Sunday, December 11, 2016

Feeling Good

I didn't blog yesterday, for the first time in 45 days. I wanted to. I had a couple drafts going, but neither one of them was really speaking to me, and I didn't want them speaking for me. They've both been deleted.

In case you're wondering, one was a writing prompt about how my favorite mystical creature would solve a current sociopolitical problem. I wanted it to be funny, but the only funny part was when I asked My Awesome Husband Greg if Donald Trump could be considered a sociopolitical problem. He said "You're a sociopolitical problem."

I actually did some research for the other one. I found photos of rocket skates and human gyroscopes for a post about things I might want to take up after my lung transplant. I really wasn't feeling that one, either.

Today, however, I came across a writing prompt I thought I could work with--"The Best Feeling in the World."

Of course I can't choose just one, so I'm going to make a list of all my best feelings...

1. Holding a sleeping newborn, its head nestled between your neck shoulder so all you have to do to catch a whiff of perfection is tilt your head just a tiny bit.

2. Spending time with friends when it feels like each of you was created for the sole purpose of making the other feel understood and loved. This can be a large group of friends, a couple, or just one; wine may or may not be part of the good feeling.

3. Having a family, whether you were born into it, or invited. Nothing feels better than knowing that there are people who love you and will stand behind you, no matter what kind of a jerk you might be.

4. Being a child at Christmas. If those days are behind you, then being a part of a child's Christmas, knowing that you can perform magic at least one day out of the year.

5. Making someone smile or laugh, especially when they seem frowny and sad. This works for strangers behind you in the grocery store as much as the people who live in your house.

6. Knowing that Christmas is only two weeks away and you still have a lot to do, but remembering--before panic sets in--that everything that really matters will get done, and everything else will fall into place--like magic.

7. Wishing everyone you see a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season because you know Christmas isn't the only holiday being celebrated this time of year, and you want to include everyone in your best feelings.

May you all have peace and love and joy, and all of your best feelings--this season, and always!

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