Friday, May 1, 2009

A Blog of Gratitude

Meagan and Joe Kopp, 5/1/09, by Greg (taken with Kate's Little Red Digital Camera)
This is My Dazzling Daughter Meagan and her Brilliant Husband Joe. Aren't they cute? They're also very smart and very nice -- especially when they stop by our house on a Friday night after they've just eaten dinner at a nearby restaurant, and they take the time to help me set up my computer so I can download photos that I have taken with the darling Little Red Digital Camera (hereinafter referred to simply as my LRDC), which they, along with my Sparkling Son Dominic, gave me for Christmas!
So here's a little limerick I've spontaneously composed (well,actually, I'm composing it right now...haven't really started yet, but I'll be getting to it directly...) to show them my appreciation:
My daughter and her old man

Stop by whenever they can.

When they are here,

I let them drink beer

And sit in front of the fan.
Oh dangboozle (I think I just made up a word, but feel free to use it amongst yourselves if you like) -- That's not at all how I was picturing it! Here, let me try a haiku:
As nightfall sets in

And eyelids become heavy,

Just guess who shows up!
Well, that's not quite it either...It's probably a little too late in the evening for me to be trying to wax poetic. Here...I'll just come out and say it:
Thanks, Meagan and Joe! I'm glad you're both so cute and smart and nice. You make a really good couple. I'm also glad that you don't have to read manuals and directions and such to figure out how to do stuff -- it's so much quicker when you just have that instinct! Anyway, thanks to you guys, I'm in business now! You are both welcome here any time, you know. You don't even have to ring the doorbell and wait for us to let you in -- Feel free to just walk on in and sit down as if you own the place. In fact, if we're down in the office or something, it's perfectly all right to sneak down and scare the crap out of us. We love you that much! Really -- Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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