Sunday, June 11, 2017

Help Hope Live Update, May 5, 2017

I keep reminding myself that something could still come up--something they just haven't thought of yet. I'm almost afraid to hope. Since January, when I made it through an entire week of evaluations at Duke in the hopes of being accepted into their lung transplant program, I have been waiting for the news that I have been officially placed on "The List." Today will live in my memory as the day it started happening.

Of course I will continue having tests, right up to and beyond my transplant. But for now, the results are all in, my health insurance has given approval, and today I met with my coordinator and signed all the consent forms. I will be recommended at the team meeting next Tuesday, and could very well be listed that same day.

I am ready, yet I can't quite imagine how it will actually feel to get the phone call confirming that it's official. I get goosebumps thinking about it. Will it be a rehearsal for when I get the call telling me they've found a lung match for me? It seems like I've been waiting such a long time already. I hope it won't be too much longer. But as I wait, I am going to continue to enjoy this life I have now, because I know it will be different afterwards. Still good. Just different.

I am so grateful for all of your prayers, for your love and support. They are the only explanation I can think of for the calm I feel. I hope I will never again be unconscious of the blessings that our friends have been in our lives. Thank you from my heart--our hearts--for everything.

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