Friday, September 30, 2016

New Tricks

Maybe, as they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Well, then I'm glad I'm not a dog. I need to believe that I'm still capable of learning a trick or two. If not hope, then what have we?

This morning, sipping coffee and planning my day, I thought:

Hey, I have a laptop now (thanks to my darling friend, Lynne, who sent me hers since she was no longer using it)! And I have a memory card for my phone, which, if not quite a smart phone, is still marginally brighter than my old one in that it takes pretty good pictures. Maybe I can figure out how to use the memory card to transfer photos from my phone to my laptop...then I could write a blog showing off my new skills. I could call it "New Tricks!"

With the memory card in place, I snapped my first photo of the day -- my bedside lamp, its light reflected in the window behind it. There's something about that lamp that I love--maybe the fact that it belonged to my mom. I've taken pictures of it before. I've even attempted to draw it on my if-not-quite-smart,-then-somewhat-resourceful phone...

I removed the card from the phone, figured out how to insert it into the adapter, then slid the adapter into my card reader. So far, so good. It fit right into the little slot on the side of the laptop. Yes! I was even able to figure out how to access the information on the card. What?! All the files were "empty."

My in-house techie, Jordyn, is away for the weekend. That means that project is on hold--for now.

But wait! I do have a little something up my sleeve...

Having dropped my oxygen canister onto my beloved Little Red Digital Camera earlier this year, rendering it broken, I naturally assumed ownership of My Awesome Husband Greg's digital camera. He rarely uses it now, because his phone is so smart it should be in Mensa. It takes awesome photos.

And although my relationship with my "new" camera has yet to become intimate--there will never be another Little Red for me--I have figured out the basics of snapping photos. I can also use the card reader to transfer the photos to my computer. Hence, the photo below, which I have decided to call "Reflected Light."

So I can new learn new tricks. It just takes longer than it used to. I'll have to get back to you on that phone/photo/computer trick...


Leslie said...

I'm amazed that you can do all that and repeat the steps you took!
You're so creative - keep snapping those photos!!
I'm still waiting for you book to come out :-)
Love you!

Unknown said...

Ha--just noticed that I've written 352 blogs. I guess I could call that a book! Thanks for your love and encouragement--I love you, too!