Monday, January 2, 2012

Tree Talk, Part Two

Tannenbaum 2011 -- What remains (1/2/12)

Well, when I said I hoped we'd be talking again, I was picturing you standing there all decked out in ornaments and lights -- you know, like you were yesterday.

Did you say something?

Guess not. You probably don't feel much like talking to me, do you?

Well, I don't blame you. But even though I'm sure you feel way worse than I do, I'm feeling pretty bad myself, you know...

Sure, we didn't get off to the best start, but I really did learn to love you as you stood there in front of the window, making our living room glow so beautifully. I feel very sad that you had to go so early. We usually keep our trees around until at least the second week of January. But you were so dry -- needles everywhere. Plus, I guess you were becoming a fire hazard. I'm sorry.

Of course it's not your fault that I feel bad. I was going to be sad today, anyway. See these guys...

Tom and Rosemary Karlek, 12/26/51

...That's my mom and dad. They would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary the day after Christmas. Well, I guess they wouldn't have actually celebrated, since they weren't together anymore. They separated after they'd been together 40 years. Probably should have separated sooner, seeing as they'd stopped being happy together a long time ago. But that's neither here nor there, as they say. They're both gone now, and I miss them like crazy.

So anyway, there was that anniversary, which always sets off a string of sad remembrances for me...Mom died in February, 11 years ago. Dad got remarried in July of 2007. The last time I actually saw him was at my daughter, Meagan's, wedding in September of that year.

Today is the fourth anniversary of the last time I ever spoke to him. I guess we talked for a few minutes on Christmas -- He was at my sister, Karen's, house in Michigan, and I was here in North Carolina. I know she had a houseful of people, and things were pretty hectic, so if we did chat, it was only for a few seconds. I called him the day after New Year's, though, and we had a really nice conversation. He told me how much he loved the quilted wall hanging I'd made him. I felt good after we'd talked, which wasn't always the case.

Two days later, my sister, Melissa, called to tell me that Dad had died that morning while walking with his wife, Betty. They'd been to Mass -- First Friday. I knew he'd taken the Express, straight to Heaven, because I immediately felt him all around me.

I'm thankful that he got to go so quickly. He had no unfinished business to see to. It makes me happy to think that he got to leave the way a lot of people would wish for -- No pain, no lingering. Just "Hi, Tom -- Good to have you here." But I sure do miss him.

Okay, then. Thanks for listening. Since I've gotten that off my chest, maybe I won't have to write a sad, Missing-Dad blog on the anniversary of his death.

Thanks for being such a nice tree.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I think your tree wasn't talking because he's already up in Heaven with your Mom & Dad. I bet they are enjoying your tree right now, made beautiful again with the glow of heaven.