Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Almost Forgot! (A Follow-Up Doctor Blog)

"A Happier Doctor" by Kate, August 11, 2009

I can't believe I almost forgot to post a follow-up doctor blog! My last one was on April 27 -- "What the Doctor Actually Said," and bore a picture captioned "Frowny-Face Doctor." It was not a blog I was happy to post, because in it, I had to admit that I had goofed; by listening to my "inner doctor," I had created a scary setback for myself, and was convinced that I never would see the day when I could post my "Ecstatic Doctor" blog.

Well, things are definitely looking up since then! I wouldn't say Dr. Pulmonologist was exactly ecstatic when I saw him in June, but he was certainly much happier than he had been at my last appointment! The results of my Pulmonary Function Test, although not "perfect," were very much "improved" over the ones I had last October (How Does Your Pulmonary Function?). So he seemed very pleased to tell me that I could now reduce my dosage of prednisone to five milligrams a day for two months (which will get me through August), and then, if things continue to go well (and they are!), I will be able to alternate days of five mg with zero mg. Then perhaps one day on, two days off? We'll see.

Of course my plan is still to be able to completely stop taking the stuff, but I'm no longer in such a big hurry. I like not having blue fingers. I also like not gasping and coughing whenever I'm having a conversation or giving a concert*. I like being able to run if I feel like it, and dance without worrying about oxygen deficit. In fact, if things stay the way they are today, I'll be happy!

Well -- with one exception: If things can stay as they are with NO prednisone!

Because I don't like wondering if that powerful little pill...the one which is now causing my hair to fall out and my face to look like a great big giant sugar cookie with eyes...which is making me look like I have an inner tube under my tee-shirt and curls of spun glass outlining what used to be my jawline...if that same little pill isn't doing other, even more horrifying things to parts of me that I can't so easily see! (It does have that reputation, you know.)

Well, I'm glad I got this post out of the way. I've decided that my doctor blogs are the most boring, tedious ones I've written (and for that I apologize); however, they are a way of keeping track of this stuff for myself. (And I do enjoy making different faces on Dr. Pulmonologist.)

I'd like to say I'm now back to blogging with renewed resolve, because I've got lots of other stuff that I'm looking forward to writing about. But I'm afraid I can't make any promises, because I'm being pulled away from blogging by several other obsessions right now. Maybe I'll tell you about them some day. For now, thanks for listening...and keep your fingers crossed about that prednisone!

*Oh -- One more thing that would make me even happier: If I could actually sing!


Leslie said...

I like the happy faced dr. pulmonologist! But you.... obsessed? with what I ask?

Unknown said...

Hahahaha. See you Monday!