Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Training Day

Dj "training," Archdale NC, by Greg, 11/07

No, not that kind of training! (But cool picture, anyway.)

Today was my first official day of training at Barnes & Noble. I had a very nice time there...


(1) The management team members -- at least the ones I've met so far -- appear to be very calm and laid back. For example, the training manager whom I was told to see this morning seemed completely unflustered that I had arrived a few minutes early, making it necessary for him to step outside and meet me before he could let me in. (He even said it was good that I was early -- And yes, I did sit up just a little bit taller as I typed that.)

Training Manager also seemed not the least perturbed that the interviewing manager -- the one who had told me to come in this morning and ask for Training Manager -- was so laid back, he hadn't even bothered to tell Training Manager that I was coming in. The only data poor Training Manager had were the words "Katherine" and "training" on his calendar! He couldn't have been more gracious, though, as he put me into the System. He even gave me the secret code to the Staff Only room that's back beside the ladies room. (Don't even ask, because I am not going to tell you!)

Laid-back and easy-going are nice, I think. I believe I'm going to like working with those guys. (Naturally, I hope that Interview Manager will eventually get my name right.)

(2) The other people who work there are all very friendly and helpful. Of course I already knew that from numerous encounters I 've had with them as a customer. I think it's because they're happy. Everyone knows it's easier to be nice when we're happy, right? Maybe they're happy because Barnes & Noble is such a great place to work. (It certainly appears to be.) But I think they're probably happy because they love books. Who wouldn't be happy if their job involved being surrounded by something that they love?!!

(3) Something that I have always believed to be true -- that if one can read, one can learn anything that one desires, can access whatever information one needs -- has been proven to me beyond question throughout this training process. Although I have yet to log in one hour of actual work, I have now spent close to five hours learning B&N's practices and procedures by reading their manuals. How lost I would have been if the gift of reading had not been nurtured in me by my parents from the time I was an infant! Thank you Mom and Dad. (I think I can truthfully say that reading is one gift I have never taken for granted.)

(4) Customers at Barnes & Noble are, for the most part, nice, friendly people. Happy people. Probably for the same reason the people who work there are.

(5) Shoe choice is important, of course. But perhaps even more important is sock choice. One should not wear socks with seams across the toes if one is going to be standing up for five hours. I'm not complaining about standing, mind you. I find standing for five hours highly preferable to sitting at a desk for five hours. I'm just saying that I'm going to have to learn some new "stocking" techniques. (Not to be confused with "shelving" techniques, which I understand is to be part of my job, eventually.)

So that was my first Training Day. I have another one on Friday. Friday's should be more "hands-on" -- hands on the cash register, that is! (But hopefully still laid-back and friendly, of course.) I brought my training manual home so I can actually rehearse my lines..."Will you be saving 10% by using your Membership Discount Card? What? No?!!! Well, do you wanna?" (Hey -- Cash Register Manager said there's no actual script, ok?)

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