Monday, September 3, 2012


Mark Lockamy in 2010 at Pilot Mountain (from his facebook page)

A life has ended. My son's friend, Mark. We were awakened shortly before midnight by the telephone. Another friend, Paco, was calling with the news. He said Mark had jumped from a parking deck downtown. Mark was 25 years old.

I saw him three nights ago when he came by to see Dj. They were just leaving to get something to eat when I got home. I told him it was good to see him. It was.

Mark hadn't been around much lately, but I always used to enjoy his visits. When his son, Joshua, was young, Mark would bring him by sometimes to visit. I loved seeing him play with his little boy.

Now Joshua doesn't have his dad. My heart is broken for Mark's family -- his mother, his sister, his grandmother. I don't know them, and I can only imagine the pain they are in tonight.

I don't know what to do with this. I can't sleep. I can't read. I can't pray. (But I can cry.)

I don't understand and I want to go back in time...


Anonymous said...

athis is care lockamy marks sister ive been up all night googleing the accedent trying to find something and this is what i found. thank u so much for doing this for him. we miss him terribly. we all cant belive it please pray for me and my family. thank u for this....

Unknown said...

Carey, I will keep you and your family in my heart and in my prayers for a long time to come. I am so sorry for your loss.