Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baby with Beer -- a Limerick and a Haiku (sort of)

Kate with Beer, Circa 1953. I'm sure the photographer wishes to remain anonymous -- Besides, I don't remember who took it -- I was wasted!
By way of explanation (because I always feel like I have to do that -- explain, I mean), I am retiring this adorable photograph of myself with my first (I hope!) beer. At least retiring it as the photo that appears with my blog profile. I don't know about you, but that makes me feel kinda sad. But let's face it...The new photo of the bowl of chairies looks as much like I do now as this one does! Ok. Maybe there should be a beer in that picture, too; but if you knew how much time I've already put into "editing" my "profile," you'd say, "WHATEVER," too!
Now here's my limerick:

There once was a baby whose eyes

Could be described as being "cap-sized."

I mention it here

Because of the beer.

She'd be normal, I think, otherwise.


Now how about a haiku? (It's free.)


Beer-Bottle Baby

With enormous cap-sized eyes.

Who's your supplier?

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