Monday, December 20, 2010

Meagan's Birthday Blog

For me, my daughter's birthday will always be intertwined with Christmas. She was supposed to arrive on December 2, which would have put a few weeks between her birthday and Christmas. But she waited until December 22 to make her [overdue] appearance. And she complains because the two celebrations often seem to overlap. (Sorry, Meagan -- Remember: On your birthday, you get presents. On Christmas, you give presents.)

(Meagan and Charlie, Sept. 2010, by Kelly Kano Photography)

This is my beautiful daughter, Meagan, with her beautiful daughter, Charlotte. Meagan and I are alike in a lot of ways, although she'd probably say we're dissimilar in more ways. But without question, one way in which we are identical is the way we feel about our daughters!

Meagan has said things like, "I just can't believe how much I love her," to which I reply, "So now you know how much I love you." It's true, and I can prove it; I wrote it in the journals that I kept for Meagan when she was a baby. I once wrote about holding her for hours, just watching her sleep. I had started crying because the love I felt for her was so overwhelming. (I came across that entry shortly after Meagan had told me the same thing about holding Charlie while she slept.)

So now Meagan's a mom, and one of my greatest joys is watching her with Charlie. The joy on Charlie's face whenever Mommy walks in the door is enough to trigger those "overwhelming" tears -- or maybe it's the look on Meagan's face that does that to me. She can't seem to put her stuff down and get out of her coat fast enough to get that baby back into her arms!

I am proud of my daughter for a lot of reasons, but seeing the way she loves and cares for Charlie fills me near to bursting! This Birthday/Christmas celebration will be even more special because of little Charlie. Our family has been blessed, and I am grateful.

Happy Birthday, Meagan -- I hope you have a beautiful day!

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