Monday, September 22, 2008

If Today is Your Anniversary...

If today is your first wedding anniversary, I hope someone sent you a cheesecake -- maybe two!

If today is your first anniversary, I hope there's still part of your wedding cake in your freezer.

If today is your first anniversary, I hope look back at the year's stash of memories and say, "Let's do that again!"

If today is your first anniversary, I hope you say, "Let's have a baby to go along with our cats."

If today is your first anniversary, I hope you feel blessed when you remember the friends and family who were with you on your wedding day -- and what a beautiful day that was!

If today is your first anniversary, I hope you have written thank you notes to each and every person who gave you a gift!

If today is your first anniversary, I hope you feel grateful that you found each other, and that you look forward to a long life of being there with and for each other, no matter what may come.

Happy Anniversary, Meagan and Joe -- We love you!
(Photo by Karen Branson, 9/22/07, Hodgson Valley Farm)

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