Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bow Tie: The Award

My Awesome Husband Greg and Some Other Guys Wearing Bow Ties (Kate's LRDC, Oct. 24, 2009)

Last weekend the awards gods were smiling on the Fischers...

First, as I've already documented in this blog ("Barn Scene/Pencake Free Ecard">, Jan. 9, 2010), I found out that I had been named a co-winner in a drawing contest. Nothing worth blogging about, really, but I was inordinately pleased with myself for several hours.

Then, as My Awesome Husband Greg and I were on our way to the installation banquet for the Greensboro Tarheel Chorus later that evening, he informed me that he'd been informed by our Dazzling Daughter Meagan that her Awesome (but Untouted) Husband Joe had been dubbed "Employee of the Year" the night before! Now that's something to blog about. Unfortunately, Meagan doesn't blog; and since Joe doesn't, either, I get that he's not the kind of guy who likes to tell everyone about everything he does. So I'll just say that we're very proud of him, feel certain that he deserved the honor, and leave it at that...

But really, congratulations, Joe -- We've very proud of you, and know that you deserved it!

(On top of that, Meagan and Joe's team won the company's annual Trivial Pursuit tournament, but they probably wouldn't want me bragging about that either.)

Now let's see...Seems like there was something else...

Oh yeah! That installation banquet I mentioned earlier...the one we were on our way to when I heard Joe and Meagan's good news? Well, that was where MAHG was given a fine-looking framed document declaring that he was the Barbershopper of the Year! (That's BOTY. Bow Tie. Get it?)

You talk about proud!

Of course, I'm talking about myself being proud, not Greg. Greg was, in fact, humbled by the honor. He really hadn't seen it coming. But everything that the group's president said in presenting the award was absolutely true: Greg is always there, ready to help in any capacity necessary; but more than that, he's a natural leader -- he's able to see what needs to be done to improve a situation, knows how to get it done, and does it.

Greg's like that at home, too, but I'm sorry to say that he doesn't get plaques and accolades for it. He probably should, but he's lucky if I stop complaining and remember to say thanks every once in a while. That must be why he was so surprised to be lauded for those qualities.

Well, let me say here that MAHG also deserved his award, and that I was very proud to stand up with him that night (even though I'd worked all day, hadn't had time to put on fresh makeup, was wearing colors that were not on my "most flattering" list and my hair looked like a pile of multi-colored crap -- Sorry, Honey!)

Oh, one more thing: Greg has a wonderful voice, and he loves to sing. That's why he joined the Chorus. His singing around the house (as he has done nearly every single day that we've been together) is one thing about him that I will never take for granted!


Jackie said...

I have heard YAHG's pipes, and they are indeed awsome! Congrats to all the family award winners! But YOU've got the prize(s)!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Jackie -- I agree!