -- less than two miles from our house. On nice days, we usually take a walk after we've checked out our books. And once we even took a wild and crazy hay ride during one of the after-school events they have regularly for kids. Yes, the library is one of our favorite places to go -- and it's free!

On this particular day in late December, we noticed a woman with an easel set up beside the path as we drove up the hill. Jordyn asked if we could stop and watch her, and I said that yes, if she was still there when we were leaving, we could ask her if it would be okay if we watched her for a while.

Now that Jordyn is reading on her own, we spend a little more time in the library, since she likes to sit down and sample the books she's chosen before we check them out. As we were walking back to the car, she glanced down the hill, and immediately burst into tears -- something she's wont to do when she's tired and things don't go exactly according to her plan. She wailed, "Ooooh! The artist is gone now!"

Well, when she does that, I always do this: "Jordyn, stop crying! There's nothing to cry about! You don't know that she's gone! Maybe you just can't see her from here! Did you ever think of that?!!!" (No, I'm not proud of myself -- I'm just saying. I get tired, too, sometimes!)

Thank goodness, this time I was right! Our artist was still at work!

I slowed the car and asked if she would mind if we got out and watched her for a few minutes; she said that would be fine, but she was just finishing up for the day. A friend (fellow-artist?) had joined her, and together they explained that she was using pastel chalks (I think that's what she said, but I may be wrong).

Jordyn looked at that delicious tray of colors, and I knew that she was aching to touch them, but she didn't even ask. She was very quiet, actually, but she was taking it all in. She loves to paint, draw, color -- but especially paint -- the messier, the better. We always check out the "artist" books at the library, and try to find new things to try.

The artist, who turned out to be named Addren Doss, gave us her card, which had her website on it. Jordyn has not forgotten, and asks me at least once a week if we can visit it and look at her paintings. If you'd like to do that, the address is: We were delighted to find the picture I used in this post, because it was the one she was working on the day we met her. She even had us stand where she had been standing, so we could see what she saw.

When Jordyn returned to school after the holidays, her teacher had the class write down a New Year's resolution. Jordyn's said: "To get better at be a artist." I think she will always remember the day we met Addren Doss. I know I will. It was a lovely thing for her to do -- to take time to spend with us as she was wrapping up her day. Thank you Addren Doss -- Your art is beautiful, and you are, too!

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