Friday, September 26, 2008

Fontana Dam Continued...

The People:

(All photos by Greg Fischer, Fontana Village NC, Sept. 2008)

Patsy and Kate
I've already tried (and failed) to describe the breathtaking backdrop for last weekend's Clogging Jamboree at Fontana Village. Let me see if I can do a better job describing the people I spent the weekend with...

(Oh, by the way, I have not obtained releases for these photos, so if you happen to run into any of the people pictured - or someone who looks like them - please don't mention this blog, ok?)

Patsy was the first New Best Friend I made when I joined the Town & Country Cloggers. After we finished our lessons, we beginners would stick around for a while to watch the "seasoned" dancers. I love watching Patsy. She never does anything flashy or showy. There's just something smooth and easy about the way she dances. And something about the way her eyes twinkle when she smiles. I think we were destined to become friends. Traveling to clogging workshops with Patsy has been a great way for me to learn more - both about her, and about clogging. So now, if - God forbid! - anything should happen to keep me from clogging, I'll still feel blessed to have a friend like Patsy! (But here's hoping we'll have a lot more years of sharing the Clogging Experience!)

Julie and Sariah

Julie and Sariah are two of the newest members of T&C Cloggers (although they must have started dancing when they were babies!) I don't know them very well -- yet. What I do know is that they have a lot of energy -- the good kind -- and they both seem about to burst with fun! I enjoyed spending a little time with them in Fontana. Not only do they have energy (ah, youth) -- they also have brains that still work for remembering! Thanks to them, along with Autumn (who's also young), we may actually be able to incorporate some of the dances we learned into our repertoire! (Well, maybe one?) Most impressive, girls!

Oh -- Julie and Sariah each also have four or five kids. (Also like Autumn!) Yet they still find time to clog. Plus, Julie sings! I bet Sariah can juggle or something...

Autumn (blue shirt)

I first met Autumn when she filled in for Kenny at one of our earliest lessons. I love her. I love her curly hair, and I love that she clogged through her pregnancies! I love that she obviously loves clogging. (When I met her kids, I fell in love with them, too!)


Ok. I love Becky, too. (I know. I really do need to learn some new words!) She's little, she has dimples, and she's a great dancer! (Becky's young, too, but she tries to pretend she's not.) Unbeknownst to her, I sometimes watch Becky to see how a step should be done. In addition to being cute and talented, Becky must also be very patient - She's the one who drove Autumn and Sariah and Julie all the way to Fontana Village! (She's got to be patient, right? She's a teacher.)

Of course there were a lot more people at the Jamboree. Some of them I actually met and talked to, and a lot of them I just exchanged smiles with. Then there were the ones I could only admire from afar. Different ages, different backgrounds, different ranges of experience. But all of us had at least one thing in common -- a love of clogging.

I can't wait until next year so we can do it again!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I loved hearing all about you! You're such a wonderful and beautiful woman. We are blessed to have you on the T&C team. Fontana was fantastic! I actually found myself pouting Sunday and Monday that I had to return to reality. You're right about the girls, too. What a hoot. My stomach was sore from laughing so much. Greg was responsible for some of the "pain", too. He's a great man to be around (He's lucky to have youk, too). We must do it again next year. I'm so glad we are now clogging buddies and friends!! See you Sunday. Becky