Monday, April 27, 2009

What the Doctor Actually Said...

"Frowny-Face Doctor" by Kate, 4/27/09 (MSN Paint)

Let's see now...I guess the last time I posted an actual doctor blog was January 21 (Happy Doctor with Reservations Blog). You remember, of course -- the one where I was "happy because I got what I wanted for now," and was looking forward to posting one last doctor blog, the title of which would be Ecstatic Doctor Blog...

It was the one where I outlined Doctor Pulmonologist's plan for me to gradually reduce my intake of prednisone from 40 milligrams to 20 by the end of March. That's what he actually said, and it's what I actually did...except for I guess I got a little bit ahead of myself -- er, I mean I got a little bit ahead of Dr. Pulmonolgist -- resulting in the Frowny-Face Doctor picture above.

Really, I didn't mean to displease the good doctor -- I do still love him, you know. It's just that my dislike for that ornery little pill which I must confront daily far outweighs my love for a doctor whom I only see once every few months! So I decided to listen to my little Inner Doctor, who, to be honest, hasn't completely finished Med School yet. I can see that that was not a wise decision, as evidenced by the return of blue fingers, hacky cough and gaspy voice once I reached 10 milligrams. (You see, I sort of forgot that I wasn't supposed to reach 10 milligrams until after my appointment with Dr. P. earlier this month. I had hit that mark with two weeks still left in March. I guess I can see why he was ever so slightly disapproving -- although still very nice about expressing his disapproval.)

Anyway, I anxiously showed up for my appointment a couple weeks ago with a general feeling of shame -- I knew this was not going to be the Ecstatic Doctor appointment I had hoped for a few months ago!

Sure enough. He didn't yell at me or anything -- Dr. Pulmonologist is way too kind for that. (However, I did sort of yell at My Awesome Husband Greg later, on the way home, for acting like a big fat tattletale without even bothering to get facts straight!) But without my beloved doctor so much as raising his voice (or an eyebrow), I could tell I had let him down -- something which I really hated to do, and something about which I would obsess for hours later on. But that's the subject of another blog...Here's Dr. Pulmonogist's new plan (a plan to which I promise to completely adhere this time!):

He told me to return to 15 milligrams of that yucky drug, and to remain there through the end of May. Which I have done, and I am happy to announce that after two weeks on that dosage, I'm back where I was before I began the whole weaning process in January! (Note: The good and wise doctor did say that, although I may have to stay on a low dose FOREVER, that 15 milligrams is better than 40. I agree. But being me, I have to ask...Did I ever really need 40 then? Hmmm...)

Anyway, according to the new plan, in June I can cut back again to 10 milligrams, and I'll see Dr. P. mid-month, when he'll test my pulmonary function again. (Another note: Dr. Pulmonologist and I jointly decided not to do that test at my April appointment, since -- thanks to my taking things into my own hands -- I was apparently right back where I had started in October (How Does Your Pulmonary Function?, 10/8/08). Thank God that is no longer the case! (Really -- thanks, God!)

So that's where we are now, Bloggees. I'm feeling pretty good -- definitely better than I did on 40 milligrams. Still a little puffy, of course, but at least my clothes fit comfortably again. (I am glad, however, that I don't really have to pull my pants on over my head, because it's apparently gonna take less than 15 milligrams to shrink my big fat face back to it's normal size!) I can clog and walk fast (perhaps even run, if I so desired) without my fingers changing hue. I can read and ramble on for hours (apparently) without gasping for words (and isn't that great news, everyone?!!) Really -- my Inner Doctor is telling me that I just might be able to get off the stuff entirely. Of course I know he's an idiot, but this time I can't help but hope he's right!

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