Friday, January 22, 2010

My Hair: A Trivial Matter of [No] Small Concern

This week my hair has become the topic of an ongoing "thread" of discussion on facebook. Well, not just my hair. We were also talking about some of my friends' hair. You know, the tendency hair gets to need be reminded what color it's supposed to be...How, when it starts fading to gray, we have to apply something that resembles its "true" color. Or not. Sometimes we just say, "Oh, to hell with it!" and pick some other color -- even if it's a color not normally seen on hair. Like this...

Kate, June 2005 -- The "Crazy" Summer

Actually, what started the discussion was a comparison of childhood hairstyles. I remembered how my mother always cut "smiley" bangs for me, and spent God knows how long coaxing it around her finger into "banana curls." (She later subjected me to pincurls over my ears so I could resemble Bozo the Clown. Too bad she never thought about dying it red back then!)

Kate, circa 1955 -- "Smile!"

But back to the subject at hand -- The way my hair looks now!

Kate, January 22, 2010 -- A Work in Progress

And this is a good hair day. Those are few, and far between. (Actually, the only difference between a good hair day and a bad hair day is that on a bad hair day (i.e., three out of four), the sides of my bangs curl out from my face in a smiley flip.)

Although I have received a few compliments recently on what I've "done with my color," I would prefer to withdraw from my life until I've returned to what I hope will be a nice, silvery gray. (Because, you know, the most important thing in life is to look good -- or at least look like you're trying!) But since I can't do that, I look at old photos of when I did have gray hair to remind me that it might be worth waiting out...

Kate, circa 2003 -- Talk-Talk-Talk...

And to show that I bear no grudges against my mom for the bangs and pincurls, I'd like to include this picture of My Dazzling Daughter Meagan, Mom and me from Mom's last Thanksgiving. I think she'd approve of my gray hair now. (And she'd definitely aprove of me becoming a grandma in a couple of weeks!)

Meagan, Rose and Kate, Thanksgiving 2000

1 comment:

Leslie said...

This just popped into my blog reader - a bit delayed, because you're already a grandma! (congrats!) ok, so the hair - but let's look at the eyes. They're green, 'cept in the one with the gray hair, they're blue. You have beautiful eyes, grammakate!
And a beautiful heart to go with 'em!
No matter what color your hair is!