Friday, October 17, 2008

10/17 -- If Today is Your Birthday...

Bradley Young, Photo Proof, 2007

If today is your birthday, then you are my nephew (by marriage -- not that it makes any difference). In fact, aren't you the nephew who used to call me "Uncle Cake?"

If today is your birthday, then your initials form and an acronym...Bradley Otto Young equals BOY. Pretty cool. However...

If today is your birthday, then you really aren't a boy any more, so we have to change to that to MAN...How about Madly Ata Nun? (If this were Jeopardy, which it obviously is not, the answer would be, "How did the disturbed Catholic school boy throw his text book?)

If today is your birthday, then you are a very intelligent, very kind (to older female relatives, at least), very funny guy who also happens to be a damned good cook. (Hey, anyone who's willing to take part in meal preparations for this family is a damned good cook in my book!)

If today is your birthday, you have been known, on at least one occasion, to make up a word that is so succintly descriptive, it should be added to some dictionary, if not Webster's itself. Hello -- I give you "prettyful!"

If today is your birthday, then you probably really are a very good driver -- just not a very lucky one.

If today is your birthday, then this is your first year at college, so I hope you're having one hell of a celebration -- Bradley-style of course, because...

If today is your birthday, that is your finest quality -- your Bradley-Style.

Have a great birthday, Brad! We love you!


Unknown said...

wow, thanks. this one ranks up there for one of the most personal birthday greetings i've had. i loved it so much, especially the unlucky driver line! love you.

-Birthday MAN

Unknown said...

for anyone who thought that my previous comment was sarcastic (which for me would be common place) it was not. i do honestly love this post; it made my day.