Saturday, September 10, 2016

"Putin Thinks I'm a Genius."

I'm not writing about politics. I would never do that to my blog. It's just that my mind is about to explode, and I have nowhere else to put all the flammable objects floating around in there.

Putin thinks I'm a genius.

What a lovely compliment. I'm also a sucker for a compliment, and I can see how something like that would turn one's head. If Putin said I was pretty, I'd probably want him to be my best friend, too.

I know more than the generals.

Said with complete confidence. Why would anyone question the veracity of that?

I'm going to build a great wall, and Mexico will pay for it. Believe me. Mexico is going to pay for that wall."

And the crowd cheered.

I must be missing something. The people who are under his spell must have something that I don't--some little chip or gem--something that sets them apart from me. I watch and I listen and I, who have always prided myself on being a fast learner (until computers, that is), cannot comprehend.

I alone can fix it.

There's that unadulterated confidence again. Where does it come from? My God, is it possible that he actually believes the things he's saying? Does he listen to himself and think, "I'm a genius?"

Of course he does. I was just hoping that he was the only one, a rare deviant, placed here for our entertainment. But he's not. He has followers--an adoring crowd of rabid believers. They follow his example, trying to make him look like a viable choice for President by pointing out the missteps of his opponents. It's as if they've never met their own candidate.

I have a plan, but I'm not going to tell you what it is, because I like to be unpredictable.

Maybe if it's last call at the bar, and I have a death wish--maybe then that would sound appealing. But unpredictability is not on my list of presidential qualifications.

Like I said, I must be missing something. I hope I never find it.


Dawn said...

I don't get it either. The press and news people, even his own Republican party, don't
understand how he got this far. It is indeed scary.

Unknown said...

Yes. I'm very afraid, but afraid to let them see my fear. Don't tell them, okay.