Thursday, August 13, 2009

One More Thing I Have to Tell You...

"Baby Bean," June 2009 (not my LRDC). Debut scheduled for February, 2010.

I'm going to be a Grandma! Actually, I'm going to be Grammakate. Within minutes of letting us know that she and Joe were going to have a baby, My Dazzling Daughter Meagan told me to start thinking about what I'd like to be called. (You know -- with reference to being a grandmother.) She made it sound like it was my decision, but it turns out she has some very specific ideas about names that will not be acceptable. For instance, anything with "Granny" in it. Like Granny Square, or Granny Cake.

That's okay. Once the little Bean gets here, Meagan can name her whatever she wants. I know what I'll be calling her when her mama's not around. (That is my decision to make, right?)

Note: It'll be a few more weeks before we can find out if Bean is a boy bean or a girl bean. Until then, I simply cannot refer to her as "it." In my heart I feel likes she's a girl. I could be wrong, of course; if I am, it will be very easy for me to turn around and start referring to her as "him." But for now she's a girl bean.

Of course My Awesome Husband Greg and I are thrilled. So is Uncle Dominic. Whenever one of us starts to feel a little overburdened by the all of the troubles in the world today, all we have to do is say, "Meagan's going to have a baby." Faces soften, eyes glow and smiles form.

That's all for now. Have a wonderful day!


Kelly Wilson said...

I was wondering when you were going to announce the awesome news! Ken and Meagan are friends on Facebook, so he heard the news a few days ago. CONGRATULATIONS!! We are thrilled!

Kelly, Ken, Peyton & Kase

Unknown said...

Thank you, Kelly!! Are you on facebook? If you are, "request" me: Kate Karlek Fischer. I have pictures of Peyton in one of my albums -- In fact, I just posted a couple today.

Puck58 said...

I am so excited and happy for all of you!!! Congratulations:) Now, tell Meagan to give Gina a call and get her on the baby bandwagon! I want to be an aunt! Love you guys.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Liz! (I've passed your message on to Meagan, but I'm not sure much influence she has!)

Jack said...

Congratulations to you and your family on this wonderful, life changing news. For a little extra perspective, I invite you to check out this short video -- -- about the aha moment of one new grandma. Hope you enjoy it.
