Sunday, December 14, 2008

I "Break" for Little Old Men -- a Holiday Retail Poem

'Twas a fortnight 'til Christmas, and all through the store,
Prices were dropping so folks could buy more.
It was still rather early for real hard-core shopping,
But later, we knew that place would be hopping!
When a brief lull occurred in the customer line,
The Head Cashier said, "'Twould would really be fine
If you'd take all these stickers -- There should be enough --
To mark all the Christmas cards; for now they're half off!"
So armed with a big roll of colorful stamps,
I walked to that card table and set up my camp.
'Twas hard to stay focused on the task now at hand...
The finest assortment of cards in the land!
There were cards that were cute; some went for the laugh.
(Buy some of each, 'cause you'll only pay half!)
There were plenty of snowmen and Santas, and such;
And one Holy Family, which I liked very much.
Quite pleased to be given this pleasant new chore,
I realized that this break would likely do more
To replenish my spirit and make me feel new
Than a banana and coffee break ever could do!
Totally immersed now in reaching each box,
I piled them 'round me like so many rocks
(Rememb'ring, of course, their oringinal places;
All must be returned to their very own spaces).
Concentrating hard on doing the job right,
Gave me cause to worry o'er the plight of my sight...
Looking up for a moment from all of those piles,
Lo, what I beheld gave my heart cause to smile!
Standing there quietly, watching me work
Was what I consider one of this job's best "perks;"
A Little Old Man in a pristine ball cap,
Just keeping busy 'til time for his nap.
He picked up a box of cards to inspect --
I showed him some more, thinking, "Oh, what the heck!"
He was a customer -- buying or not,
And I wasn't moving too far from this spot.
We shared all our insights on holiday greetings;
'Twas clearly a case of like minds a-meeting!
(He made me think, of course, of my dad --
Most likely because of that ball cap he had.)
His eyes, how they twinkled as he bid me good day;
I felt a strange longing as he walked away.
But the feeling of Happy stayed with me a while,
And the rest of the day, my heart kept its smile.
So I've made up my mind -- even when I am busy,
With a list that would make a dervish feel dizzy,
If given a chance like this one again,
I always shall "break" for little old men!


Cindy Ricksgers said...

I love this, Kate! I'm so glad you posted it now so that I could enjoy it! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Cindy -- I'm glad you enjoyed.

richard chisholm said...

First time I've seen it. I love it. In a few more years I'll be one of those "little old men'.

Unknown said...

Yep, Rick. I once wrote a poem for my dad that had the line, "now that we're the same age." Feels like it's come true!