Tuesday, December 16, 2008

His Name was Juan...

Bradford Pear Tree felled by Ice, Winter 2003, by Greg Fischer

...Juan Estevan Salado. 25 years old. From Charlotte, North Carolina.


He had a 6-year old son, and a sister who lives in Florida. And a mother who is still alive, I think. He lost his father when he was young.


Yesterday was my nephew, Kristofer's, birthday -- his 25th birthday. The same age as Juan Salado.


I can't imagine what was inside the mind and heart of the shooter who got away. I can only picture Ice.


Even though witnesses saw him run out the back service entrance of the store and get into a dark-colored car that was parked at a nearby bank, no one saw which direction that car took as he drove off. Everyone who was outside was focused on the 25-year-old victim with a gunshot wound to his head. (In retrospect, I'm sure there are a few people who wish they'd taken time to note the license plate number of that dark-colored vehicle.)


One report mentioned a second guard in the Brinks truck. Did he have any training or instruction in what to do in case something like this ever happened? Surely something like this was never supposed to happen...His partner was 25 years old. He had a six-year-old son. It was the week before Christmas.


Most likely, he was in shock. Frozen. Unable to do anything.


I wonder if he had a gun. If he did, did he think of using it? I'm sure there was no time -- to think, or to shoot. (Then he, too, might have become a murderer in the week before Christmas.)


I wonder where the shooter is hiding. It was reported that he got some Brinks bags -- maybe two or three -- presumably with money in them. Probably a lot of money to someone who doesn't have any -- someone who needs it so badly, he's willing to kill someone else to get it. Will he be able to spend it? On what? Did he need it for food, or to buy gifts for his family? Drugs? What?


He shot a man twice in the head, without warning. At 10:00 in the morning. In a nice neighborhood shopping center. My mind won't even let me try to imagine what is inside him. (Besides Ice, that is.) Where is he? Did he get far, or is he hiding somewhere nearby?


As of 6:00 tonight (Wednesday), he remains un-captured. Oh -- the police say he should be considered armed and dangerous. (Thank you.)


I'm only speculating, of course, but even though he appears (for now) to have gotten away with a crime that was horribly bold, I don't feel like he was some kind of a mastermind genius criminal. I can't help but wonder if he's ever done anything like this before. Was this the first time he'd shot someone? Was he just a guy who had become a victim of desperate circumstances? Had he recently lost a job -- or just been unsuccessful in finding one? Did he simply let go of the last thread that was holding him to reality?


And I wonder if he's sorry. Is he really made of Ice?


I can't imagine. And I can only try to imagine what it's like to be Juan Salado's sister. Or his mother. Maybe his aunt.


The only other thing I can think of is to pray...


Unknown said...

The young man that was killed was my "brother", my friend and my confidont. It is hard to even imagine my life without Juan or as we call him "Jay". He is one of the best if not THE best father and person you would have ever met. If you were ever down it wouldn't be for long because when he walked in the room or if you even heard his voice your face would light up. I thank God for the years we had together and he will truly be missed. I can still hear his laugh in my head. I can't thank the "Angels" enough who were nearby that came to his aid when this happened. Thank you for being by my brothers side in his last minutes.

I love you Juan "Jay" Salado
Keyna Ricks

Unknown said...

Kenya, Thank you for your comment. I am so sorry for your devastating loss. If you're reading this, I just want you to know that I am keeping you in my prayers and in my heart. Your brother's death has deeply affected me.