Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Official -- I'm Old!

"Old Kate," Nov. 2002 (by Greg)

Haven't you read -- or heard -- about how the grocery store is a good place for singles to meet? Well, for whatever reason, that thought must have been stirring deep within the recesses of my mind last night as I offered my place in line to the gentleman with only one item behind me. Oh, I don't mean I was thinking, hey, he's kind of cute, or anything like that. In fact, at that point I was simply thinking that it would be nice for me to let him go first. Now I'm just searching for something to explain why, a few minutes later, I thought to be sure that my wedding ring was visible -- like I thought he might be hitting on me or something...
When I offered to let him front me, he said, "Oh, no -- that's okay." When I asked if he was sure, he laughed and said, "Hey, this gets me out of the house for a while!" I laughed back, and told him to enjoy himself then.
So standing there, he looked at my basket and asked if those Fiber One bars were any good. I told him that they actually were, and that they did have nine grams of dietary fiber (!) per serving -- that's more than a serving of the Shredded Wheat 'n Bran that was also in my basket. He assured me that he had checked the nutritional value of the bars already -- he just wondered if they tasted good. His wife had told him that the bran muffins he made for her tasted like cardboard.
I rest my case. When you have a conversation about the fiber content of your groceries, you're old, right?
Oh -- and P.S. -- I'm fat now, too...

Nah -- just kidding (sort of)! I had Karen "enhance" this picture she took of me in Ohio so she could show my other sisters what prednisone was doing to me. If I have to stay on it much longer, this may become a reality. For now, though, I just look like I've had a helium injection. (Please note, though, that this photo does bear evidence of my cowboy-boot mishap at work on Christmas Eve!)

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