Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Everyone has something. Most of us have more than one thing. One of my many things is merging onto highways. Of course sometimes I have to do it, although given a choice, I will always drive extra miles and/or minutes--even hours--if there's a back way. It's not that anything bad has ever happened to me while merging. I've had more mishaps in parking lots than on the road. But for some reason, if I have to go somewhere that involves driving on a highway, I will toss and turn most of the night, my stomach churning with anxiety.

Such was my state in the early hours of last Friday, when I had agreed to drive my Jordyn to school--about 30 minutes and three separate highways away. I had no trouble getting out of bed at 5:00. I'd been awake for hours. Several cups of coffee with my good friends at The Weather Channel, and Jordyn and I were ready to hit the road. (One of us might have only been pretending that it was no big deal.)

"I feel like we're starting off on a vacation," I said, feeling positively adventurous as I lowered the visor against the early morning sun and pulled out of the driveway. With Jordyn as my co-pilot, I knew I'd have no trouble finding my way...it was just all those e-merge-ncies!

As always, my worry was for nothing. Cars pulled over to open the lane for me, and I tried to be a considerate driver, accelerating to near lift-off speed before I pulled out. I used my turn signals appropriately, and stayed in the slow lane, even though I was driving considerably faster than I'm used to. Twenty-five minutes later, I was dropping Jordyn off at the main entrance of Allen Jay Preparatory Academy. (And I didn't even pull away before she had a chance to retrieve her gigantic backpack from the backseat, although she has no idea how close I came to doing so!)

Only one wrong turn in the school parking lot which left me feeling slightly rattled, and I was once again merging onto Business 85...

Business 85! This can't be right! I wasn't on Business 85! How did I get here?!!

Just as full-blown panic was starting to set in, I saw it: Guilford College Road Exit 2 miles!

I practically live on Guilford College Road! I knew if I could just make it to that exit, I could make it home in a safe and relaxed manner, even if it took me until lunchtime!

And guess what--it only took a half-hour. Five minutes more than it would have if I'd used the highway. The relief I experienced was well worth those extra minutes. I think I have a plan for the rest of the year...


Cindy Ricksgers said...

I know exactly how you feel! I drive downstate as much as possible without ever getting on a freeway. I prefer two way traffic that allows me to get off easily when I need to, and drive at a better pace.

Unknown said...

Yes! And don't you also find that having to stop at a traffic light allows to regroup and get a sense of your surroundings? Maybe? Does that make sense?

Unknown said...

I'm with you all the way! Merging in traffic is anxiety filled for me too. I really don't like making left turns at major intersections! I will spend time thinking of a way to go making only right turns! Where I live there are few major roads! :-)

Unknown said...

This is Julie not Charlie! LOL

Unknown said...

Julie, that's me, too! Greg makes fun of me all the time, but I enjoy the challenge!