Max Benjamin Branson (second from left) with some of his cousins (Dominic Fischer and Bethany and Kristofer Karlek, to be exact), July 2009. (Kate's LRDC)
...If August 20 was your birthday, you should absolutely feel honored because this is the tardiest I have ever been to honor someone with a birthday blog...At least that's one way of looking at it, and it happens to be true!
...If August 20 was your birthday, I hope you'll forgive me for being so late. Please be assured that did not forget your birthday! It's just that I put so much pressure on myself to come up with something truly unique and entertaining for your birthday, because you deserve nothing less. After all, you, yourself, have always been such a unique and entertaining baby/child/person! Naturally, such pressure rendered me absolutely helpless in coming up with something!
...But if August 20 was your birthday, it is not my intent (nor is it my job as your aunt) to document all of the things which make you unique and entertaining. That has been adequately done by your mother. (Although I do own up to having regaled a few of my friends with tales of your uniquely entertaining ways. Who hasn't, after all, heard the story of the noodles and bars?)
...If August 20 is your birthday, I also hope you will forgive me for this:

An amateurish "recreation" of a photograph of Max in the "Alligator" Sweater knit for him by Aunt Kate when he was about two years old. (Kate, MSN Paint, 8/23/09
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Max! I really do think you're awesome, and we love you!