Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So It's Come To This: Talking To A Tree

Tannenbaum Version 2011

There. Now that all your decorations are in place, I guess you don't look so bad.

You said I was the worst tree you've ever had!

Oh...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that -- especially not where you could hear me. I'm having kind of a rough go of it this year, what with all the fussing and fretting over oxygen and all...I guess I was just venting at My Awesome Husband Greg. But that's not really fair, either, since I removed myself from the whole tree-selection process years ago. He's pretty much done it all on his own, ever since the kids have grown. And most years, he's outdone himself -- again and again and again. It's just that this year...

...Go on. This year...

Well, so he saved a little money this year. It just looks like you were probably on the lot a bit longer than the ones he usually buys. But you really aren't the worst. I can think of at least two that were far shabbier than you!

Only two? Gee, thanks!

C'mon. I said I was sorry. You know, Christmas is starting to seem a little more like work every year...getting all those decorations down from the attic -- or, this year, from almost in the attic. I'm really going to have to finish putting that stuff away this January! It seems like there's always something I can't find. And I can never remember how I had things from one year to the next...I'm constantly moving and rearranging things. You know, I seriously considered not even getting a Christmas tree this year!

Really? What changed your mind?

Well, a couple of things, I guess. The main reason for not wanting one (at least the reason I was willing to admit) is that new kitten, Ella -- She's incorrigible! I just knew she'd be climbing you and messing with your ornaments every chance she got. I only relented when Greg promised we could shut her in the basement whenever we're not home. And true to form, that's exactly what she did -- climbed your trunk that first day...

That was a kitten? I thought it was squirrels, or chipmunks, or something!

Nope, that was Ella. She waited until Greg had put all your lights on, then climbed up the middle and walked down through your branches, tangling everything in her wake. But are we shutting her in the basement? No way -- She's "just a kitten," according to Greg. Hah! She's a weapon of mass destruction if I've ever seen one! But honestly, she doesn't seem to mess with you much when we're not home -- just when I'm there to freak out, and then Greg says I'm being a bitch!

No way! How could he say that about you!

Ah, sarcasm...I like that in a Christmas tree!

Anyway, another reason I kind of didn't want to do a tree this year was that I was thinking of all the work I'd save myself, not having to decorate and undecorate. I know -- I couldn't even believe I was thinking that way myself -- I love Christmas so much! It kind or reminded me of how Mom was her last Christmas. She had always put so much into making sure everything looked perfect for her favorite holiday, but that year, she was just too tired to fuss. That's when we knew she wouldn't be with us much longer. I really don't want to be in that place yet, and I don't want my family to worry about me. So Tannenbaum, here you are!

Well, I guess I should consider myself lucky, huh?

Yeah. And I guess I should, too. You know, you really are a very nice tree. Remember when I said you didn't look so bad with all your decorations on? Well, you look more than "not bad." You're actually quite beautiful, now that I'm really looking at you. I'm glad you're the tree that Greg picked. I mean, who am I to criticize droopy branches and thinning needles...I should look half as elegant as you!

I really think I'm going to enjoy having you around for a couple more weeks. And then, just like every other year, I'm going to miss you like crazy when it's time for you to go. I sure hope we get another chance to talk...


Wendy said...

If you keep up these talks with your tree Kate, you won't be able to kick him out of the house after Christmas.
You will be talking to a needless tree this summer, praising how beautiful he still is for a tree with no needles.

Leslie said...

ok, I saw your Christmas tree just last night and I thought it was beautiful! Just like you!

Cindy Ricksgers said...

I remember this! This was, I think, one of the very first of your blog posts that I read. I thought it was an outrageously creative way to vent, and I still do! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Cindy--I really did forget having written this one. I guess I felt so bad about criticizing Greg's choice of tree, that I blocked it from my memory. I thought the tree did an admirable job of not getting pissy about it, though.