Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I used to love being with my friends on the tennis court, feeling my energy surge as I charged after that yellow ball, the pleasure being more in running fast and hard than in actually connecting with anything. Except, of course, my friends--sometimes literally.
I thought I would really miss that,

But I've gotten used to it.

I remember getting up in the morning, tying on my shoes and heading out for a run, no matter what the weather.
There was a special joy in starting out on a frigid day, feeling my body create its own heat as I ran, breathing in rhythm with my feet hitting the pavement.
Now I rarely sweat and I barely breathe. My feet are quiet as I walk.
I thought I would hate that,

But I've gotten used to it.

Although it never came naturally to me, I used love to dance. If there was music, I was moving.
Dancing--and wine--made me not care what other people think.
How freeing it was to move in (perceived) sync with whatever was playing, untethered by cares and supplemental oxygen devices.
I was sure I would mourn the loss of dancing,

But I've gotten used to it.

I've always believed that when God closes one door, he opens another, but I never imagined that I would be a person who could find happiness in a recliner, a pile of books, a basket yarn and a remote control.
Sometimes I still move--just not with as much gusto as I used to,

But I've gotten used to it.

Besides, I still have friends and family and wine and cheese and crackers, and life is still greatly pleasurable. I could definitely get used to this...


Cindy Ricksgers said...

I don't usually like change of any kind, and - though I'm good at giving things up on my own - I don't like to have things taken from me. For those reasons I find this accounting quite heartbreaking. It is only hearing your voice, with your indomitable spirit, that I believe you are okay, and that this is bearable. Your strength is an inspiration! Thanks, Kate!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Cindy. I really am okay! I am very happy with my life the way it is today. Of course there's not a lot more I would want to give up. And I would definitely not be okay if what I have involved physical pain. Thank you for reading, and for inspiring me to keep trying to write!

Leslie said...

Love you. Waiting for your book!!

Unknown said...

Aw, you'll get the first signed copy!